Kanzaki Yang smiled, unable to comment, Thor, the God of Thunder, glared at Kanzaki Yang in the sky, Who are you? What did you do to Odin?

Kanzaki Yang glanced at Thor and threw Odin's body to Thor like trash. What's wrong? Of course he's dead.

Thor held Odin's body, but he didn't expect Odin's body to suddenly expand and explode.

You are so cruel, Loki's eyes turned red and he glared at Kanzaki Yang, Odin is already dead, but you still do such a thing.

Thor, the god of thunder, rushed out of the smoke, and the hammer in his hand burst into dazzling light, .々I want you to die!

After saying that, the God of Thunder turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Kanzaki Yang.

Yang Kanzaki just stretched out one hand and caught the charging Thor. With a gentle force on his right hand, Mjolnir's hammer shattered like glass in front of the gods.

This is the most powerful Thor's hammer, how is it possible!

He only used one hand. Who is he? How could he be so strong?

Yang Kanzaki threw it casually, and Thor was thrown far away in front of the gods, You are too weak.

Loki looked at the invincible Yang Kanzaki in front of him, and felt a sudden fear in his heart. If Li Liao hadn't cooperated with him at that time, his fate now might not be much better than Thor's.

Frigga supported Thor who fell to the ground, and her whole body exuded gentle green light, healing Thor's injuries.

Who are you? The gods did not dare to act rashly. They could only shrink to the side of the God of Thunder and wait for the God of Thunder to recover from his injuries.

Me? I am the God of the Bible. Your mistake is that you want to take action against the heaven. Kanzaki Yang sneered and looked at the Nordic gods, You asked for this.

As he spoke, suddenly, the spiritual staff passed through Kanzaki Yang's back and directly penetrated Kanzaki Yang's body. Your biggest mistake was trusting me too much, which led to the current result.

Chapter 295

Kanzaki Yang looked at the psychic staff on his chest in astonishment, then turned to look at Loki who was attacking him, How dare you betray me.

Loki's eyes were red and he glared at Kanzaki Yang angrily, Yes, I am indeed a descendant of giants, but Odin is also my father.

Kanzaki Yang suddenly laughed, and his figure slowly disappeared into the air, Do you think I will leave no backup plan? As he spoke, Kanzaki Yang had already appeared behind Loki.

The Overlord's Nimbus! A huge nimbus appeared behind Loki, with an overwhelming momentum, tearing Loki in half.

The gods looked at the dead Loki and had not yet realized what had happened. How come two people who were originally from the same camp suddenly turned against each other?

Kanzaki Yang looked at Loki next to Thor and sneered, Why are you giving so many high-sounding reasons? Don't you want to be the only god in this world?

Loki turned to look at Thor. At this time, the enemy of his enemy was his friend, not to mention Thor was his brother.

Thor stood in front of Loki, assuming a fighting posture. Although Kanzaki Yang was extremely powerful, the Nordic gods could not let him knead him at will.

Odin's body slowly weathered and disappeared in front of the gods. In Asgard, Odin slowly walked out of the gods.

There are actually life-saving things. It seems that my thinking is too simple. Kanzaki Yang looked at the Nordic gods who had shared the same hatred and sighed helplessly.

But this does not affect it. No matter how many ants there are, they are still ants. How can they possibly shake the mighty lion?

The light wheel in Kanzaki Yang's hand was even more radiant, exuding golden brilliance and becoming the brightest existence in the entire world.

Yang-chan, I'm coming too! Suddenly, a burst of light flashed in the sky, which was the arrival of [Holy], and at the same time, there were almost all the angels in heaven.

Kanzaki Yang didn't want to involve [Sheng] in this war, but he didn't expect that [Sheng] actually followed him.

The Frost Giant roared and rushed towards [Saint]. The radiance on [Saint] was the radiance they hated most tens of thousands of years ago.

Kanzaki Yogo stood in front of [Holy], and just waved his hand, and the light wheel cut the frost giant into pieces.

Loki, you opened the Rainbow Bridge without authorization and conspired with Hoder to kill the God of Light. But we will talk about these things later. Now we have to face our common enemy. Odin glanced at Loki and did not attack Loki on the spot. .

Loki breathed a sigh of relief. He might become the target of public criticism if he rebelled against the enemy, but Odin, who was still thinking about his old relationship, still gave him a chance.

[Saint] stood behind Kanzaki Yang, silent. She thought about fighting the Nordic gods, but she did not expect that Kanzaki Yang actually provoked so many enemies.

But it was too late to regret it now. [Saint] whispered softly, If we fight here, we will be at an absolute disadvantage.

Kanzaki Yang heard [Holy]'s words, and now (bdcc) he has not returned to his best condition. He can guarantee that he will escape unscathed from this war, but he cannot distract himself from [Holy]'s safety.

I know, we are ready to withdraw, Kanzaki Yang grabbed [Saint]'s hand, using his full power, ready to use the Tyrant's light wheel to fight his way out of Asgard and leave here.

The Nordic gods also saw what Kanzaki Yang was thinking, and immediately blocked him in front of Kanzaki Yang, ready to take down [Holy] and Kanzaki Yang at any time.

Suddenly, Kanzaki Yang felt that his divine power was disappearing rapidly. The divine power thrown into the Tyrant's light wheel was like entering a quagmire, unable to form a cycle.

It's the restraining power of the world. Yang Kanzaki reacted instantly, but it was impossible. The world line had completely collapsed, and the restraining power should have disappeared.

Thinking of this, Kanzaki Yang immediately looked at the electronic watch in his hand, but unexpectedly, the degree of collapse of the world dropped to 51.2%.

I have changed history to this, why is the degree of collapse declining? Yang Kanzaki was extremely puzzled, but now was not the time for him to think about this carefully.

Kanzaki Yang held [Saint]'s hand, and the Tyrant's light wheel drew a perfect X shape in the air, and a black hole in space appeared in front of the two of them.

Go quickly, Kanzaki Yang immediately got into the space tunnel with [Sheng], and now he wants to leave here quickly.

It's not that easy! Thor threw his Mjolnir into the space tunnel. Mjolnir shone with blue light and lightning, hitting Yang Kanzaki who was about to evacuate.

Kanzaki Yang couldn't bear to have [Holy] get hurt, so he left his back in the direction of Thor's hammer.

Pfft, Kanzaki Yang spurted a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and the golden blood soaked the clothes on [Saint]'s chest.

Go first, don't worry about me yet, Kanzaki Yang protected [Saint] while the two left Asgard.

Damn it, let him run away, Thor, the God of Thunder, held the whirling Mjolnir and looked at the place where the two left with hatred. .

Chapter 296

Heaven, in [Saint]’s bedroom.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the body that had transformed back into the Holy Grail again, and sighed helplessly, This God of Thunder struck really hard, and it almost killed me.

[Holy] held the Holy Grail, the corners of his eyes were slightly moist. If it weren't for protecting her, Yang-chan would not have been injured like this.

Okay, okay, mother, Kanzaki Yang comforted [Sheng], I was careless this time and didn't dodge. It will definitely not happen like this next time.

Is there a next time? Can't this matter end here? [Sheng] no longer wants Kanzaki Yang to take risks again, so how can there be a next time?

We can't end it now if we want to. Loki will definitely put everything on my head. I must and can only do this now. Kanzaki Yobu said without thinking.

Why are you doing this, Yang-chan, there are not so many things to do. [Sheng] expressed his doubts. He never understood his child.

I am a person from the future, you know that, looking at [Saint]'s worried expression, Kanzaki Yo couldn't bear to make up a story.

The reason why I went back to the past this time is because I want to protect the world line. The world line in this world has the highest degree of collapse. I have to restore the world line to zero to complete my mission. Kanzaki Yang sighed. He took a breath, But I didn't expect that the world line would collapse more and more.

When did it start?

After the Beast King, after defeating the Beast King, the collapse of the world line has reached more than 30%, so I will resurrect all the people killed by the Beast King. But just because of resurrecting them, you have gained a lot Faith. Kanzaki Yang hesitated before speaking.

That matter also has something to do with me, right? [Sheng] heard the meaning of Kanzaki Yo's words, Then why your power suddenly gets stronger and weaker, is it also because of the world line?

I am a foreigner. I will be suppressed by the world line. I am the inhibitory force of this world. Even I cannot ignore the inhibitory force. Kanzaki Yang turned into the Holy Grail and floated in the air. I originally thought that I had changed With so much history, the restraining power of this world should not be that strong, but I didn’t expect it.”

[Saint] held the Holy Grail in distress, Leave the rest to me, I can protect you.

Kanzaki Yang refused to comment. His opponent was the gods of Northern Europe. Just one Odin was enough for [Holy] to deal with, let alone so many gods.

While the two were silent, a special guest came to the heaven, it was the Red Red Dragon King.

These few opponents are not enough for me to squeeze between my teeth. Where is the Holy Grail? Sekiryuutei broke into the heaven directly and defeated the dozens of angels guarding him.

Is this also an enemy? Sheng looked at the Red Dragon Emperor who broke into the heaven with burning eyes, I didn't expect them to be so fast.

It's not an enemy. I'll go receive him. Kanzaki Yang turned into a stream of light and flew in front of the Sekiryuutei.

Zhenhong, if you intrude into other people's territory without permission, you will be beheaded. Kanzaki Yang teased the Sekiryuutei in front of him.

When he heard the word beheading, Zhenhong stared at Kanzaki Yang like a chicken that exploded.

You will be beheaded, and your whole family will be beheaded, Zhenhong stared at the Holy Grail in front of her, That's not right, why is your power so weak?

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Kanzaki Yang didn't bother to explain this to Zhenhong, but sighed helplessly, I'll tell you those things when I have the opportunity later. You tell me first what your purpose is here.

Tell me who is the person who will kill me in the future. I am going to kill him now, Zhenhong said seriously.

It's a god, a very powerful god. After killing you, he turned you into a weapon.

Nordic gods, right? I can feel a very disgusting aura from them. Zhenhong guessed that the gods who killed her were from the Nordic god system.

..... .. ........

Do you have anything else to ask? If not, just leave as soon as possible. We are not welcome here. Kanzaki Yang issued an expulsion order to Zhenhong, so he had no time to care about her.

Let me fight with you. As long as you kill the people who may kill me, then I will definitely not die, right.

How do you know that we are at war with the Nordic gods? Kanzaki Yang was stunned for a moment. This news must have spread too fast.

The God of the Bible is trying to destroy the Nordic pantheon. Who doesn't know about this? There is also a live broadcast. You have video information in Asgard. Zhenhong looked at Kanzaki Yang with a smile and said, Come and praise me. Smart look.

In that case, I won't help you even more. I can't even take care of myself now. How can I have time to take care of you, a dragster. Kanzaki Yang immediately rejected Zhenhong. It's a troubled time now. It's better to do less than to do more. .

I'm very strong, okay? Ordinary gods are no match for me. The content of the next section will be more exciting S+f # -lC8!. Zhenhong puffed out her little chest. knife.

Chapter 297

Let him join. It's always good to have an extra helper now, [Sheng] came to the two of them. She had already heard everything they said just now.

Look, look, even the God of the Bible asked me to join, what else do you have to disagree with. Zhen Hong ran to [Sheng]'s side and sniffed lightly with his nose.

Sister, you have a particularly good smell, what is it?

This sister's call made [Sheng] feel elated, and [Sheng] touched Zhen Hong's head, It must be that we two hit it off, I don't have anything on me.

Flatterer, Yang Kanzaki glanced at Zhen Hong disdainfully, but since [Saint] had let her join, Yang Kanzaki had nothing to object to.

But remember, if you are in any danger, we will not help you. We have too much to take care of ourselves now.

I'm very strong. You better not let me save you when the time comes. Zhenhong patted her chest.

It's small to begin with, so I'm not afraid of it being dented when photographed. Kanzaki Yang whispered quietly.

What are you talking about! Zhenhong heard Kanzaki Yang's words and immediately glared at Kanzaki Yang.

Okay, okay, why are you two acting like two children? [Sheng] hurriedly stood between the two of them. If this continues, they will already be fighting among themselves before they fight the Nordic gods.

What are your next plans, Yang-chan. [Saint] looked at Kanzaki Yang in confusion.

We are going to Heimdall, which is the hometown of the Nordic gods. We have to destroy the power crystal there, which is the source of power for the Nordic gods. If we destroy it, our success rate against the Nordic gods will be very low. Big. Kanzaki Yang has already figured out a way.

Heimdall, I know! Zhenhong immediately raised his hand, I know how to get to Heimdall.

You know? Kanzaki Yang looked at Zhenhong in surprise, Even I don't know how to get to Heimdall, how do you know.

This is what makes me great, Zhenhong laughed. Heimdall is located at the westernmost point of the world, surrounded by the Dead Sea. There is no way to get there except by boat.

They know how to hide in the far west. No wonder I haven't been able to find Heimdall. Kanzaki Yang's consciousness scanned the entire world, but he didn't expect Heimdall to be hiding in a place like this.

That's the home of the Nordic gods, so it's natural to keep it well hidden.

Without further ado, let's go there now, [Saint] clapped his hands, interrupting the two of them, and prepared to leave for Heimdall immediately.

Just go with Zhenhong. Mother, you will stay in the heaven. With you, the heaven will not be invaded so easily. Moreover, Heimdall is surrounded by the Dead Sea, so no divine power can be used there. Kanzaki Yang stopped [Sage] from wanting to go.

[Holy] nodded and stopped fighting. Without divine power, [Holy]'s power would be greatly reduced, and it would not be much different from a long-range soldier.

You two must pay attention to your safety and go back as soon as possible. I will be waiting for you here. [Sheng] looked at Kanzaki Yang and Zhenhong who had turned into streamers with reluctance.

At this time, all the gods in the Asgardian temples were scarred. The right eye of Thor, the God of Thunder, was stained with blood. Thor lost his right eye in the battle with the Frost Giant...

Now that the Rainbow Bridge is closed, we should deal with Loki's matter, Odin said sternly, looking at Loki kneeling in the temples.

Father, Loki was also deceived by others. If it weren't for the God of the Bible, Loki would never do such a thing. Thor, God of Thunder, interceded for his younger brother. Our enemy now is the God of the Bible. First of all, Concentrate your efforts to deal with the God of the Bible, and it’s not too late to deal with Loki’s problem.”

Mother Goddess Frigga on the side also nodded, Not only the God of Light, Baldr, but also the God of War, Tyr, have died in the hands of the God of the Bible. We must use all our power now to defeat them.

Odin nodded. Although Loki was not his biological child, Odin had treated Loki as his own son for many years. He did not really want to deal with Loki.

Then I'll listen to you first. After we recuperate for a while, everyone will join me on 2.2 and head to heaven immediately.

Father, I think we should go now. Thor, the God of Thunder, objected, Now the God of the Bible has also been seriously injured. If we all recuperate together, it will only be more difficult to deal with them in the future.

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