She didn't know that in fact, the super-dimensional human being she knew was just an existence that had been recognized again by the red ball of the Ark. In a sense, it could be said to be an ancient human being.


Some timeline.


The paradise at this time is slightly different from the paradise Kanzaki Yang knew.

The belief system here is complete, and there are also people who are in charge of the overall situation.

A twelve-winged golden angel arrived at the core of heaven and made a report in a hurry.

The report... According to the observation, it seems that there is only a super-dimensional fluctuation, and there is nothing abnormal.

The angel named Gabriel said softly.

Gabriel's voice is the kind of voice that is instantly recognizable as natural.

Also because she was facing that existence, she felt a little nervous now.

Although there was no need to be nervous at all, after all, the other person was the one who created her life and gave compassion to the world, but... she was just nervous.

is that so?

The golden light in front of Gabriel conveyed a gentle will. knife.

Chapter 278

The golden light group is full of divine aura. If ordinary people see it, they will be attracted by her holiness, and then start to believe crazily~

That's right............. um... her.

Although she had not revealed her gender in front of the gods, there was no doubt that it was her.

The slender jade hands slightly hugged her knees, making her seemingly thin and delicate body even more charming.

Beside the eyes that are shining with starlight, her dark eyebrows are thinly curved and her eyes are flowing,

The mouth is like a cherry, the pink neck is slender, the fragrant shoulder is thin, and it is as white and greasy as fat.

The two jade arms are slender and round, as white and tender as lotus roots, the jade wrists are delicate, and the tender fingertips are swaying gently.

She seemed not to be a human woman, but a barefoot elf from outside the world.

However, due to the holy light around her, her posture cannot be seen by ordinary people, even the angels who are her servants.

Since she usually appears in this way, guessing her gender has become something that the gods of various pantheons like to do.

[Holy] The voices that come out are usually neutral, so the rumor that the God of the Bible is male or female will become popular in other pantheons.

Golden hair, golden pupils, 13 even the eyebrows and eyelashes are shining with dazzling light.

You can't look directly at it, and you don't dare to look directly at such a being.

The holy light slowly slid over her feet, like flowing water, flowing quietly on [Holy]'s body, as if covering her with a light layer of holy brilliance.

Bathed in the light, [Sage]'s face, feet, and bare hands seemed to have been washed in milk, crystal clear, exuding a fragrance like orchid and musk.

She gently stood up from the soft bed and cast a concerned look into the distance.

Not long ago, an incident occurred that caused quite a stir around the world.

Powerful interdimensional energy bombarded this world, causing undercurrents to surge throughout the world.

That was a power that would scare even the [Saint], and she didn't know if she would survive a direct confrontation with that level of power.

However, such a powerful force completely disappeared without a trace.

The old man Odin also came up with a wave of classic reproductions, wanting to use his own eyes to observe this unknown existence.

Then, something happened that had happened before.

He lost one eye beautifully.

The news that Odin was blind quickly spread among the various pantheons, so that all the gods became extremely interested in the unknown existence.

Is it just pure energy? Or is he a strong man? Or is it a prop?

Even the God of the Bible was so interested that he sent Gabriel to investigate.

The relationship between heaven and demons is very tense now. Sending out Gabriel, a natural idiot, will not make other forces wary. This would not be the case if the person sent out is Michael.

However, even at the risk of triggering a war, [Saint] still chose to send people to check, which fully demonstrated how much she valued this matter.

What she didn't know was that the person she had always cared about was actually by her side.

To be precise.........inside the body.

Huh? Hmm!~~

Suddenly, [Saint] retched subconsciously.

This feeling was so unfamiliar that she hadn't yet realized what it meant.


[Sheng] retched again, she didn't like this feeling very much.

What am I...

[Saint] felt an unprecedented abnormality and quickly began to check his body.

Sure enough, she discovered something was wrong!

Right after she had such a reaction, something unknown appeared in her lower abdomen.

Among the warm holy power, there is a place where the holy power is thin.

There seemed to be something absorbing her power.

Could it be!

[Sheng] thought of a possibility and raised his head suddenly.

After a few seconds, she carefully extended her perception towards the little thing.


That little thing was vibrating at a certain frequency, absorbing the surrounding holy power.

[Sage] realized one fact very clearly - this... is the rhythm of life.

[Sheng] never thought that something like this would happen to his body before the troubles on his side were resolved.

Of course, the truth was even more unexpected than she expected.

These two things are actually related.


The one exuding the rhythm of life is naturally Kanzaki Yang.

At the beginning, he jumped the timeline. Since the Ark Red Ball had not jumped the timeline, something unexpected happened.

For example - everything around him, except for two items that transcend dimensions, Esther and the Ark Red Ball, everything else disappeared.

Including Kanzaki Yang's body......

But that's fine, as long as he has these two things, the things extracted by the system can be stored in the system, and other things are indifferent to him.

Simply, Kanzaki Yo carried out his second reincarnation.

This time, due to the use of the ultimate ability of the Ark Red Ball, almost all functions of the Ark Red Ball have been unlocked.

The Ark Red Ball has its own operating mechanism, which was determined when it was first created.

Some functions cannot be used even if Kanzaki Yo is the last human being.

But now with 510, all these functions have been unlocked!

Because even the developers did not expect that the Ark red ball could activate the final Noah's Ark Mode

The ability to avoid scrapping after crossing the timeline.

Theoretically, the Ark Red Ball needs to have all permissions turned on to be able to time jump, and this permission can only be turned on when there is a powerful enemy.

It was too accidental that the conditions were met.

Enemies powerful enough to destroy the red ball of the Ark, there are ways to cross the timeline without being scrapped.

Therefore, after all the permissions were turned on and the timeline was jumped, the Ark Red Ball was not scrapped and could still barely run. The previously turned on permissions were saved because there was no command to withdraw them.

For example... ...specify races and life forms for reincarnation.

Although he had already raised his life level once with Hestia.

But... there seemed to be a more suitable candidate here, and since his body was destroyed during reverse acceleration, Kanzaki Yang simply reincarnated for the second time.

Since Kanzaki Yo could solve all problems by just using the World Protector Esther, Kanzaki Yo simply reincarnated the designated target.

This... is the reason why [Sheng] Hui is feeling unwell.

Because - this is a normal pregnancy reaction. .

Chapter 279

Esther has evolved, and Kanzaki Yang feels that it is necessary for him to be reincarnated again.

His last reincarnation was through Hestia.


Hestia is the god of the dungeon world. Although she has been adapted to the godhead of the Bible God through the blending of the Ark's red balls, her adaptability after reincarnation is much higher than when she was still the most primitive human being.

And the most suitable one is undoubtedly the God of the Bible himself.

After this reincarnation, Kanzaki Yang has determined that there will be no restrictions on his use of the Godhead of the Bible!

Because - that's what suits him best!

Of course, the premise is that the reincarnation goes smoothly.

But don’t worry about this issue.............

Kanzaki Yang was deciding how [Saint] would treat this unexpected surprise that suddenly appeared in his stomach.


He is really a baby full of vitality and vitality~

[Saint] Lying on his back on the bed, he gently caressed his lower abdomen.

Motherhood like never before.

Perhaps...almost all women, all normal women who are full of kindness and love, will behave like this after having children, right?

[Holy] is a compassionate god, and now...she has awakened a mother's instinct.

The son of the world, this child is destined to change the world~

The children of the world are also her children.

She knew very well that she had no contact with the opposite sex, and very few people even knew her gender.

Theoretically, the only possibility that she could produce offspring was that.

This world is born through the life in this world, and represents the children of the will of the planet.

It should be a baby with great potential. From now on, you will be the Holy Son of Heaven~

[Sheng] caressed and caressed her, as if thinking of the future scene, he showed a longing smile.

She has always been alone.

She has given compassion to all things and given human beings more possibilities.

But..........she is alone.

She created endless angels and created a warm heaven filled with endless divine light.

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