Of course I want to cooperate with you, the future main god, Mr. Loki, Kanzaki Yang didn't like to talk around Loki, I can make you the main god of Northern Europe, and I need your cooperation.

How can you become the main god of Northern Europe with just one word? Loki didn't trust Kanzaki Yang at all. How can you make me believe you with just your words?

Then do you want to watch your brother Thor become the main god? Own the entire Asgard, and you will be like a lost dog in the future, wandering around. Kanzaki Yang began to confuse Loki.

Kanzaki Yang believed that now he was completely able to encourage Loki in front of him.

As expected, Loki fell into silence, Tell me about your plan.

My plan is very simple. Seeing that the fish has taken the bait, Kanzaki Yang no longer hides, I need you to pass the Rainbow Bridge, go to the territory of the Frost Giants, and lead the Frost Giants to attack Asgard.

Loki stood up suddenly and glared at Yang Kanzaki in front of him, What nonsense are you talking about? How could I lead the Frost Giants to attack my hometown.

Hometown? Hahaha, hometown? Kanzaki Yang suddenly laughed loudly, You don't really think you are the son of Odin, do you?

Then let me tell you now, Loki, you are a descendant of the Frost Giants, and it is impossible for you to be recognized here.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

You fart, Loki didn't believe what Yang Kanzaki said at all. He was the son of Odin, the god of fire. How could Loki be related to a lowly Frost Giant?

Kanzaki Yang knew that Loki in front of him would not believe it at all. Kanzaki Yang grabbed Loki's arm, and countless pictures immediately appeared in Loki's mind.

It is the scene where Loki opens the Rainbow Bridge, connecting the Kingdom of Giants and Asgard, and Frigga in the picture also personally admits Loki's identity as a frost giant.

..... .. 0

Loki was silent for a long time without saying anything, but Loki still couldn't believe how he could be the descendant of the Frost Giant.

You can ask your mother, she will tell you all the truth, Kanzaki Yang began to persuade, and Loki was an important chess piece for him to change the world line.

Loki looked up at Kanzaki Yang, If you lied to me, I, Loki, swear in the name of the God of Fire that I will kill you.

After saying that, Loki disappeared from Kanzaki Yang's eyes.

Yes, the first step of the plan is relatively smooth. Since the collapse of the world is unstoppable, let's simply let him collapse some more, and let Loki open the Rainbow Bridge and let the Frost Giants attack Asgard.

Later, Kanzaki Yang and [Saint] reaped the benefits. Although the kingdom of giants was far less powerful than Asgard, it was still able to distract Asgard.

Although this matter is indeed inhumane, who told you to be unkind and unjust in the first place? A fierce light flashed in Kanzaki Yang's eyes, and then he became happy again.

Let these Nordic gods get excited. Dao.

Chapter 292

The devastated Loki stood in his bedroom, but he didn't expect that the reality was exactly the same as Kanzaki Yo said.

Who is he? He can actually see what will happen in the future? Loki did not hate Kanzaki Yang for telling him the truth. If the world line develops normally, it is only a matter of time before he opens the Rainbow Bridge and attacks Asgard. That’s all.

Now you can trust me. Kanzaki Yang appeared in front of Loki again.

Well, yes, you are right, who are you! Loki has learned the truth in his own way, and now all he can think about is revenge.

Since Wuersan is an ally, I can talk to you more, Kanzaki Yang was still sitting on Loki's bed. As the god of trickery, Loki was not so easy to deceive.

I am a god from the future. The reason why I tell you this is that on the one hand I want you to help me kill the Nordic gods, and on the other hand I want to protect my mother.

How do you want me to help you? Loki's eyes were blazing. He was already going further and further on the road of revenge.

Bring the Frost Giants to Asgard. When the Frost Giants attack Asgard, I will take action to kill Odin. In the future, you will be the main god of Northern Europe.

Is it that simple? Loki couldn't believe it. Kanzaki Yang's request was too simple.

It's that simple. For some reasons, I can't take action directly, but if you take action, many things can be solved easily. Kanzaki Yang suddenly laughed. Besides, there is Hodel, the God of Darkness, who is also your confidant.

That's a fool, Loki shook his head disdainfully, He doesn't deserve the term confidant. He is at most an honest subordinate.

Killing the Sun God Baldr, this is not difficult for you, right? Kanzaki Yang made another request. According to the records in Nordic mythology, Loki and Hodel conspired to kill the Sun God Badr. Del.

After Loki thought for a moment, he nodded, This matter is not difficult. Yes, if I encounter difficulties because of this matter, then you must provide your strength.

Kanzaki Yang likes to chat with smart people very much, and Loki is one of them. Moreover, Loki is now shrouded in hatred, so it can be said that he is very suitable as a chess piece.

While the two were still plotting, the sleeping sun god Badr suddenly woke up from his dream, breaking out in a cold sweat.

I dreamed that I was dead. How could I have such a dream? the sun god Balder muttered to himself.

Within a few days, news of the death threat to the sun god Baldur spread throughout the Nordic world.

Frigga loved her son so much that she asked the whole world to swear that no weapon could harm the sun god Baldr.

But even so, the death of the sun god Baldur was still unavoidable, and the Nordic god world fell into chaos.

Originally, Thor, the God of Thunder, and Baldur, the Sun God, came to find the God of the Bible, but with the death of Baldur, the Sun God, this matter was temporarily shelved.

Did you do it? [Saint] looked at Yang Kanzaki in his mind, Yang-chan, the death of Sun God Balder has something to do with you, right?

Of course, this is just the beginning, Kanzaki Yang nodded, Who told them to take action against us? This is retribution.

[Holy] knows very well that her own strength is insignificant compared to Kanzaki Yang. Even her mother doesn't know how much strength Kanzaki Yang has...

You must pay attention to your own safety, [Sheng] looked at Kanzaki Yang worriedly. The power of maternal love seemed particularly powerful at this moment.

Kanzaki Yang is also slowly recognizing this cheap mother, but he won't admit it.

Compared with this incident, the Dark God Hodel is the protagonist. However, within a few days, the Dark God Hodel announced his withdrawal from the Nordic God Realm and admitted the fact of killing the Sun God Balder.

Loki stood in front of Odin and Frigga, Father, mother, Hodel has gone too far. It is up to my brother and I to capture him.

Frigga's expression was unusually bitter. He did not expect that his two children would actually turn against each other, and it was even less likely that Hodel, who had always been the most silent and talkative, would do such a thing.

Father, Hodel may have been bewitched by something. We need to investigate further. Although Thor usually has a bad temper, this time he calmed down.

The series of things that happened in 2.2 seemed to be too coincidental, too coincidental to be believed.

No need. It is a fact that Hodel killed his brother. Father, catching Hodel back is the most important thing now. What's more, Hodel is the God of Darkness. Who else can confuse him. Loki stood aside. rebutted Thor.

Everything is going according to Loki's plan now, and he will never allow Thor to interrupt his plan.

Odin stood up from the throne of the gods and glared in the direction of Hodel, I will never allow anyone to break the rules of the Nordic God Realm..

Chapter 293

The entire Nordic God Realm fell into chaos. After Hodr, the God of Darkness, killed Baldr, the God of Light, Odin wanted Hodr throughout the God Realm.

However, Hodel was already hiding in the heaven at this time. This was the instruction of Yang Kanzaki. Even Odin could not break into the heaven casually. [Saint] looked at the helpless Hodel in front of him and sighed helplessly, How dare you do such a thing if you are such a coward.

I didn't expect that I would actually kill him. Hodel lowered his head. Now he was like a street rat, and everyone shouted for him to be beaten.

Well done, Hodel, you can just hide here. Kanzaki Yang's voice came from the Holy Grail.

Although Loki is the god of trickery, his efficiency in doing things is indeed very high.

I'm going to Asgard. If anything happens here, I will return immediately. After saying that, Kanzaki Yang turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of [Sheng] and Hodel.

At this time, Asgard has entered a state of full combat readiness, and not even a fly can fly in.

When are you going to open the Rainbow Bridge? Kanzaki Yang sat on Loki's bed as usual and asked Loki.

We have to wait until Odin leaves Asgard. Odin is now looking for Hodr all over the world. Once he finds him, he will definitely leave here. Loki clenched his fists, and the hatred in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

Then spread the news that Hodel is in heaven, and the Rainbow Bridge must be opened quickly. Kanzaki Yang has already felt the tremendous pressure of the world's rules.

Yo Kanzaki has made too many changes to the world line, causing the world line to develop in a direction he doesn't know, and the power of world correction is trying its best to repel outsiders like Kanzaki Yoo.

I won't be able to stay in this world for long. Before I leave, we must complete our plan. After saying that, Kanzaki Yang left Asgard.

Loki looked at the place where Kanzaki Yang left with some confusion. He calmed down after he and Hodel killed Balder, the Mountain of Light. Can I get my father's forgiveness now?

Thor knocked on Loki's door lightly, Loki, we are going to Heaven. Now only Heaven and Heimdall have not been there. Hodel is likely to be hiding there.

Kanzaki Yang could also see Loki's hesitation and confusion, but Loki was just a chess piece in his hand, and he had many more chess pieces like Loki.

Not long after Kanzaki Yogang returned to heaven, he welcomed three special guests, namely Thor, God of Thunder, Loki, and Tyr, God of War.

God of the Bible, we are looking for Hodel on Odin's orders, please do us a favor. Thor is neither humble nor arrogant. Except for being a bit one-threaded, Thor can be called Odin's best successor in many ways.

Kanzaki Yo threw the god of darkness, Hodel, out of the heaven. We have helped you capture him. Take him back to revive him quickly.

No one thought that Yang Kanzaki would have such a skill, This is different from what was discussed at the beginning! Hodel, the God of Darkness, looked at the floating Little Holy Grail angrily.

Thor, God of Thunder, and Tyr, God of War, were overjoyed. They did not expect to find Hodel so easily. They worked together to catch Hodel, Thank you, God of the Bible.

Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows and looked at the two of them with a smile, although he couldn't do this action.

I suggest you return to Asgard as soon as possible.

After saying that, Kanzaki Yang returned to the heaven.

Before the two of them understood what Kanzaki Yang meant, suddenly, a giant beam of light bloomed from the direction of the Nordic God Realm, covering the sky and connecting to the sky.

It's the Rainbow Gate! Who opened the Rainbow Gate! Thor, the God of Thunder, immediately flew in the direction of Asgard, not even caring about the captured Dark God Hodel.

Tyr, the God of War, turned to look at Loki, Loki, take good care of Hodel. I will return to Asgard now.

Unexpectedly, Loki next to him suddenly showed an evil smile and slowly turned into a giant wolf.

523. Tyr, the God of War, was unable to dodge and was bitten on his right arm by the giant wolf.

The giant wolf Fenrir! Why is it here? Golden blood flowed from the right shoulder of Tyr, the god of war.

Having lost his right arm, God of War Tyr's combat power was greatly reduced, and he could only choose to hide in the heaven to temporarily avoid the limelight. Unexpectedly, Yo Kanzaki, who had already returned to heaven, responded with a carbine and strangled God of War Tyr in the heaven.

At this time, outside the Rainbow Gate, countless frost giants appeared in Asgard. Loki stood on top of the frost giants, waving the psychic staff in his hand.

Today is the day Asgard will be destroyed!

Odin looked at Loki standing above the Frost Giants and said in deep thought, Loki, do you know what you are doing? You betrayed the Nordic gods!

Loki laughed loudly, I'm not the Son of God to begin with, so why would I betray you? When did you ever regard me as your heir?

What I want is power, absolute power!.

Chapter 294

[Saint] Through Kanzaki Yang, he saw everything that happened in Asgard, and he couldn't believe it, Do we really have to do this?

Yang Kanzaki nodded, Yes, it must be like this. After the Frost Giants fully attack Asgard, it is time for us to take action.

[Saint] can't bear it. Although she dislikes the Nordic gods very much, she still can't do such a thing.

Kanzaki Yo knew [Sheng]'s entanglement and hesitation. This was not a just battle, and it would take time to overcome such a psychological gap. You don't need to take action, just watch and leave the rest to me.

Yang-chan, be safe, [Sheng] sighed, but did not stop Kanzaki Yang's actions.

Yang Kanzaki paused for a moment, then turned into a stream of light and flew towards Asgard without looking back.

Now the degree of collapse of the world line has exceeded 100%, which means that this world will go in the completely opposite direction to the original world, but this is what Kanzaki Yang wants.

Once the world line collapses, the power of those rules will no longer be able to suppress Kanzaki Yang. Kanzaki Yang is the strongest god in this world.

Next I can rebuild this world. Yang Kanzaki thought to himself as he kept speeding.

At this time, the battle in Asgard has entered a fever pitch, and the Frost Giants are attacking Asgard like crazy.

Although the power of the Frost Giants is not worth mentioning in front of the gods, Asgard suffered heavy losses because it could not survive the large number of people.

It was like rain falling on the head of Thor, the god of thunder. After a series of fierce battles, Thor was also extremely tired.

Father, this is not the way to go. Although we are stronger than them, we really can't kill them all. Thor retreated to Odin's side and looked at the frost giants that were still pouring out.

Thor, the future of Asgard will be left to you, Odin said to Thor in a low voice, as if he was explaining the aftermath.

If the God of Light saw his own death as a premonition, then Odin is prophesying now, and the object of his prophecy is himself. He has already seen his own death in chaos, right here.

Odin's whole body exudes dazzling light, and divine power continuously pours out from Odin's body, like the sun in the darkness, illuminating the entire Asgard.

Odin wants to destroy the Rainbow Bridge. Only by destroying the Rainbow Bridge can the continued invasion of the Frost Giants be prevented. In the future, the connection between Asgard and other worlds will completely disappear with the collapse of the Rainbow Bridge.

Loki looked at the powerful Odin in front of him and suddenly closed his eyes, tears flowing from the corners of his eyes, I'm sorry, father.

Suddenly, the light stopped, and Thor opened his eyes, only to see that Odin had disappeared in front of the gods.

Yang Kanzaki turned into a human being and stood in front of the gods, holding the dead Odin in his hand. He turned to look at Loki, Well done, Loki, our first cooperation was very successful.

Loki said nothing, just stared at Odin's body blankly, You came too slowly.

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