Being able to bring such a large accompanying impact in a conceptual sense means that the things he is doing now can slow down the collapse of the world on the timeline.

If this process continues, Kanzaki Yang can imagine that it may not be necessary to rebuild the world and re-establish the world's belief system.

Eh? My Yang-chan, why don't you speak?

[Holy] I am very happy, very free, and very comfortable releasing the divine brilliance I have now.

But after a long time, I found that the Holy Grail in front of me didn't react at all.

For a while, it is inevitable that I will have many thoughts in my heart.

Is it Yang Jiang who is still angry about what happened just now? [Holy] The expression on his face also became aggrieved~

.々No, no. Kanzaki Yang came back to his senses and responded [Holy].

However, I was still thinking about what had just happened in my heart, and it was inevitable that I would be a little excited.

I really didn't expect that the current heaven would change like this. Kanzaki Yang said slowly.


I thought you would have to wait a while before you could feel the changes in the heaven~

There was some surprise in [Saint]'s tone, she just showed the pure divine radiance in her body.

However, Yang Jiang could feel the changes taking place in the world, which were somewhat beyond her expectations.

My lady goddess!

At this moment, Gabriel walked in.

Ah~Gabriel, you are here, but the Holy Son has already felt the changes in the heaven, so you don't need to say anything~

[Saint] had a hint of apology on his face. He originally wanted to ask Gabriel to collect these changes in the heavens as quickly as possible, and then explain them one by one to (Li Haohao) the Holy Son.

But Yang Jiang had already felt it, so there was no need to say anything.

Yes! Lady Goddess, and the Holy Son, I will go down to handle official business first.

After Gabriel finished speaking, he left here, but there were still some doubts in his heart.

What is the purpose of collecting those reports specifically for the Holy Son?

Although she had doubts in her heart, she was probably full of happiness.

It seems that since the appearance of the Holy Son, the heaven has been developing in a better and better direction~

The soul of every angel in heaven becomes purer, and this purification is very perfect.

Moreover, the entire heavenly environment made all their angels feel unprecedentedly comfortable.

So much so that when I was at work just now, I could process files faster than before.

When making some decisions, the thoughts in my mind are more flexible than before. .

Chapter 305

[Holy] I see these changes in the heaven with my eyes and like them in my heart.

This will mean that the heavens will become more and more powerful, which is undoubtedly very happy for a biblical god like her.

At this moment [Holy] looked at the Holy Grail in front of him with a doting expression.

Heaven is getting stronger and stronger, which means that [Saint] will have more time to accompany Yang Jiang.

Ah~ my Yang-chan, what are you thinking about?

[Holy] I always feel that Yang-chan is always a little bit absent-minded after coming back from Kuoh Town. Could it be that something incredible happened there?

If so, making her Yang Jiang so unhappy, she must step in to solve it.

It's nothing, I just can't believe that I can bring such a big change to the heaven.

Kanzaki Yang came back to his senses, looked at the [Holy] in front of him, and spoke with a wry smile.

Feeling Yang Jiang's wry smile, [Sheng] was able to feel certain in his heart.

I asked why the innocent world has such a big dividend. It seems that it was formed because of Yang-chan.

[Holy] I originally had speculations in my heart, but now after hearing what Yang Kanzaki said, I am basically certain in my heart.

After I became pregnant with Yang Jiang, everything seemed to be moving in a better direction~

At present, this is indeed a good thing.

The angels in heaven and the environment in heaven are all changing as a result.

This also means that the overall strength of the angels will become stronger and stronger in the future, and the position of the biblical pantheon in the major pantheons will become more and more consolidated.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to see other pantheons stand out and surpass their biblical pantheon in the future.

And all these benefits are brought about by Yang Jiang in the Holy Grail in front of him, and the child he worked so hard to conceive, [Sheng] is naturally very happy.

The previous [Holy] was facing the changes in the world, especially the Beast King, the Beast of 666, and the Nordic Gods' challenging authority.

He gained almost all the power of faith in the entire human world before attracting the hatred of other gods.

In the end, the Nordic god type jumped out, but Yang Jiang finally blocked it back.

Every time he faces a critical situation, [Sheng] thinks about protecting the safety of his children and protecting Yang Jiang.

Even if she pressed the entire heaven, she would never let anything happen to Yang Jiang.

But now it seems that Yang Jiang has always been protecting her, where is the infected world~

Thinking of this, Yang Jiang became more and more important in her mind.

No matter what situation we encounter in the future, we must put Yang Jiang first, and we must not let him have any accidents.

That's because now we are coexisting with the mother body, but I didn't expect the changes would be so big~

Looking at the [Saint] in front of him, he was deep in thought, as if he was thinking about something.

In short, he felt that the eyes looking at him were getting weirder and weirder, as if he was the only treasure in [Sacred] Heart.

That unique feeling gave him an indescribable taste in his heart.

Mother-body coexistence? What does this mean!

After his thoughts were pulled out by Kanzaki Yang's words, [Sheng] softly recited this word.

Don't they just coexist now? She became pregnant with him.

Even though Yang Jiang hasn't been officially born yet, he has already regarded him as the most important person.

If this were in the previous heaven and my previous self, this would be unimaginable to my current self.

[Holy] also heard about the things that the four Seraphs under him talked about after work.

But [Sheng] doesn’t really care about such things~ As long as you are happy.

Yes~ This is not what it means~ Look at it.

After Kanzaki Yang finished speaking, he gathered the power of the Holy Grail in front of him and revealed his original appearance.

He has blond hair and dark eyes, is quite handsome, and is filled with an indescribable temperament.

Even though this was not the real physical form, it still made [Sheng]'s heart suddenly throb.

What kind of feeling is this? [Holy] I don’t know.

Is this what Yang-chan is like?

Ever since Kanzaki Yang told her something about the future, [Sheng] gradually chose to believe it.

At this moment, after seeing the changes in Yang Jiang, there are still some subtle psychological changes~

In the past, this was an area that [Saint] could never imagine.

From now on, I have three chances to condense my true physical form and completely reproduce all the sacred power in you. Hee hee~ Do you think this is a good thing or not?

Kanzaki Yang laughed as he spoke.

This smile seemed like a spring breeze in [Sheng]'s eyes. This was the first time she saw Yang Jiang's smile.

It turned out to be so charming, it almost made her heart excited...

This is obviously a normal thing, but in this environment, [Saint] still feels a little uncomfortable.

In that case, wouldn't Yang-chan be invincible? Having three chances is pretty good~

I don’t know why, but when answering Kanzaki Yang’s words, [Sheng] felt a little disappointed in his heart.

Although Yang Jiang was solving some things during this period, after all, it was still the baby in her belly!

【Sacred】How could it be...

I can’t bear to see Yang-chan go through so many things at an age when she was not yet born~

Even though Yang Jiang comes from the future, her current identity is actually her baby.

Okay~ Don't worry, I will take care of these things~

Perhaps feeling this change in tone, Kanzaki Yang said comfortingly, which made [Sheng] feel a little relieved.

Then you have to promise me that even if you have this ability, you won't be able to do anything risky!

[Holy] Since the decision cannot be changed, then accept it.

She knew very well that Yang Jiang's origin was too mysterious.

There are so many unknowns about him, and even though I have been with him for a while now, I still haven't been able to see through them.

Don't worry~ I only have three chances, I must make good use of them!

Kanzaki Yang chuckled, and then [Saint] nodded with satisfaction.

Now that some good changes have taken place in the heaven, does it mean that similar changes will occur in other parts of the world due to some reasons?

Determine whether other pantheons in the world will undergo similar changes to the heavens?

【yes. 】

When the judgment was completed, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Ark Red Ball told himself that he must slow down the collapse of the world on the timeline.

After so many efforts without success, why did it deviate from the original track this time? .

Chapter 306

Kanzaki Yang was obviously starting to feel a little uneasy.

Then he continued to return to the Holy Grail. Looking at Yang Jiang in front of him, [Sheng] felt a little curious in his heart.

Yang-chan, can't you continue to maintain this form now?

He said just now that it was the true original form of the body, but what was shown just now was not.

Can't this be maintained forever? [Sheng] thought like this in his heart.

Forget it. There's no use keeping it in this form. I'll just stay in the Holy Grail.

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly, not because he was unwilling, but because the damage caused would be greater.

This is something he doesn't want to see, and it will also bring some unnecessary trouble.

[Saint] nodded thoughtfully, seeming to understand a little now.

In that case, Yang-chan will have a hard time~

[Saint] said slowly, after all, their relationship just now had undergone some subtle changes.

Especially when he saw the form of light condensed by Yang Jiang, the throbbing feeling almost made [Sage] panic in his heart.

I think it can be more like that~ I think it's quite eye-catching.

[Sheng] continued, this feeling made her feel very comfortable.

Kanzaki Yang in the Holy Grail smiled bitterly, he really wanted to do this.

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