As a spiritual weapon, Esther is also extremely special among his weapons.

Well... Very good... I can be with the master... Esther's quiet voice came out .

She actually really wants to take away the position in Kanzaki Yang's arms.

However, after hesitating for a long time, she did not take any action out of consideration for the fact that Hephaestus was the one who created her.

We've always been together.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

He actually knows that Esther has always had a mentality similar to inferiority, because he is not the strongest weapon in the hands of his master, and he does not have much say.

Because he's not the strongest, he doesn't want to reveal his true feelings.

Just appear when the owner needs it and not appear when it is not needed. These all depend on the owner's judgment.

This was Esther's mentality before.

A somewhat inferior attitude.

Because he is not the strongest, it is enough to be able to follow his master and appear when he needs him.

But now, she finally has a more solid reason.

She is the strongest, and she should be the one who will be used the most frequently in the future, which makes her joy uncontrollable.

Kanzaki Yang also knew her feelings, so she chose Esther as the carrier.

Otherwise, using other artifacts will also work.

He knew the knot in Esther's heart and knew that it was difficult to explain it, so he directly chose to solve the problem fundamentally.

Can the power be used smoothly?

Kanzaki Yang asked Esther.

He was asking about the power of the Three Sacred Artifacts.

The Holy Spear, Holy Grail, and Holy Cross now form a new sword body.

The Holy Spear serves as the front half and tip of the sword, the Holy Cross mainly serves as the blade, and the Holy Grail serves as the hilt.

The whole body has undergone some deformation, but some traces can still be seen.

It can be used without any problems. It has formed a circulation in the body and is much better than before.

Esther said softly.

The power of the three holy weapons responds to each other, forming an internal cycle that is endless and endless.

It is even much stronger than the full version of Esther.

Est, the highest-ranking sword elf, whose full name is World Protector Terminus Est, is the legendary holy sword that kills the devil.

However, it is not the main body, but an independent existence branched from the main body. Therefore, it only has about one-tenth of the original power, and most of the power still exists in the elven world.

Now Esther can clearly feel that even if he takes back all his power, there will be a huge difference from now. her who has evolved.

Well, that puts me at ease.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

Of course, he can easily use his ability to determine Esther's current state. He only asked this question to make Esther feel comfortable.

By the way, Esther, what do you think about taking back your previous name?

Kanzaki Yang smiled again and said.

Previous name?

Esther's sword trembled slightly.

The master means......

World Protector Esther, although it sounds a bit raw, don't worry, I think it sounds pretty good.

Kanzaki Yang said while stroking the blade of the sword.

Yes Yes...............

Esther responded softly.

She could feel that her master needed her, and that alone was enough.

The master gave her such a name because her importance is now different~


In this way, Kanzaki Yang obtained the most powerful equipment he had obtained so far - the World Protector Esther.

It is the existence that condenses the glory and faith of the world and forges the Holy Grail, Holy Spear, and Holy Cross of the Endless World Line.

Kanzaki Yang has been in a good mood these days. He has harvested a world and reforged the most powerful items.

With the help of the World Protector Esther, Kanzaki Yang already has the capital to not be afraid of the gods of the dungeon world even if he himself has not ascended to the throne of God.

At the same time, due to his ascension to heaven, various events in the Bible and other great achievements, Kanzaki Yo has also reached the threshold of level eight to level nine.

Unlike before, which required Hestia's blood and essence to strengthen his character, with the Holy Grail function, Kanzaki Yo's upgrade route (Li's Zhao) has become smoother.

Everything fell into place, and Yang Kanzaki reached Level 9.

After making all preparations, Kanzaki Yang came to the depths of the Holy Heaven alone.

He......still has things to do.

Recasting Esther and the Three Sacred Artifacts is certainly an important matter, but it is not the ultimate goal.

The ultimate goal—but to maximize the value of the weapon advancement stones~

After the situation on Esther's side was completely stable, Kanzaki Yang was ready to proceed to the next stage.

Let the supreme artifact take another step forward!

Esther, are you ready~

Kanzaki Yang gently touched the cross on his chest and asked.

It's said to be a cross, but it's actually more similar to a cross sword.

This is the current Este Order.


Esther's voice was very soft, but also full of determination. .

Chapter 276

Use the Weapon Advancement Stone.

Kanzaki Yang gave such instructions.

【Ding! 】

[Would you like to use the prop Weapon Advancement Stone? 】


【Ding! ~]

[Please specify the object to use the props. 】

The target is the World Protector Esther.

【Ding! ~]

[Object specified successfully! Advancement begins! 】

The weapon advancement stone glowing with iridescent light appeared from the void and gradually integrated into Esther's body.

Evolved Rainbow Light, this is a prop that allows all weapons to evolve once and surpass the current level limit!

Ka~~~Ka Ka Ka~~

The space around Esther trembled slightly.

Kanzaki Yang frowned and repaired the flaws in the Holy Heaven.

The fluctuations that escape are to such an extent, should it be said that he is worthy of Esther?

Although he originally knew that Esther should be very strong after evolving, but... the strength after evolving again seems to be a bit beyond his imagination.

And this is just the beginning.

Light, endless light surged towards Esther from the Holy Heaven.

It's not just that...

Outside the sacred heaven, there is also the light of stars.

The secret energy of the universe, dark energy? Kanzaki Yang can only give these things this relatively vague definition.


510 The golden light breaks through the heaven and earth!

The light of the stars, the light of the universe, the light of salvation, the light of destiny...all exist here...

While Kanzaki Yang was admiring this beautiful scene, the red ball of the Ark on his chest involuntarily emitted a red-gold light.

【warning! ~]

【warning! ~]

【warning! ~]

The beep sound of Ark Red Ball!

What's wrong?

Kanzaki Yang also had a heart palpitations, and with the alarm of the Ark's red ball, he could not help but feel this way.

[The body has been locked! 】

[The body has been locked! 】

【warn! warn! Please leave this time and space quickly! ~Please leave this time and space quickly! ~]

Ark Red Ball issued auxiliary instructions.

What happened? Who locked it?

Without any hesitation, Kanzaki Yang picked up Esther in front of him and began to use the second method.

He did suddenly feel a palpitation in his heart, but he didn't know where this feeling came from.

Is it his sixth sense? Or is it because the Ark Red Ball has now issued an order?

[Locked by the wishing machine that destroyed the world of higher dimensions...]

While traveling through the world, Ark Red Ball gave an explanation.

Higher Dimension World..........Wish-making Machine......

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes, and all he could think of was that thing.

The almighty red ball? Kanzaki Yang asked.

【Yes. 】

The almighty red ball is the reason why the Ark red ball was created.

In a certain dimension that transcends the boundaries of technology and time and space, humans in that dimension created the almighty red ball.

Although the universal wishing machine sounds like something from the magic side, there is no doubt that it is the pinnacle of technology.

Why is it said to be the highest crystallization?

It can be seen from the fact that the omnipotent red ball destroyed the creator itself that it stands at the apex of technology.

What will be the consequences of being locked by the almighty red ball?

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