Looking closely, the little girl seems to have been frightened by the ugly appearance.

This made her even more angry.

To be so frightened at such a graceful age would probably give me nightmares for several nights.

Are you going to get out on your own, or are you going to let me send you away?

Zhenhong waved her little fist, her eyes full of disdain.

A being like her could use her hands in just one breath, and it wouldn't matter even if someone from Kuoh Town discovered her.

Jie Jie!

Maybe it was seeing Zhenhong waving her little fist that made this lost demon start to believe in love. Not only did it not leave, but it approached her.

Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but sigh for it. This is called a hero struggling with the beauty stage. No, the devil is struggling with the beauty stage, and it is still a middle-level demon with such an ugly appearance.

Zhenhong punched it directly, and it disappeared into smoke.

Walking in front of the little girl, Zhenhong said slowly: What are you going to do next?

Take her away from here first. I think the patrol is coming soon.

This situation happening outside Kuoh Town will definitely attract their attention.

Zhenhong nodded, and then quickly led the little girl out of here.

Not long after they left, several figures appeared here.

Looking at the traces of the battle that just happened, they couldn't help but frown.

There was an aura in it that even they couldn't see through. They only knew that the lost demon existed here and could no longer die.


· ···Asking for flowers·· ··



Who are you?

This is a girl with blond hair, animal ears, and a fluffy tail behind her butt. Such a cute little girl is really strange to see.

This is Kunou, the daughter of Yasaka, the nine-tailed fox who commands the monsters of Kyoto. She was arranged by her father to train at Kuoh Academy.

Looking at the real red in front of him, Jiuzhong frowned and became wary in his heart.

Now she has just arrived at Kuou Academy, and she speaks with the tone and airs of a young lady.

She will not give anyone face. In her opinion, face is earned by oneself.

Are the little sisters so grumpy now? You have to understand that I saved you just now.

..... ... 0

Zhenhong gave her a blank look. If Kanzaki Yang hadn't asked her to come, she would have shaken her head and left in the face of such a situation.

You saved me? By the way, where is that demon? Where is it? I want to duel with it!

Recalling that before he fell into coma, wasn't it the middle demon he met outside Kuoh Town?

Why does it seem like there is no trace now? And this is not where it was just now.

Hearing the tone of living in his own world, he turned a deaf ear to her words.

Zhenhong almost couldn't control the anger in her body. If it weren't for the fact that she was a little sister, she really didn't want to pay attention to it.

Calm down, calm down, what are you arguing with a child?

At this moment, Kanzaki Yang's voice suddenly came from Zhenhong's arm.

After Jiuzhong heard this, he looked at Zhenhong's arm. Can this hand still speak?

What kind of monster are you? Are you also a demon?

She sounded like a young lady, and seemed to have long hair and short knowledge.

It's just that I didn't feel any demonic aura on Zhenhong's body.

Instead, I felt the supreme sacredness and gentle aura on my arms, almost filled with divine radiance.

You are the devil, and your whole family is devil!

Zhenhong was so speechless that she almost ran away.

Why is it that the little girl can't speak? He obviously had good intentions in saving her, but even if he didn't answer his questions, he still had to be so neurotic. knife.

Chapter 302

Jiuzhong was frightened by Zhenhong's change, and he didn't even dare to speak at this moment.

What happened today was an unforeseen disaster for her.

Even if he met the lost demon, he also met such a savage woman.

Hey! Where is this place? Send me back to Kuoh Town quickly. If I don't go back quickly, someone will come looking for me.

They won't reason with you when the time comes, and they'll beat you up and beat you up.

Jiuzhong looked at it for a long time before speaking slowly.

She had to make sure that the real red in front of her wouldn't do anything before she could continue.

Otherwise, this crazy woman suddenly goes berserk, and she doesn’t know what she will encounter.

Is this the way you talk to me? If I hadn't saved you, you would have been snatched away by that lost demon.

Zhenhong rubbed her own temples, really afraid that she would make a move accidentally.

I didn't expect to meet such a treasure. A young lady with such a temperament is indeed a rare species.

Are you Kunou?

Kanzaki Yang watched quietly from the side and almost laughed.

After hearing once again that Zhenhong's arm could speak, Kunou calmed down.

She wasn't sure what was on the arm, nor what the other party's purpose was.

Pfft! Who are you? How do you know my name?

Jiuzhong asked vigilantly. If there is a chance later, he must run away.

Falling into the hands of such a person would be a disaster for her.

Of course I know your name. Do you really not know that she saved you?

Listening to the arm talking, I already felt a little incredible.

Now she has to explain these things to her, which Jiuchong can't bear.

Hey~ I said, who are you? I only remember that I was frightened by that demon and fainted. When I woke up, I was here. Who knows if you and that demon were in cahoots?

You idiot! If we were colluding with that devil, do you think there would be a chance to talk to us?

If you don’t express your true anger, then you don’t understand your feelings, right?


After hearing this, Jiuzhong nodded thoughtfully, as if like this.

That's true~ But what's your purpose of saving me?

Zhenhong found that she really couldn't communicate well with this woman. If she hadn't been calm and well-educated, she would have been knocked out by anger.

Let Kanzaki Yang communicate with her for the rest!

She couldn't care about so many bad things. She came here with Kanzaki Yang in the first place.

Then Zhenhong moved slightly, and a soft light appeared on her right arm in an instant and came to the front of Jiuzong.

Wow~ are you talking? Can I touch you?

For this soft light, Jiuzong felt more comfortable than ever before.

It seemed to be filled with holy light power, which could wash away the uneasiness in his heart and sublimate her entire soul.

The originally impetuous heart became peaceful because of this soft light.

There are not so many words anymore. At this moment, she doesn't look like the chatty and young lady she was just now.


After Kanzaki Yang finished speaking, the entire light ball gently fell on Kunou's outstretched palms.

I grabbed it gently with my hand. Although it was just a ball of light, when I touched it, it felt like soft cotton. I was feeling the soft power brought by the light, that kind of sacred feeling, in Jiuzhong's heart. The face became very comfortable.

【Ding! 】

【Open the white treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - the reincarnated body has been strengthened! 】

The condition for opening the white treasure chest is to let Jiuzhong hold his soft light.

Fortunately, he did not encounter too many difficulties, and he successfully completed the opening conditions.

And now it has been strengthened in a certain sense, since the timeline was disrupted.

The Ark Red Ball will also give some rewards in a conceptual sense.

The purpose is to enable him to grow up faster.

Only in this way can we repair the world faster and return to the future.

Kanzaki Yang felt the changes taking place on his body at this moment, which were very comprehensive.

The soul power of the whole person has been sublimated, becoming purer and purer.

This is equivalent to spiritual cleansing and feels very comfortable.

At the same time, it seems that such changes can also be shared with the mother body, allowing [Saint] far away in the heaven to also receive some changes that can be felt...

In addition to physical changes, what kind of conveniences will this change bring to me?

This is something Kanzaki Yang must understand clearly. If he can't even figure out these things, physical changes alone will not bring him much convenience.

So such a white treasure chest reward is almost useless to him.

I hope the Ark Red Ball can bring him some substantial convenience, which can be considered a surprise.

If he couldn't even do this, he had nothing to look forward to.

【some. After these changes occur to the host, it can briefly condense into shape and have the same power as the mother body. 】

Kanzaki Yang was stunned for a moment, then his face became overjoyed.

The benefits brought to him by such a change are naturally very great. There is no need for him to describe how strong [Saint] is.

It was actually able to condense into shape for a short period of time, and with the help of the same power of [Holy].

Then he still had some doubts in his heart and began to make judgments.

Is there a limit to the number of times you can gain power?

[Yes, three times in total. 】

Are these forces harmful to the mother's body?

[None, it is equivalent to a replica of all the power, a form of copy and paste that allows the host to achieve some effects. 】

Is there a time limit for each time I gain power?

【have. 】

After Kanzaki Yang quickly made these judgments, he already had an answer in his heart.

That is the current situation 2.2 is a copy of all the power of the mother body [Holy], and it can bring him unexpected effects at critical moments.

And it can be condensed and formed, which means that even if you don't stay in the Holy Grail now, you can be independent for a while.

Such convenience will undoubtedly help him tremendously, and [Saint] will also gain some considerable benefits from this.

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