The Hall of the Gods is located on the top of Ospis. On weekdays, it is Odin's back garden. Odin is the only one who stays here every day, peeping at beautiful women everywhere.

However, this place was very lively on this day. Almost all the Nordic gods gathered here. This was a rare scene in ten thousand years.

Thor waved the war hammer in his hand and dangled it in front of Loki, My brother, hide all the little things in your heart, otherwise my hammer will not recognize anyone.

Loki pushed the hammer away from his face with the staff in his hand, Brother, I came here today to compete with you. We have more important things to do, don't we?

Thor shook his head, I'm too lazy to care about that. Now I just want to hit you in the face with a hammer. I haven't settled the accounts with you for what happened in Asgard last time.

As he said that, Thor's hammer had already hit Loki, and Thor's hammer was entangled with lightning shining with golden light, creating a fierce wind.

Loki stood there and did not dodge. He actually used his body to catch Mjolnir, but was smashed to pieces by Mjolnir.

Brother, are you relieved now? You can't blame me for what happened last time, right? Loki's figure appeared behind Thor. The human figure that was smashed just now was an illusion cast by Loki.

You two brothers are like this every time we meet. Today is not for you to play. God of War Tyr stood between Thor and Loki, separating the two who were fighting every time.

This family is really bad, there are a lot of weird ideas every day, Thor said angrily, but the God of War Tyr still had to give him face.

Thor, Loki, why do you always fight? Frigga, wearing an off-white dress, slowly walked out of the temple.

Mom, I was just joking with my brother, not fighting. Thor still respected his mother very much and hurriedly explained to her.

But Loki was different. Loki immediately ran to his mother's side, My brother always bullies me that I'm not as good as him. He's very aggressive.


Mother, you can't always indulge him, Thor sighed helplessly. Every time his mother said such words, he was forced to forgive his brother.

Is everyone here? Baldur, the God of Light, walked out in a golden light and looked at the gods in front of him, Is it Freya who hasn't arrived yet?

What's the use of non-combatants coming? Loki curled his lips, Just let her provide logistical support.

What's wrong with non-combatants, Loki, you will never find a lover in your life like this. Freya, the goddess of love, appeared in front of the gods.

No, I still want to have a lover. I can arrange it sometime. As soon as Loki heard Freya, he immediately ran to Freya's side flatteringly.

Stop arguing, father is here. Thor glared at Loki and looked towards the main hall of the gods, where Odin was sitting on the main seat.

I have called you here now to discuss things about the God of the Bible, not to argue. Odin sat upright and looked at the gods in the temples.

The God of the Bible has gone too far. Loki was the first to stand up. Now no one in the human world knows the Lord God Odin, and everyone has begun to believe in the God of the Bible.

Is there anything you can do now? Odin knew what Loki meant, but there were some words that he couldn't say.

God loves the world. We are grateful to the God of the Bible for his contribution to the human world, but we cannot accept her behavior of harvesting the faith of the human world. The faith of the human world belongs to the gods. Loki immediately expressed his thoughts.

Thor was silent. He was very grateful to the God of the Bible for defeating the Beast King. Now that he was asked to take action against the God of the Bible, he was very resistant.

We can negotiate with the God of the Bible. If she insists on having her own way, we 520 need to use some means. Hodel, the God of Darkness, put forward his own ideas.

Isn't this kind of behavior a bit, Freya said lightly, After all, the God of the Bible is the hero who saved the human world.

That doesn't mean she can do this, Loki interrupted Freya immediately.

Okay, I know what you are thinking, Odin interrupted everyone and turned to look at Loki and Thor, You two go to heaven and tell the God of the Bible to stop such behavior.

Thor clenched the Thor's hammer in his hand, Father, I don't agree, I can't accept it.

Loki glanced at Thor. His brother was really too pedantic sometimes, Father, Hodel and I will go.

Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you. Odin knew what Loki was thinking and waved his hand for the two of them to go to heaven.

After that, Loki and the God of Darkness disappeared in front of the gods. .

Chapter 289

My Lady Goddess, the God of Fire, Loki, and the God of Darkness, Hodel, ask for an audience. Gabriel knelt down outside the Temple of the Goddess and reported the arrival of the two gods to the God of the Bible.

If you don't see me, just say that I am cultivating and it is not convenient to see people. [Saint] waved his hand, not wanting to have anything to do with these Nordic gods.

You've come at the right time. Why don't you come when the Beast King appears? Kanzaki Yang looked disdainfully at Loki and Hodel who appeared in the heaven.

The collapse of the world line turned out to be due to this reason. I should have thought of it a long time ago. In this fertile land of the human world, different gods have been fighting openly and secretly. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Baby, don't worry, mommy will protect you, Sensing the change in Kanzaki Yang's mood in her belly, [Sheng] caressed her belly and murmured softly.

I'm not worried about this, Kanzaki Yang shook his head. Of course, he couldn't make this expression now.

Kanzaki Yang transformed into the Holy Grail and appeared in front of [Holy], shaking the Holy Grail up and down.

Baby, you are going to chase them away, right? [Saint] held the Holy Grail in front of him, It's not necessary. As long as we don't see them, they will leave naturally later.

I'm afraid it's not that simple, Kanzaki Yang sighed helplessly, and the Holy Grail turned into a stream of light and fell back into [Holy]'s belly.

At this time, Loki and Hodel in heaven stared at Gabriel in front of them, We came according to Odin's request, and we must see the God of the Bible today.

Gabriel had no expression on his face and shook his head, The goddess doesn't see anyone. Even if Lord Odin comes in person now, we still have this attitude.

Are you declaring war with the gods? Loki began to cause trouble. As the god of trickery, provoking hatred between the God of the Bible and the gods is what he wants to do most now.

No, the goddess is currently recuperating. It's really inconvenient. How could the innocent angel think of the hidden meaning in Loki's words.

Okay, I will report this matter to Odin truthfully. After saying that, Loki and Hodel left the heaven.

Although [Holy] did not appear from beginning to end, she saw everything happening in the heaven through Kanzaki Yang.

Why does Odin want to see me? What is going on? [Saint] frowned in confusion.

Did what I did be discovered? Kanzaki Yang thought about what happened recently. While repairing the collapse of the world, he also invisibly rebuilt the belief system of the human world.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the electronic watch in his hand. The collapse had reached an irreversible point.

66.1% Yang Kanzaki sighed. It seemed that a battle with the gods was inevitable.

However, [Saint] has not realized the seriousness of the matter at all, and she is still thinking about why Odin wants to see her.

Is it because of resurrecting the dead? [Sheng] thought secretly in his heart.

Naturally, Yang Kanzaki would not tell [Sheng] what he had done. Although his cheap mother was very smart, she was still slightly lacking in this aspect.

At this time, Loki and Hodel, who had returned to the temples, knelt on one knee in front of Odin, Father, we did not expect that the God of the Bible would be so rampant. Not only did she not see us, she even bluntly said that we, the gods, They are no match for her.

Does the God of the Bible think that he is the number one god after defeating the Beast King?

The God of the Bible seems to have too little regard for Lord Odin.

Lord Odin is really angry this time.

The gods standing on both sides of the temples began to whisper, and these words were heard by Odin.

.々Stop arguing, Loki, is everything you said true? Did the God of the Bible really say this? Odin looked at Loki seriously, anger surging out of his eyes.

Loki felt like he was a sailboat in the big waves, and his whole body was out of breath. Yes, father, the God of the Bible did say so.

Okay! Odin breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Thor, God of Thunder, and Baldur, God of Sun, You two, as well as Loki and Hodel, go to the heavens and bring the God of the Bible to the temples.

Yes, father. Thor and Baldr knelt down on one knee, obeyed Odin's order, and disappeared into the temples.

Loki snickered in his heart, everything was going in the direction he imagined, and almost all the gods were being manipulated by him.

Odin frowned. The God of the Bible could defeat the Beast King alone, but his power was not inferior to his. Even if Thor and Baldur went together, they might not be her opponent.

Tyr, you go too. If anything happens to Thor and Baldur, bring them back immediately. Odin turned to look at the God of War Tyr. With the God of War Tyr on his side, he would feel much more at ease.

With the departure of Tyr, the god of war, the temples became empty, leaving only non-war gods standing on both sides of the temples.

I hope the God of the Bible can recognize the current situation and take the initiative to give up faith in the human world. Freya silently prayed for [Holy] in her heart. .

Chapter 290

[Saint] looked at Thor and Baldur holding Mjolnir in front of them, and sighed helplessly, Does it have to be to this extent?

Thor did not dare to look directly into [Holy]'s eyes. He knew very well that the God of the Bible was always known for his love and kindness, and it was absolutely impossible for him to say such words to Loki.

I am also here according to Odin's request. I want to take you back to see Odin. Balder on the side held the sun scepter and pointed at the [Holy] in front of him.

Although you may not have said those words, you have made a big mistake by rejecting Odin's messenger. Now come back with us, and I can guarantee the safety of the heaven.

I refuse, [Sheng] shook her head and stroked her belly. She would not leave the heaven until Kanzaki Yang left her mother's body.

Suddenly, [Sheng] suddenly sat up from the soft big bed 520, This dream is so real.

This is not a dream, this is what will happen in the future. Kanzaki Yang's voice appeared in [Sheng]'s mind.

Who is it?! [Saint] was shocked as she listened to the voice in her mind. To be able to invade her mind unknowingly, this kind of divine power must be several times greater than hers to be able to do it.

I am Kanzaki Yang, mother, Kanzaki Yang sighed, and a handsome figure slowly appeared in [Sheng]'s mind.

It's Yang-chan, can you transform into a human form? [Sheng] looked at Yang Kanzaki in her mind in surprise. She didn't expect that her baby would grow so fast and could now transform into a human being.

I am a human being. Do you really think that I am a sacred weapon? Mother. Kanzaki Yang smiled helplessly. You should not meet people as a sacred weapon in the first place.

[Sheng] lay lazily on the bed, immersing himself in his thoughts, You are so beautiful, you seem to be carved from the same mold as me.

Now is not the time to look at my appearance, Mother. Kanzaki Yang glared at [Holy] fiercely, Besides, we are mother and son, so we must look very similar.

How could it be? Look at the angels I created, they look nothing like me, and they don't even have expressions. As if he thought of something interesting, [Saint] laughed happily.

Looking at the offline [Saint], Kanzaki Yang could only shake his head helplessly, Mother, now we are not discussing whether the angels under you have expressions, but we should be discussing what will happen in the future.

Yes, what happened to the scene just now? Is it really something that will happen in the future? Seeing Kanzaki Yang's heavy expression, [Sheng] became serious now.

Yes, I am a person from the future, mother. I can tell you about the future to a certain extent, a scene of a battle appeared next to Kanzaki Yang.

Countless angels were flying in the sky, while lightning flashed and thundered nearby. Countless monsters underground were breathing black flames from their mouths. The angels fell one after another, leaving only [Saint] standing in the air with his body covered in blood. among.

The scene ended abruptly here, and [Sheng] took a breath of air, You said this is something that will definitely happen in the future, do you mean that.

Yang Kanzaki interrupted [Saint]'s words, Yes, this is the Twilight of the Gods. After this battle, Asgard suffered heavy losses, which led to the subsequent invasion of the Frost Giants. The gods were unable to resist, and tens of thousands of years of darkness The world is coming.”

Is there a way to avoid this battle? [Saint] asked Kanzaki Yang. She really couldn't imagine that such a thing would happen in the future, let alone the dark age caused by the invasion of Frost Giants.

As of now, there is no way. Kanzaki Yang sighed, Things have developed to this point. Even I can't prevent the future from happening. I can only change the timeline to a certain extent, but I can't change it. development of the world.”

[Saint]'s eyes were lowered, even Kanzaki Yang from the future couldn't do anything, so what could she do.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the Silver Treasure Chest mission and obtaining the Silver Treasure Chest. 】

Electronic sounds came out in Yang Kanzaki's mind. Originally, Yang Kanzaki didn't want to appear in front of [Saint] now, considering the degree of collapse of the world line.

But he suddenly received a mission to inform [Holy] about future events, so Kanzaki Yang had no choice but to show up in advance.

Anyway, the collapse of the world line has reached this level now. It doesn't matter if it collapses a little more. Kanzaki Yang, who is happy to accept his fate and has no worries about his debts, smiled helplessly. The collapse of the world line has now reached 70%.

Yang-chan, is there really nothing you can do? [Sheng] sighed helplessly. She was more worried about the Twilight of the Gods than her own death.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Yang Kanzaki actually had an idea in his mind, but doing so would cause the entire world line to completely collapse, which is not much different from rebuilding a new world. .

Chapter 291

Kanzaki Yang has already prepared a plan to save the world from collapse. Since the collapse of the world is irreversible, it is better to rebuild a new world.

If there is only one god in the future world who can re-establish all order, then it may not be an option.

Yang Kanzaki frowned, I'm not here to save the world line. Why did I suddenly become the destroyer of the world line?

Although he said this, Kanzaki Yo decided to continue doing this. If he had defeated the Beast King using another method at the beginning, the collapse of the world line would definitely not be like this.

Next, we have to find a breakthrough. With this in mind, Kanzaki Yang decided to find an ally of his own, an ally who would change the world with him.

At this time in Asgard, Loki was fixing his hair in his room. Thinking about the plan that was being advanced, Loki began to smile involuntarily, If this continues, I will sit in the position of father in the future. It can’t be far away.”

Of course, you will not only sit in Odin's seat in the future, a male voice suddenly appeared in Loki's bedroom.

Who! Loki clenched the Mind Staff in his hand, and the Mind Stone shone with bright blue light.

Of course it's the person you want to kill, Kanzaki Yang's figure slowly appeared from the void. Looking at the fully armed Loki, Kanzaki Yang smiled, I want to talk to you~.

Who are you and why are you here? How come Asgard's defense can't be so weak. Loki couldn't believe Kanzaki Yang's appearance. This is Asgard and Odin's territory. How could anyone be able to Break in.

I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kanzaki Yang. I am the son of the [Holy], you can also say that. Kanzaki Yang naturally sat on Loki's bed, Also, your mind gem is a little bit in front of me. It’s useless, stop lying to yourself.”

Seeing that his attack was resolved by Kanzaki Yang, Loki could only put down the spiritual staff in his hand and said, Tell me what you are here for.

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