Like a weapon cast by golden light, a golden holy spear appeared in [Holy]'s hand.

True Holy Spear!

The evolved True Holy Spear, even if it does not absorb a large amount of faith, still has the power to penetrate almost everything!

Since the other party has shown his hostility unscrupulously, he must respond accordingly!

Please use me............

Such a will was conveyed from the Holy Spear, urging [Holy] to use the Holy Spear.


[Saint] nodded slightly.

Since this is the baby's heart, she will not let it down.

At the same time, she was actually very unhappy with the Beast King who was disturbing her communication with her baby.

Just by holding the holy spear, [Holy] feels a sense of closeness connected by blood, and also has a sense that no matter what he faces, there is no need to panic.

The gun in your hand can penetrate the stars!

[This blow penetrates everything! 】

After just a little accumulation of energy, the holy spear in [Holy]'s hand condensed an extremely terrifying brilliance.

With almost no need for [Holy] to charge up, the holy spear was shot out from [Holy]'s hand!

The golden stream of light penetrates everything. In front of this small golden light spot, even the ancient and eternal body of the Beast King looks like

It’s like a piece of paper!

Both are props that evaluate transcending dimensions, but the directions of the red balls of Esther and Ark are different.

Ark Red Ball is mainly about its auxiliary functionality, powerful computing power, the meaning of its own existence, etc.

As for Esther, its performance is more of a weapon.

In terms of destructive power alone, I don’t know how much Esther surpassed the Ark Red Ball.


Easily punched a big hole in the Beast King's body, and the next moment, Esther was back in [Saint]'s hands.

Holding the Holy Spear, [Holy] felt that his lost origins had been completely restored.

This is the function of the Holy Grail.

As a trinity of the three holy weapons, as long as you hold the holy spear, you have the protective ability of the holy cross and the infinite power of the holy grail.

Is this...the original artifact...

[Saint] looked at the Beast King's injuries, checked his physical condition again, and couldn't help but murmured.

The original artifact, before the baby is born, will accompany his existence when he is born.


After [Holy] thought this, bursts of light flashed on the holy spear, expressing his dissatisfaction.

[Sheng] quickly understood the source of this dissatisfaction.

Don't you want me to call you baby? You really have your own thoughts~

[Sheng] lightly covered his red lips and showed a knowing smile.

She knew what the baby meant.

I engraved my name on the platinum holy sword because I wanted her to call her by my name, not my baby~

But...she thinks it's good to just call her baby~

The name Kanzaki Yang that appears on the holy sword is of course very good. Since this is his name, whether it was decided by him or not,

It was the will of God that told him that it should be a name that belonged exclusively to him and was also his destined name.

Jie Ang Ang Ang Ang Ang!~~!~~

While [Holy] smiled softly, the Beast King made a rather dissatisfied voice again.

It was a shrill and ferocious roar.

After being pierced by the holy spear, his body was gradually disintegrating.

Fortunately, he has an extremely powerful recovery ability. His recovery ability can barely exceed the speed of disintegration, and his body is gradually recovering.


As if responding to the Beast King, the Holy Spear changed its posture again.

Golden fluorescence flashed around [Sheng], looking quite warm and dreamy.

The shape of the holy spear gradually changed, and finally turned into the posture of a cross.

Because the shape of the original platinum holy sword was integrated into the cross, it is said to take on the posture of a cross sword.

At this time, it is the true cross.

It seems that the baby and I get along well~

[Holy] looked at the Holy Cross and smiled slightly.

Because the current gods have not died, the holy spear has not been given the teachings of penetrating the gods and entrusting the gods' will. [Holy] just subconsciously feels that the holy spear is a very convenient weapon.

[Sheng] I’m not sure either.

Did the Son of the World choose her because she had such an original artifact, or did he choose her by chance, and it was precisely because he chose her that the original artifact with such a posture and attributes appeared?

But there is one thing she can be sure of - this child definitely has potential that is above hers!

Sure enough, he is indeed my child~

[Saint] thought with great pride.

While thinking this, [Holy] passively used the Holy Cross...

That's right..........passively......................

Holy Cross is now taking the initiative to confront the enemy, even allowing [Holy] to take action semi-forcibly.

Weapons are powerful, but they still need someone to use them.

Ang ang ang ang!~~

Seemingly sensing the meaning of the Holy Cross, Beast Emperor retreated slightly from behind and made a warning sound.

Before, it thought it could act arbitrarily, swallow the gods, and plunge the world into chaos.

But one blow from the Holy Spear has made it very clear that it is not invincible.

Now that I feel the repression coming from the Holy Cross, how can I not panic?

It yearns for wanton behavior, and as a living being, it also yearns for life. How can it accept such an ending! ?

Unfortunately, his actions make no sense.

Beast King, the beast of 666, there is no point in escaping.

The girl wrapped in golden light said this.

She waved her hand gently, and the power of heaven gathered on her.

Countless forbidden spells appeared around the Beast King.

She spent a lot of time using these forbidden spells to deal with the Beast King. With such full preparations, how could the Beast King have a chance to escape?

Countless forbidden spells wrapped around the Beast King's body, causing it to roar in waves.

At the same time, the golden Holy Cross broke away from [Holy]'s hand and rushed straight towards the Beast King.

As the distance gradually gets closer, the size of Holy Cross 2.2 is also growing rapidly.

Several meters, tens of meters, hundreds of meters, thousands of meters!

The Holy Cross quickly expanded to a level that would put the Beast King to shame.

The magnificent cross gradually narrowed the distance between him and the Beast King.

The Beast King tried his best to escape, but to no avail.

This is a forbidden spell arranged by the God of the Bible that can be used to fight an eternal war. Coupled with the suppressive power of the Holy Cross, how can the Beast King break free?

Just like that, like a small insect, the Beast King's body gradually disappeared into the light of the Holy Cross.

After everything happened last night, the Holy Cross returned to the hands of [Holy] again as if nothing happened.

After expressing his closeness to [Holy], the Holy Cross turned into a small golden light again and returned to [Holy]'s belly. .

Chapter 283

Looks like I have a new toy~

Kanzaki Yang looked at the Holy Cross in the system space and smiled.

He did not choose to kill the Beast King directly, but planned to use the Beast King as a tool beast.

It has the best recovery ability in the world, and its combat effectiveness is also in the first echelon. It is a pity to be eliminated like this.

Whether used as a mount, a weapon, or as an experimental material, it is extremely precious.


After the platinum holy sword disappeared, [Saint] touched his belly happily, and then began to clean the battlefield.

Soon, she returned to heaven.

Lord God, where is the Beast King?

Michael asked very strangely.

He just felt that the Lord God used the power of the angels once, and then never used it again.

Have you defeated your opponent?

Or did you mean to expel the Beast King?

The Beast King has been defeated. There is no need to worry about the Beast King anymore.

[Saint] said softly.

Eh? Is it that simple? 13 Gabriel opened his mouth wide. It sounds too simple, right?

All the angels and fallen angels were prepared to be seriously injured or even sacrificed, but they accepted it so easily?

Well, the matter is over, and the heaven will be closed for a period of time.

Michael, when the time comes, the heaven will hardly care about the outside world and will not have any contact with the outside world.

I ask you to tell all the gods about this news.

【Saint】............has decided to live in seclusion.

Following the will of the Lord, then the reason why we are closed is... Michael did not mean to question the will of the [Holy].

However, if you want to close the divine system, you will at least have a clear reason to the outside world.

It would be understandable if the god was seriously injured......

But now it seems...

The apparent reason is that I was seriously injured in the battle with the Beast King and need a certain amount of time to rest. [Saint] said softly.

Yes, Lord, I understand.

After saying this, the other Seraphs went about their own business.

Don't you want to hear the real reason?

[Saint] stopped the Seraphs.

She knew that none of these Seraphs had any intention of asking, and even Michael only asked because he needed a reason to do things.

In fact, they unconditionally implement the will of the [Holy].

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