But..........she is alone.

She is one of the most powerful people in the world, and countless people are hungry for her mercy.

But... there was no one else around her - just her.

Now it's finally different. She has someone beside her who is theoretically and actually the closest to her.

Her mentality also underwent a subtle transformation.

Before the child was born, she had prepared everything for the child.

The divine bath, the baptism of the halo, the blessing of the angel, the blessing of the God of the Bible...etc., all the things she can give are ready.

Of course, her actions could not be hidden from the four Seraphs who were close to her.

Speaking of which, the Lord seems to be a little abnormal lately¨¨~

While Michael was dealing with official business, he casually asked Gabriel next to him.

He also discovered something wrong with the Lord God recently.

Seems like you've become a little more homely? Like to laugh a little more too?

Ah~ That's right~ I also feel that the Lord is a little strange.

Gabriel remembered what the Lord had asked her before.

Weird, really weird.

It seemed that the Lord had always focused on her breasts when he saw her again.

Then, he asked her a very strange question.

The Lord asked her if she had a child, would she be her wet nurse?

Because it was so shocking, it took Gabriel an unknown amount of time to come back to his senses.

She simply gave the response that she would obey all the Lord's instructions.

[Holy] Of course, there are considerations when asking this kind of question.

This is also something she prepares for the healthy growth of her children.

[Holy]'s body shape is extremely standard, and can even be said to be the most perfect and harmonious body shape in the world. It is extremely valuable in this world where people are either huge or petite.

She wasn't worried that she wouldn't be able to have enough milk to feed her child. After all, she had created endless artifacts, and she could still achieve a slight degree of lactation.

What she was worried about was that if she breastfed, the baby might not be able to bear it.

In the early stage, it is better to use Gabriel for a slight transition.

That's why she asked such a question during a meeting with Gabriel.


Just when the angels were complaining about the Lord God's recent slightly abnormal behavior, in heaven, they suddenly remembered the sound of alarm bells.

It is not a trumpet sound when launching a war, but a long-lasting alarm bell when a big crisis is approaching!

After receiving this alarm, all angels with ten wings or above were instructed by [Holy] to go to where [Holy] was.

What exactly happened?

Michael frowned. He had been in the heaven all the time. How could he be very aware of what was happening in the outside world?

Although it is not clear, every time there is such a sound, it means something big is happening!


Soon, all the top angels were in place.

At the meeting place, they all saw the god wrapped in light.

.々Something happened, the Beast King has appeared! I hope everyone can do a good job in the defense of the heaven.

[Sage] said concisely and concisely.

Yes, follow the Lord's instructions! The angels acted in unison.

They are all beings created by the God of the Bible. Even the fallen fallen angel governor Azazel respects the God of the Bible in his heart, not to mention these angels with deep faith.

Everyone, please step back. From now on, just stick to the heaven.

After simply arranging what each angel needed to do, [Sheng] asked all the angels to leave.

However, the four Seraphs stayed.

They all have a doubt in their hearts.

(Li De's) Why did the gods tell them what they needed to do, but didn't tell them what she wanted to do?

Based on their understanding of God, she shouldn't be inactive at this time, right?

I know what you want to ask.

The girl in the sacred light conveyed her will.

She assigned tasks to the angels, but she didn't say what she was going to do.

This... is certainly not an accident.

She must be responsible for her children.

If the child was harmed due to her battle with the Beast King, she might collapse from it.

Although it was very selfish, even though it was an act of rape that she would never have done before.

But..........she still made such a move.

Maybe...she is a disqualified god.

But..........she is even more unwilling to become a disqualified mother. .

Chapter 280

The Beast King crossed dimensions and arrived in the human world. Now, the human world is plunged into flames of destruction.

In this endless destruction, countless humans and creatures are praying for the coming of gods.

This was a time of ancient wars, and most pantheons were vying for faith.

However, despite being prayed for, no god chose to take action.

All pantheons have chosen to sit on the sidelines for the time being.

The Beast King is simply too powerful, and it keeps releasing its raging power in a chaotic and invincible manner.

Of course, the God of the Bible is not without mercy.

It's just.........I will never take action until I'm fully prepared.

The Beast King is a formidable opponent. [Sage] feels that even if he can defeat and seal the opponent, he will end up being seriously injured and beaten to death.

And the child in her belly would die early because of this, which was something she absolutely didn't want to see.

If it were me in the past, I'd probably be fighting with the Beast King now, right? I'm really a selfish person~

[Sheng] smiled helplessly, but his mood did not change at all.

She has made her decision.

She may not be a compassionate goddess who saves the world, but she must be a qualified mother.

But not taking action means not taking action, and it is impossible not to take action all the time.

Neither the God of the Bible nor any other pantheon could just watch the destruction of the human world.

The human world is the foundation of everything, and most of the divine worlds are alien dimensions attached to the human world.

If the human world is really destroyed by the Beast King, most of the gods will lose their foundation and become rootless.

The move is certain...but...the time of the move is not certain.

Taking action against the Beast King will definitely result in heavy losses, especially for the first few divine systems, and it is not impossible that the divine systems will be destroyed as a result.

At this time, all the gods focused their attention on the two gods.

One is the Indian pantheon with a large number of transcendents and high quality.

There is another one, the God of the Bible who is the second most powerful person in the world.

As for the Infinite Dragon God and the Red Dragon God Emperor?

These two are almost detached beings who don't care about things, and no one knows their thoughts or their whereabouts.


Gently, [Holy] launched another combination of forbidden spells into the void.

(bdcc) She... is preparing for the battle with the Beast King.

She will take action, this is her bottom line.

It was just the existence of the baby that made her choose to take action only after being fully prepared.

Other gods, including angels, find it very strange.

In their eyes, the God of the Bible should be very concerned about this kind of thing, right?

And now, all the gods are getting impatient, but the God of the Bible still has no intention of taking action.

In the belly of [Holy], a small golden light is filled with life and sacred brilliance.

As if he was born as the darling of heaven and earth, absorbing nutrients from his mother's body did not have any impact on [Holy]. On the contrary, because of the special nature of the fetus in his belly, [Holy] became more convenient when using his power.

In fact.........the nutrients absorbed are only superficial phenomena.

Kanzaki Yang's most important thing is his blood and flesh. The nutrients and strength are just incidental. The infinite energy of the Holy Grail can fully support him. He just absorbs a little power incidentally to prevent the [Holy] from having any objections.

His body is in the process of reshaping and evolving. After the Ark's red ball is lifted from its restrictions, he can focus all his computing power on one thing in a short period of time.

Now there is no need to maintain the passage between worlds, so almost all the computing power can be used for reincarnation!

If you use the Holy Grail to restore your body, the time required will be greatly shortened, but if you restore the physique before reincarnation, reincarnation will become meaningless.

The best way is to live there for ten years first...

After all, the birth period of human beings lasts for ten months, and it is normal for gods to have ten years or even hundreds of thousands of years, right? ........cough cough........

However, these magic circles are really good. Although there is still room for improvement, I have to say that they are already quite advanced.

Kanzaki Yang could also see the group of forbidden curses surrounding [Holy].

This is a quantity and intensity that even the Beast King cannot withstand.

When the Beast King of later generations was released, he had countless forbidden spells on his body, just like a wild beast bound by chains.

And the caster of this chain... is [Holy].


After a period of time.

When all the gods were ready to move, a wave of world-shaking fluctuations came from the heaven!

Endless magic slowly rises from the heaven.

The entire heaven seems to have turned into a melting pot, emitting a powerful and lasting light!

A beast named 666 noticed this situation.

A golden, sacred figure shining with endless holy light was confronting a giant beast.

It was a giant beast with seven heads, a leopard, a bear, a wolf... a dragon, each with a crown on its head, and the Crown Saint coughed out three numbers - 666.

This is a beast etched in the Bible! His entire body seemed to be spliced ​​together from various beasts, full of primitive power and savagery.

Violent! Brutal! confusion!

This is the first impression that all beings have after seeing Beast King 666.

Even more impressive than the sacred figure opposite it, this is the Beast King, a monster recorded in the Bible's Apocalypse! One of the strongest existences in DXD!

Such a ferocious beast, after noticing the light released by heaven, took it as a provocation to itself, and after letting out a roar, it rushed towards the statue in heaven!

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