The white-gold holy sword came in front of [Holy] and gradually changed its shape.

It was a small golden cup, in the form of a holy weapon that had not been shown in front of the [Holy].

Holy Grail?

However, [Saint] also knows what the small golden cup in this shape is.

The platinum holy sword suddenly appeared and then turned into the form of the Holy Grail. Is it trying to convey some meaning? .

Chapter 285

Compassion, rescue, willingness, will...

Such emotions came from the Holy Grail.

Yang-chan, what do you mean...

[Sheng] looked sideways slightly, she felt that she had completely understood.

With this emotion, he was worried and sad for the people who had sacrificed their lives.

Really? Can you do it?

Feeling the emotions coming from the Holy Grail, [Holy] gently touched the Holy Grail, as if touching his own child.

An extremely strong will came from the Holy Grail.

He is grieving for the sacrifice of life in the world.

He.........wants to save.

[Sheng] can understand this feeling.

As your baby's mind grows, he should one day realize those things.

He may feel remorse and guilt because she chose not to take action.

It's just that [Sheng] didn't expect that this time would come so soon.

If it doesn't have any impact on you, of course I support it~

Faced with the baby's appeal, [Sheng] responded with a smile.

If he wants to do it and it has no negative impact on himself, then his 513 will is her will.


Golden brilliance flows on the Holy Grail, continuing to convey its will.

Of course Kanzaki Yang wouldn't care about this kind of thing, could it be harmful to him?

He is also not the kind of person who would do things that are not good for him for no reason.

A matter of this level is just a matter of throwing water at a prop that transcends dimensions.

I see, I understand, I will always support Yang-chan~

[Saint] said with a smile.

This is actually something she is happy to see.


Outside the world.

A giant red dragon more than two hundred meters tall is stretching its body.

She'd been doing a lot of pointless wandering, and lately she'd felt like she needed a little exercise and relaxation.

Of course, the main reason was that she suddenly discovered something recently - there seemed to be fewer opportunities for peeping.

The True Crimson Dragon God Emperor, whose real name is True Red, is actually a giant dragon who likes to peek, and a girl who likes to peek.

Controlling the power of dreams, she can see the dreams and dreams of living beings.

But recently she found that she seemed to be able to see a lot less? The number is far less than before.

Later she found out that it was the Beast King who slaughtered the human world.

Because the total number of life forms has decreased a lot, she can see less.

When he learned the news for the first time, Zhenhong was of course planning to find trouble with the Beast King.

As life forms of their level, they should not interfere with the development of the human world.

Then...she learned the news that the Beast King had actually died.

And based on the information left in the different dimensions, Zhenhong also learned a piece of news that interested her even more.

It can be regarded as the Beast King killed by the God of the Bible, but not entirely.

To be precise, it was a golden artifact that killed the Beast King.

But Zhen Hong is destined not to explore anything further.

No matter whether the Beast King was sealed or killed, she didn't plan to do anything.

What can be done?

It was the Beast King's fault in the first place, and if he was killed, he would be killed.

Furthermore, she can see the dreams and dreams of other gods, even those of the Beyonder.

But the God of the Bible......................

Of course you can watch, but that's not called voyeurism, it's a head-on and aboveboard confrontation.

It's not that True Red can't beat [Saint], it's just that there's no need to do it to that extent.

At least...that's what she thinks.

However.........the reality is.

If the current True Red went to find trouble with [Saint], the final outcome would be side by side with the Beast King.


After stretching his body, Zhen Hong suddenly discovered something was wrong.

It seems that there is another explosive growth of life forms?

Although her check-up cycle is indeed quite long, after all, she is a dragon who sleeps for a long time.

But this time... it's real explosive growth!

She remembered that it hadn't been long since the last time the Beast King caused trouble, right? How could the power of dreams in the human world recover so quickly?

Intrigued, she felt that she needed to find out the reason.

Even if Hades stopped accepting people, it wouldn't have grown so fast if there was only a birth rate and no death rate, right?

What is this thing?............

After using the power of dreams to investigate for a while, Zhenhong finally found out the truth.

A...a truth that concerned her very much.

This little golden thing is...

The golden cup contents are like small cups used to hold wine.

It was that thing that resurrected countless lives and made the dream power of this world abundant again.


It was found out, but Zhen Hong immediately sensed something even stranger.

It if that thing was rushing towards him?


The fact was just as she thought, the Holy Grail was almost rushing towards her.

Just now.

Kanzaki Yo is manipulating the Holy Grail to carry out repair work.

According to some methods he determined to repair the world line, resurrecting dead people is one of the simplest and most direct methods.

However, this matter cannot be accomplished overnight. Resurrecting them all directly will cause chaos. Kanzaki Yang needs to determine the timing, location, and memory of the resurrection at that time.

Through this method, Kanzaki Yo reduced the Honkai Impact value to 17.16% in a short period of time.

At the same time, almost all the gods knew that a small golden object had been released from the heavens and was resurrecting the lives lost because of the Beast King.

But no one dared to take action.

The God of the Bible, who suppressed the Beast King, has great authority. As long as it does not involve issues of faith and territory, no one will question the God of the Bible's decision.

The specific operation naturally needs to be controlled by Kanzaki Yang. After all, no matter how strong Aster is, he still needs to know what he wants to do.

While they were doing this, both Kanzaki Yang and Esther sensed a gaze projected from the void.

There seemed to be no cover-up, or it could be said that there was no cover-up because the other party did not expect to be discovered so easily.


Kanzaki Yang's side received the news of refreshing the treasure box.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is silver! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest - Zhenhong, you are gone: let Zhenhong see the fact that she will be beheaded in the future. 】

After seeing the news, Kanzaki Yang hesitated for a moment, and then drove the Holy Grail directly through the dimensions and went to the dimensional gap where Zhenhong was. .

Chapter 286

Chapter 284

The golden Holy Grail turned into a streamline through space, passed through the gap between dimensions, and came to Zhen Hong.

At this time, Zhen Hong was still a little dumbfounded.

She.........She was~discovered?

How could someone discover her peeping? Who is that person on the other side -?

Unfortunately, when she was thinking about this problem, the Holy Grail had already arrived in front of her.

Golden brilliance shone on his body, showing a hint of sacredness.

No choking...

For some reason, the Red Dragon God Emperor swallowed subconsciously, showing a hint of guilty conscience.

After having this feeling in her heart, Zhenhong suddenly reacted.

You can’t lose face~


A cold snort, a snort that would frighten even the Demon King, was Zhenhong's response.

really red..........

A young man's voice came from the Holy Grail, and it was directly conveyed to Zhenhong's heart.

Who are you?

Zhen Hong narrowed his eyes, this thing, no, it shouldn't be a thing, but a person?

But no matter who it was, the being who made the sound seemed to know her name.

You should have seen me.

The Holy Grail slowly changed its shape, becoming the shape of the Holy Cross, and then slowly changing into the shape of the Holy Spear.

Seeing this, Zhenhong finally understood.

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