The real red next to her still had the same smile, and she also wanted to see what Kanzaki Yang would say next.


Kanzaki Yang coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

Now that the matter of the Nordic Gods has been temporarily resolved, the heavens no longer need to worry about encountering their attack. Let's have fun and make trouble, but we still can't be too impetuous when it comes to serious business.

But there are still some problems, right?

The matter of the Nordic pantheon can be solved, [Sheng] is naturally very happy.

But this kind of thing should not have been mentioned specifically (by Li Hao), but Yang Jiang put it on the table.

Could it be that the world line has undergone some changes?

[Sheng] has heard a little bit about some things about Yang Jiang, and he also heard him talk about it occasionally.

Yes, Odin had no reason to get involved at all, but he had to jump out on his own. Fortunately, he has come to his senses and made an oath in front of the Eternal Spear. Otherwise, the speed of collapse will only intensify. wheat.

Kanzaki Yang's tone seemed so serious, and he was very worried inside.

I am still connected to my maternal body and can sometimes come out to help, but there are still some things I cannot do myself.

Yang-chan~ Then...what do you want us to do?

[Sheng] spoke very slowly, mother and son connected, feeling Yang Jiang's worry, and there was a trace of sadness on her face.

No matter how much she pays, she still wants to make Yang Jiang live a happy life. .

Chapter 300

Ah this...

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

Why does [Sheng] become more and more naughty as time passes?

Even Kanzaki Haru was not able to accept it immediately~

Zhenhong, what are you going to do next? Kanzaki Yang avoided answering, but instead asked Zhenhong next to him.

Now the world line is still too collapsed, giving him a headache.

Moreover, the degree of collapse has been floating around 50%, which caused him a lot of trouble.

In this way, even if he has a perfect and practical solution in his heart, once he implements it, the outcome may not be as he wishes, or even be counterproductive.

Zhen Hong shook his head and said with some uncertainty: What do you want me to do?

She knew in her heart that Kanzaki Yang in front of her could not try to do it herself.

What's more, we are still in the state of mother and son with the God of the Bible, and we don't know how long we will stay there.

Every time he takes a shot, it consumes the power of [Saint], and every time the consumption is extremely huge.

If you don't pay attention, it is very likely to attract the prying eyes of the world, which will invisibly add a lot of pressure to him. In the end, it may even cause him to not dare to take any more actions before he has completely grown up!

I hope you can stay in Heaven during the next period of time. Kanzaki Yang said slowly.

If you want to re-establish the world's belief system here and restore the world that is about to collapse, you must clearly understand the primary and secondary issues!

In today's timeline, the God of the Bible has defeated the Beast King, and the Beast of 666 has gathered almost all the power of faith in the human world.

What jumped out was just a Nordic god system. Such a weak god system was not taken seriously by him.

The real threats are opponents who have friction, hatred, and killings with their heavenly realm.

Obvious ones, like fallen angels, and demons.

Angels and demons are opposite to each other, hate each other, and kill each other.

Today's biblical pantheon can almost be said to be the strongest pantheon in the world, and it can be arrogant and unafraid at this point.

Hehe~ Have you forgotten (bdcc) that I was going to stay in heaven? I just want to find out the real answer to what you told me at that time~

Zhenhong suddenly smiled. During this period, she would not continue to stay in the dimensional gap, but would stay in the heaven.

Zhenhong is also very much looking forward to being able to change her destiny~

Yang-chan, what are we going to do in Heaven next?

[Saint] blinked his eyes, as if he was centered on Kanzaki Yang and listened to him in everything.

This is your own future, hope, and selfishness that you are willing to make a choice.

No matter what Kanzaki Yang needs to do, [Sheng] will spare no effort to support him.

If there is any objection, [Sage] will definitely deal with it himself.

Never allow situations that are not conducive to Kanzaki Yang to arise. In that case, [Sage] himself will not be happy.

The heaven should be considered stable at the moment. If other gods wanted to take action, they would have already done so, and we are now closing the passage to the heaven.

The reason for temporarily cutting off contact with other gods is to minimize losses.

There will definitely be some thoughtful people who will make a fuss about this, so you should be prepared for this~

It's not that his view is not optimistic, but that it has indeed reached an imminent stage.

This left him with less time to think about other issues.

Okay~ Yang-chan, no matter what you do, I will fully support you! [Holy] looked at the Holy Grail in front of him with a doting look on his face, his tone was also extremely soft, and his whole body exuded a holy light.

Of course I know you will support me, but too many things have happened recently, and it's a bit hard to absorb right now.

Kanzaki Yang's tone sounded a little bitter, which was indeed surprising.

But in his heart, he was thinking about the new reminder given to him by the red ball of the Ark.

The degree of collapse of the world line is constantly increasing. If it is at a critical time node, it is still not possible to repair the world.

The consequences at that time will definitely be very serious, which is not something he can accept at the moment.

Determine, can this world finally be repaired?

【able. 】

“Is final restoration within ten years?”

【yes. 】

The familiar voice of Ark Red Ball sounded, and after re-judgment, Kanzaki Yang came to this conclusion.

Originally, he was not sure about the specific approximate time range of the repair time, but after some rough calculations in his mind, he went through judgment and argumentation.

It has basically been determined now, which means that any major changes in the world will eventually lead to restoration.

If some variables occur during this period and forced changes are made, I don’t know what the result will be.

But now this result is indeed good news for him.

This also gave Yang Kanzaki an instant feeling of some necessary confidence in the world.

Looking at [Sheng] and Zhenhong in front of him, he felt much more comfortable.

Hey~ Yangjun, why do I feel that your mood suddenly becomes very good~

Although Zhenhong cannot feel Kanzaki Yang's dreams and dreams, she can detect that under this subtle change, the other party's mood has changed, and he should be relatively happy now.

[Holy] Hearing this, he looked at the Holy Grail in front of him with some surprise.

Could it be said that Yang Jiang already has a way to solve this world, or has it even been solved?

If this is really the result, it is absolutely good news for the heaven.

[Holy] doesn’t need to put in too much effort anymore, he can concentrate on nurturing and waiting for Yang Jiang to be born.

After all, the current environment is not as good as Kanzaki Yang's first reincarnation of Hestia.

If [Holy] could concentrate on gestating in the heaven, this would definitely be the best of both worlds.

Actually, not really. Zhenhong, now that you have time, why not come with me to Juwang Town~

Kanzaki Yang deliberately did not answer because he had his own thoughts in his heart.

Because just now, the system prompted him that there was a white treasure chest to collect.

But this time the location is in Kuoh Town, or even Kuoh Academy, and the white treasure box is now slowly moving.

I don’t know who it is? This aroused his curiosity.

The Holy Grail suddenly became brighter, with a soft light shining out, and a milky white halo attached. .

Chapter 301

Seeing these subtle changes taking place in the Holy Grail in front of me, this is also due to the influence of [Holy] during this period of time.

Kanzaki Yang's body also has such a holy radiance, a sacred temperament, and a soft smoothness.

Why did you suddenly think of going to Juou Town~ Zhenhong asked in confusion.

She didn't know much about the Holy Grail in front of her and what she had experienced in the past.

What's more, this was in the past, and the timelines were not on the same timeline. At most, they were just two parallel times.

Yes, Yang-chan, why did you suddenly think of going there? [Sheng]'s eyes were also full of doubts.

I don't know much about Kanzaki Yang's operation, nor do I know what his purpose is.

Okay~ Don't worry, there is no danger for me to go there, but I can't show up easily, so I need to ask Zhenhong to accompany me there, which can also reduce some unnecessary trouble~

He didn't want to be misunderstood by the people in Kuoh Town. There were many demons there~

Kuoh Academy at this time is also different from that of his time. If you look closely, you will still find some subtle changes.

Sister, you see Yang Jiang has said so, can you just go with him?

[Holy] rolled his eyes towards the Holy Grail, and then looked at the real red in front of him with a smile.

No, I don't understand what you are saying. You and her call each other sisters, so who am I?

Kanzaki Yang was suddenly startled, wouldn't this be a confusing title? Just messing around.

Hehe~ If you want, we can discuss things our own way.

Zhen Hong smiled, it seemed that he rarely saw Yang Kanzaki like this.

It also made her feel sour in her heart. Does this count as moving back to a city?

Sister Zhenhong is right, Yang-chan, from now on we can discuss our own affairs~

[Sheng] was also moved by Zhenhong's words and laughed softly.

Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but shake his head, he looked crazy.

Okay, pack up, we're ready to go!

He didn't want to continue to dwell on this issue too much, otherwise he would be unable to withstand the attack of two women, which would make him miserable.

But I really enjoyed this time in my heart, so I just let it go.


In Kuoh Town, a soft ball of light clung to Zhen Hong’s arm.

Zhenhong, who had transformed into a cute little girl, saw a lost demon bullying a little girl when she came here.

Hurry up, hurry up and help her, this is the purpose of our trip!

He didn't expect that he would be able to see this little girl who had worked so hard.

This lost demon looks extremely ugly, with a broken wing on its back and thick scales. If you look closely, it is just a mid-level demon. After seeing the true red, it revealed its fangs.

Jie Jie!

That's disgusting.

An expression of disgust appeared on Zhen Hong's face, and this ugly demon seemed to covet her.

It's just that Zhenhong is not interested in such a low-level character or such an ugly thing.

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