[Holy] This time, it’s rare that I didn’t think about Zhenhong, but supported Yang-chan~

It's just a fight in Juwang Town, Shiva and Shakti will not make the matter too big~

Otherwise, they will not only face the heaven, but even face all the demons. That is not a situation they are happy to see~

Doubling the pressure on the fishing boat will not be good for them, but will cause a lot of trouble~.

Chapter 330

Well~ you want to see the real me...

While [Sheng] was watching with great interest, Kanzaki Yang suddenly asked.

[Saint]'s eyes were dull for a moment, and soon returned to normal.

She looked at the Holy Grail in front of her with some disbelief. What did this sentence mean?

Is it possible to see the real Yang Jiang in the near future?

I have to say that after his question, [Sheng] had more longing in his heart~

What I saw before was just a condensation of light and shadow. It was not real, and even slightly illusory~

It would be a very happy thing if [Sheng] could see the real and very close Yang Jiang before he left this world.

Is there such hope...

In order to show enough restraint, she still didn't show too much excitement when she spoke~


After Kanzaki Yang answered, he continued to look at the situation in Kuoh Town. Now he had to think about rebuilding the belief system~

In this timeline, it seems that the three sacred artifacts can still be used to re-create a similar paradise.

Heaven already has such a 553 belief foundation, and such a collapse may be a good rebirth~

Perhaps a world of faith unique to heaven will be established here, which is not a bad idea~

At the same time, he can also share the power of faith with other gods. In his opinion, it is a balanced and peaceful situation...

What's more, the Three Sacred Artifacts are originally infinitely close to such a biblical heaven. Without the omnipotent red ball to lock them, there is enough time to complete this matter.

What's more important is that he defeated the Beast King, the beast of 666, and resurrected so many people.

With more power of faith, it is almost the entire human world.

The things we are doing now are not just for Shiva and Shakti, they are nothing more than the icing on the cake for the rebuilt belief system!


Now let's let Zhenhong deal with these two people first.

At this moment in Juwang Town, the original Zhenhong didn't use too many of his abilities.

Suddenly she heard the words from Yu Yangjun, which made her instantly feel that it was time to take action.

After waiting for so long, I finally waited for his answer~

If this continues, Zhen(bdcc) Hong may not be able to control himself, but will have to fight to the death with Shiva.

It's time to end...

The mystery of Zhenhong, coupled with the secret help of Kanzaki Yang, made the pressure on Shiva and Emperor Shakti suddenly become breathless.

The gods who had been paying attention to these battles all felt like the end was coming after seeing this scene.

This is a state of being very scared, but unable to produce any resistance.

It makes them feel that the end of the world is coming and the world is about to end.

What happened...

There was a god who was stunned and muttering some nonsense.

Because at this moment, Shiva and Emperor Shakti were suddenly no match for the Red Dragon God Emperor...

At that moment, it disappeared...

These two people are both among the top ten superpowers in the world, and they are just gone?

I can't sense any of their breath at all, and I don't know whether they are dead or alive.

And it felt like the power of faith had returned to the human world. Three golden rays of light suddenly appeared above Kuoh Town as the center.

Just like that, a large golden area was formed faintly above, as if the heavens were rebuilding the world of faith...

Other gods even feel that they can no longer absorb the power of faith within the original system. Such changes are enough to scare them.

This is of course Kanzaki Yang's masterpiece. In today's security situation, it is easy to have such a masterpiece, and it does not require much effort at all.

Yang-chan~ What are your plans...

[Holy] felt that some changes had taken place in the world today, and looked at the Holy Grail next to him with extremely disbelieving eyes.

She had roughly guessed it in her heart, but she couldn't believe the conclusion...

For her, it is almost impossible.

But in front of Yang Jiang, this matter seems to be no big deal...

Such status and mystery have risen to another level in [Saint]'s heart...

Not long ago, the power of faith in the heavens originally reached a super terrifying city. This was all thanks to the Beast King, and the beast of 666 was defeated by Yang Jiang.

It has almost absorbed the power of faith from the entire human world, but now it seems that it is planning to regroup.

There are more and more sources, and more believers in angels are emitting golden light.

And these are manifestations of the power of faith, and they are all clearly felt by [Saint].

The benefits this brings are undoubtedly huge, because with the blessing of this power of faith, it feels like the entire heaven is becoming more and more powerful.

Hehe~ Just watch quietly...

I think……

This should be the last thing I do before leaving~

Not long after, Kanzaki Yang confirmed that [Saint] had sensed some changes in the world, and then he spoke slowly.

Yang-chan~ you... [Sheng]'s tone was choked with sobs, which was caused by excitement.

He has paid so much for Heaven and for her, what else can [Saint] say...

I'm afraid it will be difficult for Qiu Ji to repay such a kindness in his lifetime...

But this time, the golden light on the believers seemed to be able to invisibly infect everyone around them, spreading from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred, and so on~

The whole world seemed to be boiling, and even the gods of other gods did not take any unnecessary action after sensing this change.

They did not dare to disturb this critical moment, lest the God of the Bible take action himself.

Both Shiva and Shakti, who were powerful enough to a certain extent, have disappeared, and they have even less confidence...

Feel all these changes and absorb the power of faith! Kanzaki Yang smiled and could feel the excitement shown by [Saint].

Soon, with Kuou Town as the center, almost the entire world was connected into a giant golden web!

All the power of faith was reshuffled, and then a new power of faith unique to the heaven was formed.

Even the demons were only surprised by this change.

This is a matter between the major gods, and they will not interfere too much to avoid causing bad situations~

Under such a general trend, these demons will never touch the bottom line of heaven.

Once this bottom line is broken, you will face endless blows from these angels.

They don't want to face these angels from now on. What's more important is that this matter seems to be far from that simple...

Chapter 331

The whole world is undergoing silent changes!

Seeing the golden light of the power of faith appearing, no one dared to question the heaven.

Many gods stick to their own systems and will not pay attention to the changes and development of this matter.

Let's go back! Gabriel suddenly received the message. These lost demons have been dealt with, and there is no need to stay here.

And Zhenhong also followed the angels back to heaven. She was very curious in her heart. Did all this happen naturally, or was it caused by Yang Jun?

The golden area above the sky is clearly made up of three terrifyingly powerful holy weapons!

Even though she was feeling terrified inside, she couldn't even face it normally.

The answer to why such a sudden change can only be found out from Yang Jun.

Other gods are none of her business and are not within the scope of her concern.

Now if you follow Gabriel back to heaven, you may be able to learn the truth of the matter.

In the heaven, [Saint] felt earth-shaking changes, and the person who brought all this was Yang Jiang in the Holy Grail in front of him.

Without the existence of Yang Jiang, these things may not even come~

No matter what, these are worth cherishing~

Yang-chan~ How long will it take... [Sheng] asked curiously.

Kanzaki Yang didn't quite understand such an answer. He was still not sure where the final changes in the world would be.

It's even less clear what benefits it will bring to him, but now Heaven has basically gained all the power of faith.

And assimilation is slowly taking place, and it won't take long before the final belief system can be determined.

My lady goddess!

Gabriel and Zhenhong returned to the heaven, and today's heaven is undergoing substantial changes.

You have worked hard! [Sheng] gave a positive evaluation of the work of the two.

The Stinky Holy Grail, couldn't all this be caused by you...

Zhenhong suddenly came to the Holy Grail, looked at Yang Jun in front of him, and asked curiously.

This change made her almost forget about some things that happened in Juwang Town just now.

He didn't give the order in time at that time, and Zhenhong didn't know what he was thinking.

Looking at it now, could this be the reason for these changes?

For the entire world, this is equivalent to a reshuffle of the situation, and the ultimate beneficiary is the heaven.

Sister really red~

You are right. In fact, this is the best gift Yang-chan gave us before she left this world...

Before Kanzaki Yang could answer, [Sheng] explained.

To do all this is quite remarkable.

So that's it... Zhenhong's eyes were a little complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

But when I actually heard the news, I felt a little disappointed...

In the past, this would have been an unimaginable phenomenon for a being like her~

But now it is no longer strange, and there is not so much that needs to be changed.

If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it later. Now let's complete these steps first...

Then I heard Yang Kanzaki speaking slowly, rebuilding very quickly.

Now that it was basically coming to an end, he felt relieved.

Fortunately, Heaven Realm has such a strong foundation, otherwise it would still take a lot of time.

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