But this would not be in line with his original plan.

To a certain extent, they will also be suppressed by this world.

This is understood from a conceptual sense, because it is equivalent to exposing oneself to the world's vision, and a slight disturbance may bring about some unexpected changes.

And among these changes, some of the disadvantages brought to ourselves will be even greater.

There have been three opportunities to re-enact, which is enough for him to solve some things.

In other aspects, Kanzaki Yang is not suitable for repeated interference, let alone multiple attacks.

Now the heaven is different from before, it has become purer. How do you plan to deal with such changes?

If he continues, [Sage] will probably tell him a lot of great truths.

He had to quickly curb this topic and change it.

[Sheng] fell silent. Yang Jiang was right, he should think about this issue carefully.

Then Yang-chan, you...

Is there any solution?

The radiance brought by motherhood is extremely sacred and full of holiness, but it is not an advantage in other aspects.

Now [Holy] has gradually begun to rely on Kanzaki Yang to make some decisions in handling some matters.

She has been regarded as the only backbone by [Holy], and she can obviously make the decision on her own.

Yang Jiang still wants to rely on her in more aspects, because this will make her very at ease.


I wonder if other gods have sensed the changes in the heavens.

Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but shook his head, even though [Holy] couldn't see the specific situation in the Holy Grail.

However, since you have to rely on yourself, then rely on it~

Anyway, their relationship is also undergoing some quiet and subtle changes now, and he is just using the body of [Holy] to complete his reincarnation.

There is no actual blood relationship, and there is no need to feel too much surprise.

Any other gods? I can ask Gabriel to patrol the lower realms.

[Holy] I want to hear Yang-chan’s opinion, and I will spare no effort to support you no matter what.


[Saint] was surprised after hearing this. Could it be that the decision she made was incorrect?

My Yang-chan, others can say no, but you can't say no~ You will make me think wildly and make me feel that nothing I say is reasonable.

However, she still pretended to be aggrieved, which made Kanzaki Yang's scalp numb.

What's going on! Why don't you listen to yourself finish what you said...

What I said is no, we can't let Gabriel patrol the lower world. This matter must be done secretly. Our purpose is to see if some changes are taking place in this world.

Just like changes in the heavens, I think we should be aware of even the smallest changes.

He explained slowly, which made [Saint]'s expression become much more relaxed.

Hearing that Yang Jiang was not denying his decision, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

Then I will arrange for Gabriel to send angels to the lower world now. Don't worry~ This matter will be done secretly!

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

After [Saint] finished speaking, he left here with a smile, ready to make arrangements for Gabriel.

Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but shook his head. This woman was really troublesome.

Fortunately, I explained it in time, otherwise I don’t know where I would have gone~

Looking down at the electronic watch, I found that the world's collapse level in the current timeline has dropped to 31.5%.

In other words, the changes currently taking place are very beneficial to him.

Can you calculate the changes that will occur in other divine systems?

It seemed that the Ark Red Ball was shut down and did not give any answer.

..... ... ...

This made him break out in a cold sweat. At such a critical moment, he didn't seem to be that powerful.

[Calculation preparation, do you want to start? 】

Just when Kanzaki Yang gave up the idea and was about to see the results brought back by Gabriel, the Ark's red ball suddenly started to move.

We can start making calculations. I want to see what changes will happen to other gods in this timeline after these changes.

Just relying on the angels sent by Gabriel to the lower world, the results of the investigation will definitely not let him get what he wants.

Some key information points may even be missing, which will cause great trouble to him.

Kanzaki Yang didn't want to see such a situation happen. He had to control everything by himself.

【Calculation starts......】

Looking at the red ball of Ark at this moment, it has started to move automatically to perform calculations for him.

Although he was not sure in his heart whether this would have such a result and whether he could accurately calculate it.

But he had some great confidence in this in his heart, hoping that it would be similar to his guess.

He can still afford to wait for the current time.

How long will it take to calculate it?

That's all he cares about, time! What is needed most now is time.

[According to the system's calculation, the time is not certain, it needs to span the latitude of time, and the calculated results are also likely to be unstable. 】

Ark Red Ball gave a possible result, which was within his expectation. knife.

Chapter 307

The results given by Ark Red Ball's current calculation capabilities are likely to be full of unknowns and uncertainties.

Yang Kanzaki knew very well that with the latitude and amplitude across the timeline, it was almost impossible to get accurate results.

The current development trajectory is running steadily, and even if you have a judgment, you may not be able to know the specific details.

If the calculated results...

What should we do if it is different from what we thought? How to solve this dilemma?

[The development of other pantheons has an established track, and changes in the timeline may not necessarily affect their development. 】

Ark Red Ball gave such an answer. Originally, they all had their own development directions.

It's just that today's heaven has changed a little because of Kanzaki Yang's changes.

However, in the overall historical process of 537, other divine systems are not causally related, and the subsequent trajectory cannot be accurately known.

Even if the current heaven sends Gabriel and other angels, it will not change the outcome of the timeline.

But the degree of world collapse in this timeline has actually declined. In other words, if other gods undergo changes that are different from their original trajectory, it is possible that the degree of collapse will be changed.

Kanzaki Yang was quite puzzled by this, which stumped him.

Under such a process, we don’t know what the final result will be.

[The system does not know the reason for this, but if interference is imposed, the world is likely to cause greater oppression to the host. 】


It looks like...

Still can’t interfere too much in this world!

He felt deeply about the world's oppression on him.

Just let him do nothing else and focus on taking care of the affairs of the heaven.

With such a method of inaction, we don’t know to what extent it will decline, or whether it will rise again.

[Holy] seemed to have arranged for the angel to go to the lower world, and returned here again, looking at the Holy Grail in front of him.

[Sheng] has some doubts in his heart, and he always feels that something is wrong with Yang-chan's current mood~

Yang-chan, I've only been out for a while, aren't you happy?

She thought that Yang Jiang in front of her was very dependent on her, and thought that she would make him unhappy if she went out for a while.

But now Kanzaki Yang is not thinking about this matter at all. He is thinking about how to face the result of the Ark Red Ball calculation.

The level of world collapse on the timeline has finally dropped to this point, and he doesn't want to increase it any more!

It's okay~ How long does it take for Gabriel to reply to you?

Kanzaki Yo said with a fake smile, but he was always waiting for the calculation result in his heart.


Normally it takes a while~


If Yang-chan is in a hurry, I can go and urge you~

[Sheng] thought for a moment and gave a quick answer, looking very much like he was acting coquettishly.

She didn't understand why Yang Jiang wanted to know these things so urgently, but she knew very well that doing these things was definitely for the sake of heaven!

Based on this situation, [Holy] will certainly give strong support!

Yeah~ don't worry.

Of course Kanzaki Yang is not in a hurry, because even if he is anxious now, it will not solve any problems.

It just depends on what results Gabriel and the others collect.

[Sheng] rubbed his eyes, his fair face became a little tired.

Yang-chan, I won't accompany you for now. I feel a little sleepy. I want to take a nap for a while. If you need anything, call me anytime!

Looking at [Sheng] who fell asleep as soon as he said it, Kanzaki Yang also felt a little curious.

He immediately thought of a reason for this situation and made a judgment immediately.

Determine whether the reason why this happened to [Saint] is due to the coexistence of the mother body and the power brought by it?

【yes. 】

This made him feel relieved, and it seemed that not everything was favorable.

At least he discovered something. Looking at the sleeping [Holy], Kanzaki Yang also had a strange impulse in his heart.

What a lovely person~ Even in the Holy Grail, he looked a little confused.

Really? My Yang-chan~ [Sheng]'s sudden words almost missed Kanzaki Yang's waist.

Isn't she already asleep? How can I still answer my own words...

This situation made him feel a little embarrassed, but he was telling the truth!

Actually, it only takes a little while to squint~

Oh~ Count the time...Gabriel should be back soon...

[Sheng]'s face was filled with soft smoothness, and his eyes looked like he was thinking.

But Yang-chan, you just said I was cute, were you complimenting me?

Her expression changed and she looked at the Holy Grail with a smile, eager to get his answer.

To be honest, I'm really complimenting you~

Kanzaki Yang's tone also became very gentle, and what he said was indeed true.

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