Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes.

He felt that he roughly understood why the Ark Red Ball suddenly sounded such an alarm.


The specialness of Ark’s red ball itself.

[After being locked, it will be conceptually destroyed by the opponent. 】

Ark's red ball gave Kanzaki Yang the answer he expected.

In terms of destructive power alone, the almighty red ball is definitely the best.

The Ark Red Ball is a super-dimensional escape capsule developed by mankind for the survival of mankind. The purpose is to escape the ending of destruction.

But in the end...the super-dimensional humans were destroyed.

He had already left the Ark to escape, but he had no chance to take advantage of it, so the individual Ark Red Ball embarked on an eternal journey.

Until.........the trajectory was determined by Kanzaki Yang.

After merging with Yang Kanzaki, the meaning of the Ark Red Ball's existence is completely different from before.

(bdcc) Now the meaning of the existence of the red ball of the Ark has become a tool to travel through the world, and a prop to establish infinite possibilities between endless worlds.


While communicating with the Ark Red Ball, Kanzaki Yang regained his concentration again.

There doesn’t seem to be much time left for communication!

The attack is coming!

An attack across dimensions!

Kanzaki Yang clearly saw that countless small worlds disappeared along the way!

Being teleported away? Or was it directly annihilated in the cross-dimensional attack?

Kanzaki Yang doesn't care about this, he only cares about whether there is a way to escape!


In the end, the dimensional fluctuation bombarded Kanzaki Yang's body.

Kanzaki Yang's body began to gradually break into pieces.

It was like feathering and ascending, and seemed to be disappearing from this world.


Yang Kanzaki immediately used the power of the Holy Grail to repair his body.

Esther is still in the process of evolving, so he doesn't have much power at his disposal, but... it's enough for the time being.

Kanzaki Yang probably understood why all this happened.

The reason.........is the weapon advancement stone.

Theoretically, items that transcend dimensions will be observed by the omnipotent red ball, and Esther is such an existence now.

It was not yet the case before. Before, I had almost reached the apex of the dimension.

Therefore, the Ark Red Ball did not give any hints before, because the Ark Red Ball calculated that the limit that Kanzaki Yang could reach using the Three Sacred Artifacts and the Elf Holy Sword Esther was right there.

The weapon advancement stones provided by the system were completely unexpected by Ark Red Ball.

It itself is also an item beyond dimensions, and we know what means are needed to reach this level.

I didn't expect that the host would just throw a stone and it would be done?

It was so easy to create a prop that transcended dimensions, and the coordinates were exposed so easily.

The Ark Red Ball, as a prop made by super-dimensional humans, is also one of the objects that the omnipotent red ball wants to destroy.

The blow that annihilated the small world was not an attack in the ordinary sense, but a lock on concept and time and space.

Kanzaki Yang tried to dodge, but eventually caught up with him.

Simply, Kanzaki Yang chose to use the power of the Holy Grail to its limit, constantly repairing his body.

Is there any solution?

Kanzaki Yang frowned.

He is currently engaging in meaningless behavior across world lines. Although the possibility is very small, there is indeed a possibility of escaping the almighty red ball lock by constantly crossing world lines.


Ark Red Ball fell into silence.


【have. 】

A few seconds later, Ark Red Ball gave this response.

What is it?

There is no way to avoid crossing the world line, and the intensity of the attack is still increasing. If it is directly destroyed physically and mentally, the only way is to activate the backup in the red ball of the Ark. If the backup is also instantly killed to the point of conceptual destruction, then it is really over! .

Chapter 277

There was another brief silence.

After a period of silence, Ark Red Ball gave a solution.

[You can't dodge across the world line, but...it should be possible across the timeline. 】

Because it is only a theoretical solution with high probability, he used the word should~should.

Then use it~

Yang Kanzaki narrowed his eyes, and he easily determined the result -.

Based on the plan given by Ark Red Ball, if he uses his own abilities to improve, he should have a success rate of more than 95, which is much better than trying to hold on here now.

[The function of crossing the timeline existed when the machine was just installed. However, it was used as a last resort to send away the host when there was really no other way. 】

[Exhausting all the energy and computing power of the body in a short period of time can achieve a reality that spans the timeline. 】

But now, there is still room for redemption, right?

As Kanzaki Yang spoke, his body was destroyed again.

He was enduring the pain of his body and soul being wiped out all the time, but now he seemed extremely sober.

Much more awake than usual.

[Correct answer, because the host has the ability to cross world lines, it also helps to cross timelines. 】

[Furthermore, there are two transdimensional props needed to cross the timeline, and they can be operated at the same time. The body can also avoid self-destruction after using its abilities. 】

Another item that transcends dimensions mentioned by Ark Red Ball refers to Esther, who has just advanced.

Esther has been fused with the Holy Grail and can provide nearly unlimited energy. The red ball of the Ark needs to do much less than before.

I know, let's use it~ Calculate a workable plan for me in a short time!

Kanzaki Yang said decisively.

Since the self-destruction of the Ark's red ball can be avoided, Kanzaki Yang will not choose to let this machine that has given him so many conveniences be destroyed.

Although he has roughly memorized the coordinates between several worlds, the difficulty of crossing the world by himself is simply not on the same level as the difficulty of the Ark's red ball crossing the world.

【Calculation starts......】

Just like that, Ark's red ball started calculating.

the other side.

In the endless universe and dimensions, a little girl wearing red shoes is walking on a planet.

Behind her was the light of destruction.

This is a solid planet the size of a star, on which countless powerful people from outside the territory and from the original body were born.

And all these strong men have disappeared now.

Disappeared because of human desires.

Her name is Risa Nanase, and she is an artificial intelligence responsible for communicating with the outside world.

The core system is the wish-making mechanism of the universal red ball, and she is a high-performance AI created.

Of course, with the technological level of super-dimensional humans, there is almost no difference between this level of AI and real life forms.

In the light of the destruction, a Loli girl wearing red shoes looked towards the endless void.

There seems to be something there?

Sure enough, at the next moment, the mechanism of the almighty red ball came into effect.

All the wishes of the wisher will come true, and all wishes that have been made cannot be changed. This is the rule that the omnipotent red ball had when it was created.

And when the fact that the wish I made before has not come true is faced before me, the almighty red ball will follow the mechanism it was originally set to fulfill its wish.


Outside the universe, the omnipotent red ball quietly emits a very warm-looking light.

The warm light that symbolizes destruction............

Wave after wave of cross-dimensional waves burst out from the red ball, like waves of water, destroying the enemies on the way forward.


This is what happens on the other side of the endless dimension.

As for Kanzaki Yang's side.

[Calculation completed! 】

Just when Kanzaki Yang felt that his spiritual power was about to sublimate in this endless destruction and rebirth, the calculation of the Ark's red ball was finally completed.

[Timeline shuttle function...activated! 】

With a burst of red-gold light, the figures of Kanzaki Yang and Ark Red Ball disappeared.

Using the infinite energy provided by the Holy Grail, the Ark's red ball started a reverse acceleration mode outside the world outside the timeline.

Kanzaki Yang is unwilling to go to the future no matter what. In the past, he was the one waiting for his old friend.

In the future, Hestia, Ophis and others are waiting for him.

Although he couldn't decide the accuracy of this time jump, he could at least decide whether to move forward or backward.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··


Nanase Risa felt that the almighty red ball seemed to have lost its opponent's coordinates.

Anihilated? Or escaped?

Risa Nanase is not sure, but one thing is certain.

The other party has unlocked...

Sure enough, just as she expected, after sending out the last and strongest dimension collapse, the almighty red ball returned to its normal state again.

Just now, due to the constant use of his abilities, the almighty red ball has become the size of a supernova.

The almighty red ball will grow bigger as it continues to fulfill wishes and use its abilities. However, this is the first time Nanase Risa has seen such a big ball.

I don't know what is on the other side. According to the feedback from the wishing machine, it seems to be an escaped super-dimensional human being?

..... . 0

Nanase Risa couldn't tell what her state of mind was now.

However, the super-dimensional humans were the race that created her, so if they were to become extinct like this, her feelings would still be quite subtle.

There was one thing she found very strange. The other party should know that the power beyond dimensions would reveal the coordinates. Why would he use such power?

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