Then it will cause more trouble for him to return to the future world~

With the continuous development of this process, the belief system has been established, and the glory of heaven has descended on the earth and shined in the hearts of these people.

These are devout believers and are blessed by angels.

At the same time, the power of faith has been shared with other pantheons invisibly, which has basically completed the role of assimilation.

Now the world on this timeline has become an independent belief system, the golden power of faith exclusive to the Bible.

And the heaven seems to have become the core of this world.


After working on it for so long, it's finally done...

Kanzaki Yang breathed a long sigh of relief, expressing the relief in his heart.

Even if it’s not actually that easy, it’s probably pretty good to be able to do this~

Yang-chan~ How are you feeling now~ [Sheng] asked with concern.

[Sheng] knows very well that once the belief system is truly completed, it will be time for him to leave...

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Her eyes became a little complicated, and she didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment...

If it simply refers to the changes in the heaven, of course she is extremely happy.

But if you add in Yang-chan’s next whereabouts, it seems a little sad...

Yeah, you must be tired after such a big change~ Even Zhenhong asked with concern at this moment.

Now these changes have finally been completed, although they don't mean much to her.

But he cares more about his own destiny in the future. Can the Yang Jun in front of him help him change...

Contrary to their expectations, Kanzaki Yang did not answer them immediately.

..... ..... .....

First, the three holy vessels were returned to their positions. The Holy Grail in front of them burst out with a dazzling golden light, which was more brilliant and dazzling than before.

Even [Saint] feels that this kind of light is even stronger than his own~

And all of this is the background shown by Yang Jiang. As a nominal mother, and now having such a subtle relationship, [Sheng] feels very excited~

Determine! Is the current new belief system complete enough?

【Yes! 】

Kanzaki Yang did not answer their words immediately, but used [Absolute Dualism] to make the final judgment.

Only when he is sure that the system has been perfected can he accelerate his reincarnation.

More importantly, how much will he be able to gain after reincarnation is completed.

Ark Red Ball was not able to give him a complete answer before this~

But for him, being unlocked by the almighty red ball is already the best conclusion to the current situation...

This should be something I do for heaven...

Feeling their gazes, Kanzaki Yang said slowly.

Yes, my Yang-chan~ I have already felt this earth-shaking change...

It's just that I feel very sorry because you are leaving this world soon, right...

[Saint]'s eyes were complicated, and the golden light on his body was now stronger than before.

In addition, Zhenhong and Gabriel were also waiting expectantly for the answer in front of them... Knife.

Chapter 332

The current world has undergone such changes and development, but [Holy] and the others are more concerned about where Kanzaki Yang should go next...

Quietly waiting for Kanzaki Yang's answer ~ I hope he can satisfy their curiosity ~

You're right~ In fact, I could have left here long ago.

Then Kanzaki Yang gave an affirmative answer, and a look of reluctance immediately appeared on [Sheng]'s face.

After Gabriel saw it, he felt a strange feeling in his heart~

In the past, such a situation would never happen to the goddess!

This is enough to show that the goddess has made so many changes for the sake of the Holy Son.

At present, I don’t know whether such a change will be beneficial to the heaven, or whether it will do more harm than good...

As one of the four Seraphs, Gabriel did not dare to make this affirmation...

After this trip, you shouldn't be coming back to Wuwuqi again, right? Zhenhong asked with concern.

She is very concerned about her fate in the future, and she doesn't know if this will be involved in Yang Jun's plan?

There is something mysterious about this kind of thing~


Before I am fully prepared and encounter the most dangerous situation, I think it will be difficult to come back here...

Kanzaki Yang said with a wry smile, this was originally a beautiful accident~

But on the eve of leaving...

We still need to finish explaining everything about this big stall~

Well~ now you can feel the changes in heaven from before~

The belief system has been re-established, I think you will be very busy next~

Before leaving, I have to help you consolidate everything...

Then he continued, and at this moment, he was slowly condensing his flesh and blood body in the Holy Grail~

I don't know what kind of surprise or other expressions the three people in front of me will have after seeing my appearance.

Even now, he would be a little curious about this ~

Everyone is curious, let alone returning to this timeline~

The value on the electronic watch has been cleared, which means that this world will no longer face the collapse of the world after the belief system is re-established.

[Holy] nodded and lowered his eyebrows, closed his eyes, and felt the changes in the heaven now...

Full of endless vitality, pregnant with more hope, it will bring more light to this belief system...

This is the meaning of the new belief system.

However, [Sheng] knew more clearly that this would become the meaning of the existence of heaven in the future.

Being able to do all this is thanks to Yang Jiang in front of me.

Without his help, Tianjie would not be the biggest beneficiary of this matter.

Even if the heaven is created, no matter how close the relationship between them is, [Sage] still has to sigh at the greatness of Yang Jiang~

In today's world, even she, the God of the Bible, may not have such a broad mind...


Thank you~ I don't even know what to say now...

From a side perspective, Yang Jiang helped [Sheng] such a big favor, but he couldn't give back to him in an equivalent way.

Such a gap actually caused a strange feeling in [Sacred] Heart.

And this feeling cannot be compensated by other aspects~

Even Gabriel at this moment, and even all the angels in heaven.

When they learned that all this was a dividend brought to them by the Holy Son, they prayed devoutly and sincerely.

I hope their holy son can grow up as soon as possible and become better and better at the same time~

There seems to be no need to say these polite things between us~

Kanzaki Yang replied, speaking from his heart.

It's just that he is very curious as to why the body's recovery speed is so slow now~

How long will it take to recover? We have to think carefully about whether we should return to the world of Red Tong Zhan first.

There is more time now, and while he is asking about the red ball of the Ark, he is feeling the imperfections in heaven and this world.

Just looking at it based on my own experience, it has become quite perfect ~

This is not even in his heyday, but also thanks to the Three Sacred Artifacts showing a more powerful effect~

[The recovery level has reached 30%, and the universal red ball has unlocked the host. The specific world to return to depends on the host's own decision after weighing it! 】

Yang Kanzaki thought thoughtfully, and the recovery purity has now reached 30%.

He also feels that some of the previous things are gradually returning, and everything is developing in a good direction...

As for which world to go to...

I feel a bit headache, maybe I have to make further judgment through [Absolute Dualism] ~

He would not dare to touch something as dangerous as the universal red ball...

If it is locked by her for a second time, even the red ball of the Ark will be destroyed.

With such checks and balances, it will cause him to return to reality even if he returns to the future world.

In some matters, he also needs to weigh the pros and cons, and can no longer act as recklessly as before...

How much do you think my strength can be restored after my accelerated reincarnation?

He continued to ask such questions, perhaps only Ark Red Ball could answer him.

To deal with such uncertainty, we must carefully calculate every step~

And everything he did today will bring him great convenience in the future.

But at such a moment, I got the silence of Ark Red Ball. It seems that Ark Red Ball is not too sure...

This is a tricky thing. If this is the case, then we can only take it one step at a time.

No matter how carefully I feel the progress of my current reincarnation, I have almost reached the full process of reincarnation.

But after all, he is a [Saint]. In a conceptual sense, he came from pregnancy, which also allows him to possess a very powerful maternal brilliance.

I wonder what changes I will bring to this world after I am born?

Still in this situation of accelerating 2.2, this actually aroused some curiosity in him~

Determine whether the successful birth can make this world more perfect and consolidated?

He couldn't wait to carry out [Absolute Dualism] to confirm his argument. Of course, it was also a conjecture...

[Yes! After the birth is successful, the world will continue to undergo some subtle changes! ]

After the judgment was successful, he breathed a sigh of relief.

For such a big thing, except for the attention of the Almighty Red Ball, everything else is nothing.

At least in his opinion, no matter how troublesome other things are, they can be easily solved with his strength~

But for the universal red ball, based on his current understanding, it is still a bit tricky...

He won't touch it unless absolutely necessary! .

Chapter 333

Gabriel had already gone down to tell the other three Seraphs, and quickly got into work...

When such a change occurs, of course they have to make some summaries~

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