Loki also nodded. He was the only one who knew Kanzaki Yang's power. If Kanzaki Yang recovered, it would be dozens of times more difficult to deal with them than it is now.

I agree with what my brother said. Loki stood in the gods. Father, I am willing to be the first to go and make meritorious service.

Chapter 298

No. Odin thought about it again and again, but still felt that this was inappropriate.

Why? Father, if you catch the heavens off guard now, it will definitely be effective. Thor, the God of Thunder, was full of confusion.

Loki looked very anxious on the surface, but he was relieved on the inside.

At least Odin has no intention of punishing him now. The next step is to see if he can be punished and meritorious service.

As the main god of the Nordic pantheon, Odin naturally has a longer-term vision.

Even if the God of the Bible has not recovered from his injuries, the heavenly world will not be so easy to defeat. This time, the beliefs of the human world have changed so much.

But it's been so long. I'm the only one from the Nordic Gods here to play solo, and we've lost several battle gods one after another.

The God of the Bible can defeat the Beast King on his own, but I don't have the courage to do so.

Odin seemed a little decadent. This inexplicable war was too strange for him!

It's like there is some pull from somewhere. In terms of overall combat effectiveness, the Tian 13 Realm is miles ahead of them!

If he could turn back time, he would definitely handle it calmly!

If time could come back, he in the Nordic pantheon would definitely not be such a standout!

If everything could happen again, this time the changes in human beliefs would be recognized!

The temple suddenly became quiet, everyone was thinking about what Odin said.

This undoubtedly poured cold water on them. With their mere strength of the Nordic God system, they dared to challenge the power of the God of the Bible. Now think about it, isn't that asking for death?

I don’t know how many other gods are behind this, waiting to see their jokes.

All this happened so suddenly, especially the death of Baldur, the sun god, and Tyr, the god of war, which made them blinded by hatred.

But he ignored that he did not have the strength to reverse the authority of the heavens alone.

But what should we do now? After thinking about the face-breaking thing, he stopped thinking about it. Heaven is not stupid, Thor asked the father.

Thinking about it now, the consequences of doing so may very well be the twilight of the Nordic gods.

Completely angering the God of the Bible will cause the Norse pantheon to cease to exist!

Seeing that the people below were a little worried, Odin rubbed his temples.

He also has a very headache now. If he could wake up earlier and avoid taking this trip into the muddy water, he wouldn't be breaking out in a cold sweat.

Let's just wait for the news quietly and see what the next move from Heaven will be.

Odin has decided not to get involved in this muddy water, and now he still has to face unresolved issues within his own pantheon.

Although the Rainbow Bridge is closed, the conflict with the giants has not yet been resolved.

In such a situation of internal and external troubles, he really had no intention of going against the heaven.

Even if someone from the underworld or other gods talks nonsense in front of him in the future, he will not be tempted by it again.

It was his original intention to avoid suffering in the world, to hope that the world would be peaceful and that everyone could live happily.

Even if the human world believes in the God of the Bible, this is achieved through strength, and there is no point in being jealous!

Asgard, after searching for a long time, Kanzaki Yang and Zhenhong couldn't find Shemdar, so they had no choice but to come here.

Someone in the Nordic God Department immediately saw the menacing two men, immediately activated the first level of alert, and told the main god about the matter.

God of the Bible, did you even call the Red Dragon God Emperor here? The main god Odin led the gods here, with surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

At this time, the appearance of the God of the Bible is unclear to people, and appears slightly illusory, just like a soft ball of light.

This is full of holy power and symbolizes tranquility, but people can’t see clearly the reality inside, and they don’t know how well the God of the Bible has recovered.

They had just reached an agreement to cease war with Heaven.

Because continuing would not only do them no good, it would most likely cause dusk to arrive earlier.

There were joking smiles on the faces of Kanzaki Yang and Ma Hong, but they could only see Ma Hong's funny teasing smile, but they were worried in their hearts.

This is one of the two dragon gods in their world, almost the pinnacle of combat power among the gods.

There is no one in Asgard who can fight against him now, and he may even fall because of it.

Hey, I heard that you Nordic gods have been quite aggressive recently, so the God of the Bible and I came over to take a look. Zhenhong showed two small fists, and would start fighting if they disagreed.

Can you two listen to me? There is no point in fighting now. Why don't we both make a truce? What do you think? Odin said suddenly.


Not only was Zhen Hong stunned, but Kanzaki Yang, who had turned into a ball of light, was also stunned.

This time they came to destroy the power crystal of the Nordic gods and completely cut off the opponent's escape route.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived, I heard that Odin suddenly wanted to negotiate peace. What medicine was being sold in this gourd?

And looking at Thor, Loki and others' expressions no longer had the fighting spirit and resentment they had not long ago.

It seems that a unified decision should have been reached, but it suddenly happened like this for some unknown reason.

Then tell me your reasons. Zhenhong rubbed her nose and said loudly.

You should have seen the dilapidated appearance of Asgard today, right? We in Northern Europe no longer have the strength to challenge the authority of the heavens. As soon as these words came out, the Nordic gods showed some unwillingness on their faces, 527 but I have to accept this fact.

Kanzaki Yoichi saw the changes in everyone's expressions, and they seemed to be true.

Especially Loki, who was looking at the ground expressionlessly at the moment, as if the things here had nothing to do with him.

But if you are instigated again in the future, our heaven will not be so kind every time. Zhenhong glanced at the light group next to him, and the light group immediately made a sound.

It's just that this voice seems a bit neutral, making it difficult to tell whether it's a male or female voice, and it sounds a bit ethereal.

Although Odin had doubts in his heart, he still said: Everything can be obeyed by the God of the Bible!

In order to let the God of the Bible see their determination to make a truce, they could only bow their heads slightly like this.

The light group was silent for a moment, and then said: Then you swear to the Eternal Spear in the name of the Lord God.

The Eternal Spear is sacred in the hearts of the Nordic gods. Once you swear on this gun and regret it, the consequences will be immeasurable.

I, Odin, swear in the name of God that from now on, no matter what circumstances I face, I will not go against the God of the Bible in the heavens. If there is any violation, I will be willing to resign as the Lord God and let the Nordic gods twilight. Come early!”

Odin didn't hesitate at all and swore an oath on the Eternal Spear as quickly as possible. Even the Nordic gods looked ugly after hearing this. This was almost an oath on the future of the Nordic gods! .

Chapter 299

With the future of the Nordic pantheon in his hands, Kanzaki Yang, who was surrounded by soft light, breathed a sigh of relief.

After solving this problem, at least there will be no other turbulence in the current heaven.

As for what people from other pantheon think, that's not what he needs to care about.

Odin, remember the vow you made today~ Zhenhong said with a smile.

Facing the Eternal Spear, the Lord God Odin made such an oath. If he breaks it later, Odin should be very clear about the consequences of breaking the oath!

The two left here quickly, which made everyone in the Nordic Gods look pale.

Today is a big setback. I will have to be careful for a long time in the future.

Old man...

What about the giants?

Watching the two people walking away, Thor, the God of Thunder, approached Odin and whispered.

The external troubles have been resolved, but the internal worries still exist.

Odin came back to his senses and stared coldly at Loki next to him, which made him feel on pins and needles. His retro eyes looked like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Even though Loki had now repented, he couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart and quickly lowered his head.

Didn't some people say that they should pay for their crimes and make meritorious deeds?

After Odin finished speaking, he didn't look back and left here, leaving behind the Nordic gods looking at each other.

Thor's eyes were full of complexity as he looked at Loki in front of him.

You should know the old man's temper, right? You caused the trouble yourself. No matter how bitter this taste is, you have to swallow it!

The eyes of the other gods looking at Loki were full of disgust. If it weren't for this god of trickery fighting for power, why would the Nordic pantheon be what it is now?

Loki was very distressed, but he had no choice but to face the Frost Giants.

In the heaven, Kanzaki Yang turned into the body of the Holy Grail, looking down at the electronic watch in his hand.

Although he has obviously changed and stopped the battle between the heaven and the Nordic gods, the degree of world line collapse has still increased slightly, reaching 53.7%.

This couldn't help but give him a slight headache. Suddenly, he also felt unkind to him from this world, and a force of oppression flashed over her body.

Kanzaki Yang was very troubled by this, and Zhenhong couldn't see such a scene.

Yang-chan, you're back! [Sheng] sounded surprised.

She has also been worried that the current Nordic pantheon still has some residual power, and if the dog is pushed too hard, it will jump over the wall.

Not to mention such a god, if Odin counterattacks, it will still cause some trouble in this state.

The brilliance of motherhood in [Holy]'s body was instantly revealed.

After seeing Yang Jiang and Zhen Hong back at this moment, I was satisfied.

The eyes are full of soft smoothness, and every inch of skin is filled with holy light, like waves, flowing endlessly.

[Holy] looked at Yang-chan who had turned into the Holy Grail with a happy face, and the real red next to him felt really wrong after seeing it.

She couldn't help but have some doubts in her heart. Wasn't she treating herself as a light bulb?

It's just that this is the relationship between mother and son. Why should she feel so strange?

Okay~ Look, there's someone else next to you~ Perhaps because he sensed Zhen Hong's psychological changes, Kanzaki Yang's tone also sounded a little awkward.

However, [Sheng] wouldn't think so, what's wrong with being tired of his own child? Worried about what’s happening to your child? This is the brilliance of motherhood released after she became pregnant with a child.

[Sheng] has long regarded Yang Jiang as the most important person in her heart. No matter what situation she faces, she will protect, pamper and love her.

Sister, you should be fine, right~ [Sheng] looked like a little girl now, looking at Zhenhong next to her with a smile.

She believed that Zhenhong would not care about these red tapes and would automatically ignore them.

If it doesn't work, turning a blind eye might be a good idea?

Zhenhong smiled awkwardly, but she was muttering in her heart that after all, she was the one who shouldered everything~

Sister is really joking. I'm sure I won't think too much about it~

A smile uglier than crying appeared on Zhen Hong's face, which made [Sheng] cover his mouth and smile.

It seems that being a mother is a very good thing~

The [Saints] in the past did not have as many thoughts as they do now. All they cared about was protecting the human world and guarding the heavenly world.

But now I have more responsibilities in my heart. This is a change, maybe a side growth.

Okay, okay, let's get back to business first.

Kanzaki Yang quickly interrupted their sisterly affection. This feeling made her really unbearable.

[Holy] and Zhenhong came to their senses, and both of them looked at the Holy Grail in front of them with smiles on their faces.

Why are you looking at me like that?

After feeling the gazes of the two people, if they had not been able to see his facial expressions, Kanzaki Yang's face would indeed be slightly red, and he would be quite embarrassed to be looked at by the two.

My Yang-chan, let's get down to business as soon as possible, hehe~ [Sheng] was so weird that he almost dodged Kanzaki Yang's waist.

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