
Ordinary gods are just small insects in its eyes.

It is born chaotic, sinful, animalistic, and anti-worldly.

Its presence brings destruction.

It, the Beast King, the beast of 666, after wreaking havoc for quite a pleasant period of time, wants to cause more intense chaos and tyranny!


In the heaven.

The angels are distributed at the points arranged by the Lord God, constantly adjusting their power and coefficients.

The Lord God is about to take action!

The angels were also quite excited.

The things that had not been taken action before were not taken to heart at all, and other gods were not taken to heart either. After all, one cannot be too cautious when dealing with an opponent like the Beast King.

Power injection!

Michael and the other three Seraphim were in charge of the four directions, maintaining a large formation composed of a large number of angels.

Above this formation, a golden light group was quietly releasing light.

No one knew that among them was actually a blond girl with a child.

The blonde girl uses her thin shoulders and pitiful body to fight against the enemy that all gods dare not face - the Beast King. .

Chapter 281

At this time, the blonde girl was actually filled with guilt.

She is indeed a God full of compassion.

She felt bad that she had sacrificed so much of her life for her own escape and self-preservation.

[Sheng] has no regrets. If she was given a chance to choose, she would make such a choice.

It's just... She was ashamed... She felt a sense of shame from the bottom of her heart.

I have to say, he is indeed a very powerful opponent~

In [Holy]'s body, Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes.

The Beast King is not only very powerful in his own ability, but also has an almost immortal recovery ability.

Even facing the Red Dragon God Emperor, he can confront him head-on.

Although being suppressed is certain, it will not mean being defeated -.

Do you want to take action? Or not?

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes.

He has the ability to interfere, but - he is now theoretically just an unborn child.


Are you... yearning for destruction?

Different dimension.

[Saint] looked at the ferocious beast following him and asked.

The entire heaven went to another dimension with [Saint], providing all kinds of assistance to [Saint].

Provide power, calculation assistance, holy light protection, seal against enemies, etc.

[Holy] This time it’s time to break the boat.

Perhaps because of her inner guilt, this time she almost brought the entire heaven in.

Of course, doing so carries the risk of destroying her and the entire heaven, but if more power is gathered, the possibility of defeating the Beast King without any injuries or minor injuries will be much greater.

There is such selfishness in [Sheng]'s heart that even if the angels in heaven wither, she will keep the child in her belly.

It is her compassion to fight against risks for the sake of this world, even risking her life in heaven.

For the safety of her children and herself, she would not hesitate to risk the heavens. This is her selfishness.

Because of the existence of life in her belly, her existence form and meaning of existence have become slightly more complicated.

In fact, this is the same for Hestia.

It's just that the place where Hestia lives is actually relatively comfortable, so there is no such problem during childbirth.

More questions still arise before and after Kanzaki Yo kills the gods. Hestia also expressed her absolute support for Kanzaki Yo.

Even if Kanzaki Yang commits a taboo act like killing a god, she will always support Kanzaki Yang.

[Holy] It’s similar here.

Before the child was born, he gave everything he could to the child.

Maybe this is the greatness of mother?

It's just that [Holy] is now not only Kanzaki Yang's mother, but also a merciful god who helps the world.

She could not watch life disappear and the world perish.

Therefore - bringing the entire heaven with her, she came to the Beast King.

Are you... yearning for destruction?

Jie Ang Ang Ang Ang!~~

Facing [Saint]'s question, the Beast King gave the simplest and most direct response.

It seemed like a voice coming from ancient times.

Brutal, primitive, ferocious.........

Be fearless, challenge everything, destroy everything...

It seems that talking more is useless~

[Sheng] shook his head slightly.

Sure enough, do we still want to fight?

Although she had been prepared for the battle, she still didn't want to take the risk if she could.

In this case...you just stay in a prison where time is meaningless, space is meaningless, and everything is meaningless!


[Sheng] drank softly.

The golden pupils were full of determination and determination.

Give it some of your power first.

At the same time, [Sheng] had such an idea in his mind.

In order to ensure that his child would continue to survive even if he died, Sheng transferred part of his origin to the beating golden little life.

Although it may not develop as well inside her body, it is at least certain that it will continue to grow and be born after her death.

[Holy] Before the war started, he weakened part of his origin and lost part of his strength for the safety of his children.

Fortunately...with the blessing of all the angels and the heavenly formation, no change in strength could be seen, and the Beast King did not notice anything unusual.


Others don't know, but Yang Kanzaki knows that there won't be any changes now, but the fighting time will be affected to a certain extent.

Battery life and burst capability have been greatly affected.

Feeling the origin surrounding him, Kanzaki Yang smiled helplessly.

It seems that I have no reason to stop~

[Holy] After reaching this level, how could Yang Kanzaki not respond?

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

If he was [Saint] before and suffered a slight injury due to this battle, it would be an acceptable level for Kanzaki Yang.

So now - Kanzaki Yang will not accept even a slight injury!

He - he won't, and he can't let this person get hurt!

Esther, come out and do me a favor~

Kanzaki Yang said softly.

In response to his call, a small object shining with white-gold light appeared beside him.


Ka~~Ka Ka Ka~~

Just after giving the child the final protection, [Sheng] heard an extremely subtle sound.


The next moment, a golden stream of light rose from her lower abdomen and floated quietly in front of her.

Its name is——【World Protector Esther】!

..... . 0

Forged by the God of Forging, fused with the Elven Holy Sword and the Three Holy Artifacts, it was once again sublimated into a transcendent dimension artifact!

In front of [Holy], the platinum-gold holy sword gradually grew larger, and her originally somewhat strange appearance was finally revealed.

This is.............

[Saint] was stunned, the platinum holy sword was releasing kindness towards her.

She is also very familiar with the aura on this platinum holy sword!

That's her child's breath!

Are you... are you trying to help me?

[Holy] stretched out his hand with a slight trembling and touched the platinum holy sword.

With the other hand, he gently caressed his belly.

Holding the holy sword, she felt a closer connection between herself and her child.

As soon as it was held by [Holy], a burst of gilded red gold light flashed on the white gold holy sword.

As if it were engraved with a seal, several words conveying meaning were engraved on the platinum holy sword.

Kami...Kanzaki...Yang Kanzaki?

[Holy] understands the meaning of the above words.

Here, is this the name you were born with? Or is it the name you gave yourself?

[Holy] conveys his own meaning.

Jie Ang!~~~

[Holy] would like to continue talking to Kanzaki Yang, but now it seems that the Beast King does not agree.

Its roar expresses its displeasure.

I've been waiting here for so long, why don't you come! ~~


As if being angered by the Beast King, Platinum's holy sword deformed. knife.

Chapter 282

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