In a conceptual sense, he and [Holy] are now like a coexistence. As long as he gets benefits, [Holy] will benefit from it.

Okay, you've been out here for so long, it's time to go back to Kuoh Academy.

After completing the conversation with Ark's red ball, the light ball continued to return to Zhenhong's arm.

Kunou was still a little reluctant to leave. He put away the temper of the young lady and muttered his little mouth, looking extremely cute. .

Chapter 303

Jiuchong is a little unhappy. He hasn't figured out the identity of this light group yet, is he about to leave?

However, Zhenhong and Kanzaki Yang obviously did not intend to say more to her, and they turned into a stream of light and left here.

This anger made Jiuzhong stamp his feet fiercely, looking extremely aggrieved.

Not long after, people came from outside Kuoh Town and saw an angry Kunou.

Why are you here?

After a white kitten saw the girl in front of him, it twitched its nose and sniffed the surrounding atmosphere.

Minister, we found her.

Behind her was Rias, a beauty with long flowing red hair. The number of lost demons in her jurisdiction seems to have increased recently~

Sometimes you can't get out in time to deal with these lost demons. Even if it is your responsibility and obligation, you will still have some regrets.

Minister, Kitten, why are you here~

After seeing the two people arriving here, Kunou almost cried.

I was almost deceived by that person just now, and the origin of the light group on my arm seemed very mysterious.

What happened? How could you escape from the jaws of a lost demon?

Rias frowned and asked curiously. The current Kunou had just arrived at Kuou Academy not long ago, and his strength was not outstanding.

It was still quite difficult to deal with such an intermediate demon, and she looked at the kitten sniffing next to her.

Minister, I just met a very interesting person~

Jiuzong calmed down and briefly explained what had just happened.

Okay! Let's go back first. Don't stay alone outside the town in the future~

After watching her leave, Rias looked at the kitten next to her. Did she notice it?

Minister, I feel a familiar breath~ and at the same time, there is an extremely unfamiliar breath. Mao Mao said meaningfully.

But I didn't dare to come to a conclusion in my heart, and I didn't know whether it was true or not.

Oh? Familiar scent? Who could it be? Rias was also aroused and wanted to find out about this matter.

As for the unfamiliar aura, Rias automatically ignored it~

Now the outside of Kuoh Town is getting more and more uneasy, and it looks like something big is about to happen.

To be able to encounter a familiar scent at such a tense moment may be that their friend is back!

This is what I'm not sure about~ because I feel that something has changed, and it's not just the same aura as before~ Kitty couldn't help but frowned.

The long-lost breath carried a strange smell, and Mao Mao wasn't sure if it was him.


Could it be...that he's back?

Rias murmured, if it is true that he comes back but does not come to Kuoh Town, then this matter will become very interesting~

She didn't know what kind of surprise or surprised expression Cana would have after hearing this, so she decided to do something weird to see Cana's reaction~

After the two left here, Zhenhong's figure reappeared here.

I really don't know what you are doing here, are you just to look at the pretty young lady? Zhenhong's voice was a bit coquettish.

This tone sounds very jealous, it looks so jealous~

However, Kanzaki Yang is very clear about this. This is just a way for Zhenhong to be funny.

Looking at these three familiar people just now, Kanzaki Yang felt quite happy~

Kokonoe still hasn’t changed that young lady’s temper~

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't show his true face to others, he might have appeared in front of Jiuzong to tease him!

Yangjun, we are so familiar, why don't you come out and meet us? Seeing that Kanzaki Yang didn't answer, Zhenhong always felt that he knew these women~

We used to have a very close relationship, but I don't know why we didn't come out to meet each other.

Doesn't something like this sound torturous? Only the light ball on his arm was seen floating.

This time Kanzaki Yang came to Kuoh Town in order to obtain a white treasure box. The condition for obtaining the treasure box was to have Kokonou hold a white light ball in his hand.

The important goal has been achieved. Now that I appear like this, if I rashly come out to see them, I might scare them like this~

Hehe~ It's enough that I have achieved my goal, but can you do me a small favor? After his thoughts passed, Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.


I... really feel a little headache~

Zhen Hong rubbed her temples and knew that this was not the only reason why Yang Jun called her out.

But she still brought him here, who calls her a good person?

Without too much entanglement, Zhenhong said generously: Okay, okay~ You tell me quickly. If you don't tell me now, if you tell me later, you won't have this opportunity, and then I won't agree to you~

There was really nothing she could do against him~ She felt that if she had such an opportunity next time, she would definitely not be able to listen to him again.

I knew that true red would be the best~ Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Then the light ball came to Zhenhong's ear and softly said what kind of help he wanted Zhenhong to do.

What made Yang Kanzaki very gratified this time was that when he lowered his head to check the degree of world line collapse on the electronic watch, it actually dropped to 42.1%.

This kind of news is relatively good for him, and it can be regarded as changing the fate of Jiuzhong 533 in the future.

After all, under the mouth of the lost demon just now, within a certain time limit, it seems that Jiuzhong cannot escape in principle.

In the subsequent timeline, Jiuzhong's fate will not end so quickly.

It is precisely because this time we only took action to deal with the lost demons and did not reveal any news, the degree of collapse has dropped a bit.

Just dropping a few points allowed him to clearly perceive the things he had done, and now it was considered to have had some effect.

Do you want me to secretly observe Kuou Academy? Zhenhong heard what Yang Jun told her, which was quite intriguing.

She sensed that there were at least a dozen of the lowest level lost demons wandering around outside Kuoh Town.

However, there are top-level demons and pure-blooded demons in Kuoh Academy. These lost demons shouldn't deliberately seek death, right?

Kanzaki Yang doesn't think so. He has just made a judgment. As time changes, these lost demons will also evolve with the development of time!

Okay, okay~ I can't tell you, but I'm not sure how long I can stay. Zhenhong stubbornly agreed.

But she still felt a little uneasy in her heart. If she met a few more people like Jiuzhong whose words could make her angry to death, she would have to turn around and leave! .

Chapter 304

The two people quickly turned into a stream of light and headed towards the heaven.

After returning to the Holy Grail, [Holy] was actually full of doubts in his heart because True Red did not return together.

Yang-chan, where is Sister Zhenhong? Why didn't I come back with you~

[Saint] curiously expressed the doubts in his heart, blinking at the Holy Grail.


Could it be only have your true red sister in your eyes now? Don't you even love me anymore...

Yang Kanzaki joked that after receiving the white treasure box, he got pretty good benefits.

Naturally, he was in a very happy mood, and at this moment he was joking with [Saint] as if nothing had happened.

Zhenhong didn't come back because she needed to stay near Kuoh Town during this period.

You need to deal with the lost demons wandering around outside Kuoh Town.

Any emergencies can occur as soon as possible.

If you are lucky, you can save many students from Kuou Academy like Kunou.

Thinking of the way Zhen Hong was annoyed by the tone of Kouzhong's words outside just now, he felt funny.

It's not like that~Yang-chan.

You have always been the most important in my heart~ Don't you know this yet?

[Holy] Hearing Kanzaki Yang's sour tone, he quickly explained.

She thought Kanzaki Yang was angry because of this, which was not in line with her image of motherly love.

But the truth is, where did the real red go?

Zhen Hong said that he would stay in the heaven during this period, and thought that he could relax a little and develop a relationship with Yang Jiang.

She can also often chat with an interesting person like Zhenhong, which is a very easy thing for such a God of the Bible~

Okay~ I'm not angry! I need Zhenhong's help with some things, so I didn't go back to heaven with me.

Seeing [Saint]'s anxious look, Kanzaki Yang smiled lightly.

It can be said that he got his appetite right and made himself proud.

Oh~ that's right...¨¨...

I thought that Zhenhong was angry with you, so that's why she didn't come back.

[Sheng] looked like he suddenly realized something, almost making Kanzaki Yoo roll his eyes at him.

What is this thing and what are you saying? I always feel that the [Saint] in front of me is the same as Jiuzhong, and I am the same as Zhenhong.

If it weren't for his stronger psychological endurance, he would be the same as Zhenhong.

But why do I feel that you look so happy now?

It's not without reason that something like this happened. It just depends on what happened to her that made her happy.

But [Saint] has always stayed in the heaven and never left. What will happen?

Look at me now. [Saint] released the sacred power in his body at this moment.

Kanzaki Yang in the Holy Grail felt and observed carefully, and found that the holy power possessed by the [Holy] now was more pure, full of soft and holy brilliance.

To a certain extent, it can almost be said to be the pinnacle of heaven.

Such pure divine radiance brings countless benefits.

Feeling some subtle changes in the heaven at this moment, he always felt that the entire heaven seemed to be vaguely purified again.

This kind of purifying power, along with the holy power in [Holy], becomes purer and more full of holiness.

Many angels have been purified and washed in this way, and their hearts are cleaner and purer.

Determine whether the changes brought about by the heaven are accompanied by the changes in the body after receiving the white treasure box?

【yes. 】

Determine whether bringing about such changes can slow down the rate of world collapse?

【yes. 】

After noticing such a change, Kanzaki Yang immediately made a judgment.

At this time, looking at the changes in the electronic watch on my hand, the degree of world collapse on the timeline has actually dropped again, reaching the 37.9% point.

He didn't expect that it would bring such a big harvest. He thought that [Holy] would just coexist with his mother body.

Looking at it now, this benefit is not a dime.

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