
Now that the heaven has undergone such changes, when do you plan to leave?

[Holy] looked at the Holy Grail in front of him without any reaction, and felt that his already bulging belly was slowly getting smaller at this moment...

Especially after seeing that the Holy Grail had no light, I felt a little panicked...

She wasn't sure if Yang Jiang had left here~

It was precisely because of being so anxious that seeing such changes made me feel like I couldn't bear to leave my own child.

When we really face separation, all kinds of maternal worries in our hearts emerge at this moment ~

Even if Zhen Hong is sitting nearby and watching, it doesn't matter to [Sheng].

[Saint] has a promise with Yang Jiang that they will meet again in the future world.

I don’t even want to believe that Yang Jiang will just leave here without saying something...

Moreover, she didn't even know what kind of situation they would meet again, and what kind of things would they face in the end?

From [Sheng]’s perspective, these are things that cannot be predicted in advance~

This is his sacred weapon. Is it just left here? Has he already left?

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see any reaction. Even Zhenhong was a little uncertain at the moment.

Something that happened like this suddenly made them feel the same way~

Even though I had already prepared myself in my heart, I still felt a bit disappointed...


This stinking Holy Grail can really be made!

You told me those things without saying a word, but you left here without saying a word...

Sister, what do you think I should do~

The thing he showed me is still fresh in my mind. I'm afraid of what I will do if it comes true one day...

Zhenhong thought that Kanzaki Yang had left this world and was carrying out nonsensical fantasies...

And it was true that after communicating for so long without getting a response, [Sheng] touched Zhenhong’s head.

The two of them left here, because Tianji still had some things to deal with~

Now that we are in the stage of birth, being unable to speak is really not a wonderful thing!

Kanzaki Yang answered this in his mind~

Obviously, he felt a little speechless about such a mechanism~

I have to say that there is something about this guy who is really famous.

But at this moment, he checked the progress of his birth and found that it was already at 99%.

It won't be long before his real body lands in this world, and he can choose which world to return to based on the actual situation.

【Ding! 】

[The progress has reached 100%! The birth begins! 】

Soon the sound of the Ark's red ball was heard, and the Holy Grail burst out with a very dazzling golden light~

At the same time, when such a process began, the whole world was blessed by the power of faith...

Under this kind of blessing, the purity of the golden power of faith was already high enough.

But after the blessing, it looked even worse, pure and pure, without any impurities~

The Holy Grail suddenly reflected a shadow in front of him, and his whole body was wrapped in golden light.

It is constantly turning in place, waiting for the change in time, and some changes will occur in the body.

I saw that a substantial body was condensing into shape and becoming substance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole process did not take too long, and Kanzaki Yang slowly opened his eyes.

It's really...

This kind of long-awaited experience seems amazing!

Kanzaki Yang murmured to himself, this feeling of familiarity was really wonderful~

So much so that after he completely completed his birth, he still recalled such beauty...

This is a re-established belief system, and it will no longer cause the world to collapse because of any actions of oneself.

Because, this is almost equivalent to re-establishing it by yourself~

How can your own things be broken?

What's more, this is completely unreasonable, and I don't know how to say it~


Let me see what they are doing now~

Kanzaki Yang released his mental power, feeling the current [Holy] and True Red, and raised a curve at the corner of his mouth.

I wonder what their expressions will look like when they see me later~

He was also very excited about what their expressions would look like~

Especially Zhenhong, she seems to have never forgotten her destiny in the future...

This matter really gave him a headache, and he didn't know how to solve it~

I have completely completed my birth, and I am feeling the world now. Everything is functioning and functioning in an orderly manner~

Zhenhong is accompanying [Sheng] on patrol in the heaven to see how miraculous those changes will be~

At this moment, [Sheng] suddenly touched his belly without any warning.

Some are not sure, but it has returned to normal...

No, it's birth! [Sheng] murmured, with a hint of expectation and surprise in his eyes~

Sister, what are you talking about? Zhenhong asked with a confused face.

She doesn't know, birth? What was the reason for his birth?

557 Such things were enough to make her feel a little confused.

[Holy] Ignoring the upcoming inspection, he hurried towards Kanzaki Yang.

I hope it's not too late at this point, and I hope Yang-chan hasn't left...

When they came here, everything seemed so surprising~

is it you?

[Saint] slowly walked forward and looked at the handsome young man with blond hair and black eyes in front of her with some fondness. Various complex emotions gradually emerged from her expression...

Even Zhenhong finds it a bit unbelievable, he is such a handsome guy~

Such a beautiful scene made her forget the harsh words she just said in front of the Holy Grail~

There are even some who feel that what she said is boring. If she had known that, she would not have said that...

It's me. Kanzaki Yang's smile was very gentle, completely melting [Sheng]'s heart.

This kind of beautiful scene that I only saw in books was seen with my own eyes.

I have to say, this is really a fateful thing~

The two people just looked at each other, and no one bothered them.

Including Zhen Hong, who has been observing behind [Sheng], he doesn’t want to disturb such a beautiful scene at this moment~

Instead, he stood there quietly guarding her. He could not be disturbed by other angels. .

Chapter 334

As the Holy Son on this timeline who didn't stay here for too long, he was finally born at an accelerated pace.

Kanzaki Yo's inner feelings are complicated right now~

He didn't know how to face such emotions, especially after the real birth~

But in addition, it also brought him a lot of benefits...

[Sheng] walked up to him and gently touched his cheek with both hands~


Everything seems so light, and there doesn’t seem to be any sense of violation~

As the ruler of heaven, [Holy] now no longer has any sense of arrogance in front of Kanzaki Yang~

What's more important is that he looked like a clinging bird, gradually snuggling into his arms~

Kanzaki Yang didn't know how to put his hands. When he was actually faced with it, the sudden embarrassment almost made him at a loss.

It's so good~ This feeling is so good~

[Holy] said softly. What Kanzaki Yang didn't notice was that a tear fell down in the corner of her eye~

It seemed extremely mysterious, even if he didn't feel it at the first time~

Such a change seemed very rapid, and he could only smile bitterly.

But he is unable to change these other things, especially the problem of returning to the future world~

After crossing such a large time span, coming to this timeline still gave him a huge gain...



There's no need to feel so pessimistic~ As long as we have faith, we will definitely have time to meet in the future, right~

However, don't be too sad about this matter...

When you take care of things here, I think it will be time for us to meet again~

He comforted [Sheng] in his arms, knowing that she must be feeling very lost now.

Even with some complexity, and more perhaps at a loss~

The great God of the Bible now displays such maternal brilliance.

This is a kind of brilliance that is almost substantial and can be displayed at any time. At least he has not seen it in other angels, and he has not even felt it at all.

I thought…

You left just now~ That's why you went to patrol the heaven. When I have solved the problems here early, I will go to the future world to find you~

【Sacred】I am suddenly very happy that my guess is right, and I don’t have to prevent such big problems~

As long as the operation is done well, don't be afraid of troubles. Now I just enjoy the seemingly short-term gentleness ~

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly, he also wanted to leave quickly!

But now, we still have to let Ark Red Ball figure out the powerful wishing machine...

What if the other party is deliberately waiting for me to return to the future, and at that moment, travel through endless time and space to forcibly kill me...

The consequences of this would be worse than staying in [Saint]’s belly and waiting slowly for birth~

That's all kinds of things that specialize in killing super-dimensional humans or beyond.

As long as it is filled with a certain form, once it is targeted by the powerful wish-making machine, there will never be peace...

Maybe he will stay in heaven until the red ball of the Ark comes up with this calculation~

It's actually not that easy to leave quickly~

Now that things have reached this point, I can tell you some things~

You may find it incredible, but this is what really happened.

He said slowly, even Zhenhong pricked up his ears and listened~

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