But——[Saint] wants to share his joy with them.

If the Lord wants to tell us, we will be His faithful listeners. Raphael said with a smile.

They are just servants of the Lord. If the Lord is willing, they will listen carefully. If the Lord is not willing, they will implement it seriously. That's all.

I will tell you, you have to listen~

[Saint] A smile flashed across the corner of his mouth, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his face was slightly red.

This is the look of happiness.

She really wanted to share her joy and happiness.

At least after the Beast King was defeated, no one in this world could threaten her and her baby's safety.

Of course, what made her even more happy was that this time she and the baby fought together and won together.

I...I am going to have a baby. I have a child, so I will focus on the child in the future, that's it.

Before the child is born, I will no longer care about external affairs.

Every word of [Holy] and every piece of skin are filled with the color and taste of joy.

The expression of joy and the curve of the corners of his mouth had not been seen by the angels for a long time.



It seems that since their birth, the Lord has never been so happy.

The Lord has a child? Gabriel did not clearly understand the meaning of this sentence.

That is to say, the Lord will give birth to a little life, and we should have a Holy Son in a substantial sense. Michael explained to Gabriel with a smile.

He was also sincerely happy for the god's happy event.

The world of heaven, which has only been able to use reincarnation as a means of increasing its population, finally has life in the true sense!

He still doesn't know that in the heaven on the other world line, there is no reincarnation pool, and there is no way to increase the number of angels like reincarnation.

After being awakened by Michael, Gabriel finally understood the meaning of the Lord's words.

Are you going to have a little master? Gabriel is also looking forward to this~

Lord Holy Son......

Gabriel thought of the breastfeeding behavior of mothers in the human world and looked down again.

It seems like you can’t see the top of your feet.............

Is this why the Lord God asked her that question before?

Did it turn out that the gods existed at that time? That's why I asked her such questions.

Gabriel's face turned slightly rosy when he thought that he had given that answer.

There is even a tendency to turn into circles.

She..........She really has no experience in this area~~



Something big happened.

An event that all pantheons saw.

The God of the Bible mobilized the power of the entire heaven to defeat the Beast King.

After a period of time, all pantheons saw the return of the Celestial Realm.

Not long after, news came back from heaven that the Beast King had been defeated.

It is the hand of the God of the Bible.

After getting such a result, all the gods fell silent.

It does not mean to bless or blame, it just acquiesces to the dominance of the biblical pantheon among all pantheons.

There is no intention to blame, because everyone is the same, and they all chose silence due to the power of the beast of 666.

Of course you can take action, but the price of taking action may be the destruction of the god system. No one is willing to bear such a price.

In the end, it was the God of the Bible who took action.

Of course, no one is qualified to blame the God of the Bible for not taking action in advance, because they are simply not qualified to blame the person who took action.

Not long after, another piece of news came from the heaven.

Heaven is about to be closed!

Heaven must be closed off from the outside world, and the God of the Bible also refuses visits from some gods.

The reason is naturally - the God of the Bible was seriously injured in the battle with the enemy, so that he needed a certain amount of time to recover from his injuries.

Well, that's a very reasonable reason.

If the God of the Bible could really defeat the Beast King without getting hurt, then the entire Ejiao diet would probably belong to the Bible god system now.

It's impossible to think about it. It's normal to be injured.

But what all the gods don't know is that... what they think is weird and impossible has actually happened.

After this news that shocked the world and reassured everyone came out, all the gods fell into a strange silence and calm.

However, the more silence...the more it shows that there is an undercurrent. .

Chapter 284

The world has fallen into an undercurrent.

But this has nothing to do with Yang Kanzaki.

Kanzaki Yang doesn't care what the world is like now, he only cares about his own side of things.

The problem of [Saint] has been solved, but...Whether his appearance will have any impact on the world is what he cares about.

Theoretically, all timelines with Kanzaki Haru's existence, pushing backward from this timeline, all world lines will converge and become a single-line existence.

In other words, from the time Kanzaki Yang traveled through time and space, the world line of the Demon High School world was destined to have only one line in the era of the Bible God.

The fluctuations caused by linear space-time are simply too great.

For example, this time the Beast King comes.

In theory, the Beast King will kill a lot of lives, but not as many as this time.

With so many lives lost, there is no doubt that time and space have undergone tremendous changes since then.

Although time and space are indeed restorative and will run in a curve towards the time point that Kanzaki Yang originally traveled through, there may be many deviations in this process.

Even...if the impact is large enough, it is not impossible to directly and significantly change the outcome of future generations.

For example, in this Beast King incident, so many people died that according to Kanzaki Yang's judgment, future generations have deviated from the established trajectory.

The correction power of time and space is limited. If it is interfered with too much, it will lead to the collapse of future generations.

It is not the collapse of physical meaning, but the collapse of the timeline. Of course Kanzaki Yo can return to the future, but that future may not be the future Kanzaki Yo wants.

After traveling back, the memory of the modified world line will appear in his mind.

The most important thing that constitutes a person's existence, besides himself, is the events he has experienced and the people who have experienced the events with him.

If these have been changed, Kanzaki Yang will never admit it.

So, when Kanzaki Yang was reincarnated recently, he also made a small thing.

A small electronic watch.

The small electronic watch mounted on the body of Esther's sword will display a number accurate to two decimal points.

This.........is the Honkai value that Kanzaki Yang set for himself.

Every hour, he will use this world line observation table to observe the degree of deviation from the original established world line.

These, of course, also use the pseudo-omniscience and omnipotence ability called [Absolute Dualism] that can be proactive as long as it takes time.

Use absolute dualism to make numerical judgments, and then compare them with the originally measured values ​​to observe the degree of collapse of the world line.

According to Kanzaki Yang's judgment, once the number he named the Honkai Impact value exceeds 18.88%, the world will no longer have the ability to be corrected back.

You only need to set such conditions - [If you follow the definition and numerical quantification of the collapse value I gave, and the degree of repair of the world line, what value can the world be repaired at most? 】

This is the most basic condition. On top of this, adding some points that Kanzaki Yang is unwilling to change, it becomes the final conclusion value that Kanzaki Yang has now obtained - 18.88%.

Every once in a while, Kanzaki Yang will measure the degree of collapse of the world line to a certain extent to ensure that the world in future generations will not become what he does not expect.

If it was because of the change in the world line, he wouldn't have met those people, nor would he have experienced those things together.

The memories I have with you will change, or even disappear.

Kanzaki Yang........absolutely won't allow such a thing to happen.

But now, Kanzaki Yang frowned because of the result.

Emmm.........if he has a brow now?

Because the value just determined is 26.32%.

This is already a level of collapse that is absolutely irreversible.

If Kanzaki Yo returns to the future with such a Honkai value, what might be waiting for him is the disappeared Serafall, the gay Sarzechs, or even the decapitated Red Dragon God Emperor... .........

It seems like you can't do nothing?

Kanzaki Yang smiled.

If he does nothing, he will inevitably lead to a future that is very different from what he knows.

And Yang Kanzaki, who returned to such a future, will obtain corresponding memories.

But......Yang Kanzaki doesn't think that he is the real him.

The meaning of human existence includes what has been experienced.

.々Then, let's start the repair work~

Kanzaki Yang shook his head.

The world line will collapse, but there are ways to repair it.



[Sheng], who was peacefully raising the fetus, suddenly felt a strange movement in his stomach, put down the artifact he was making, and hurriedly turned his attention back to Kanzaki Yang.

Yang-chan is really lively~

[Sheng] smiled and touched his belly.

With her divine physique, she would naturally not have any uncomfortable reaction to this level of fetal movement.

Yang Jiang, this is what she calls her baby now.

Because she saw the name engraved on the holy sword before - Kanzaki Yang.

Of course she didn't want to call Yang Kanzaki directly, as it seemed too unfamiliar, so she used the nickname Yang-chan.

Dong~~ (Li Dehao)

Another small movement made [Saint]'s body shake slightly.

Is something wrong?

[Sheng] asked very strangely.

In her memory, Yang Jiang had behaved like this before, and it was a performance that he wanted to express meaningfully.


In response to [Holy]'s question, a white-gold light gradually rose from her belly and appeared in front of her.

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