That is their thoughts, their belief, and their spirit.

It seemed that from that light, they saw the bubble of their dreams.

This phenomenon not only appeared in the Holy Religion, but also appeared in the imperial army.

That's right... There are also people in the imperial army who believe in the Holy Religion.

Although it is certainly not as pure as the followers of the Holy Religion, it is indeed there!

.々Pretend to be a ghost!~

The minister in the imperial equipment roared and rushed towards the glorious young man.

He could only use this reason to comfort himself. In fact, he also had fear of the God of the Bible in his heart, but he just couldn't express it out loud.

In an instant, because of the actions of the Supreme Emperor, the mountains and rivers were shaken!

Ernest, a new era is coming, and there is no need to add more trauma to the earth.

The black-haired boy said this.

It seems to be just plain and extremely ordinary language, but...after this sentence was spoken, it seemed that the whole world changed.

As if suppressed by the golden light, the mountains and rivers no longer wavered. Everything seemed to have calmed down. Only the Supreme Emperor's throne was sprinting.

This is the glory of salvation!

It's your faith in the Lord, your own longing, (Li's Hao) own dream power!

Kanzaki Yang gently raised the holy spear and said.

【Long gun! 】

[The true holy spear that combines fantasy and reality! 】

[Absorb the Yunyun will sleeping in my body——]

[Exploring the gap between the future and infinity——]

【You! ——】

【Expound the truth and turn it into brilliance! ——】

As the bright light exploded from the holy spear, the whole world seemed to be illuminated by light!

The faith of believers has passed through this world, passing through one place after another and countless living beings.

Although the accumulated faith in this world is not enough for Yo Kanzaki to use a complete holy spear, but... the holy spear condensed using the faith of this world is far more powerful than the one in the devil high school world. Faith means so much more.

Current believers will realize this, and people who are not yet believers will realize this.

This is where it makes the most sense. .

Chapter 271


After the holy spear penetrated, the body of the Supreme Emperor turned into golden light spots and gradually disappeared into the air.

It’s not just that the body disappears, but both spirit and form are destroyed!

Perhaps, this is also one of the best endings for the minister~

After all, this way he wouldn't have to worry about his soul falling into hell.

Today, as the time of the last holy war, it has been recorded in the teachings of the Holy Religion, known by countless believers of the Holy Religion, and also by endless lives.

Because of that last blow, that condensed faith in this world, a glorious blow that could completely make all those who believed in it feel their power, the aftermath contained thoughts and dreams that had spread to the whole world.

All living beings felt the last moments of the empire's collapse, and all living beings were shocked and attracted by this pure power of faith!


After the most powerful weapon was destroyed, after the Son showed his power and the brilliance of the people, everything was settled.

General Esdeath disappeared in this brilliance. It is not known whether he took advantage of the chaos to escape, or was wiped out by the brilliance of the Holy Son.

General Bude's ending was similar.

In the battle with the Dragon Saint, he used up his last strength and tried his best to maintain the majesty and power of the royal family.

503 However, in terms of his lifespan, his experience is definitely not as good as Elsa's.

In terms of pure strength, even if Erza has not reached her peak now, she can be completely crushed by the power of the Sekiryuutei.

After being completely crushed, General Bude exhausted his last strength for the empire and died of exhaustion...

In fact, when the Supreme Emperor's Throne was destroyed, the empire's military morale had already weakened.

Afterwards, they noticed Esdeath's disappearance. In an instant, more than 80% of the people either became deserters or lost their fighting spirit and were captured on the spot.

Only a small number of elite soldiers from the imperial city followed General Bude to the end.

Although less than 10% sounds like a small amount, it is actually a quite terrifying number. Defeat into the mountains is no joke.

These soldiers are the most loyal pillars of the empire. They are soldiers similar to General Bude who have been educated and trained by the empire since childhood. They have the highest loyalty.

When the empire was about to collapse, they also chose to give their last bit of strength to the empire.


The war is over. (bdcc)

After this war is over, there will no longer be any obstacles to the way forward of the Holy Religion!

Witnessing the light of the holy spear and the glory of the people, after defeating the empire, all the cities along the road opened to welcome them.

This is the general trend, this... is destiny!

When the holy religion was on the verge of approaching the imperial capital, the emperor did the last thing that was in line with the emperor's majesty.


The fire started from nowhere and spread throughout the imperial city, plunging the entire imperial city into a sea of ​​fire!

The imperial city, which symbolized the majesty and existence of the empire, disappeared in the flames.

The last emperor seemed to have no intention of resisting to the death.

But it’s normal, and almost everyone understands it.

After all, the strongest Teigu has been declared useless, and the last two generals of the empire have disappeared and died in battle. What else can be resisted?

It is normal for an empire that has no popular support, strength, or current situation to get such a result.

On the old soil of the old empire, a new theocracy was established!

The name followed the name of the Holy Religion and was changed to the Holy Kingdom.

In this way, the only country in the world founded on faith and religion was born!

This country does not have any current state form. It is a brand new state model - the Theocracy!

In the Theocracy, although the Pope's status is very high, he is not the highest being.

The highest existence is the god who has always guided everyone!

The status of gods is really too special, and they have been guiding everyone with their aloof attitude.

It is roughly equivalent to a Shi Huangdi who has been strengthened countless times and has been governing. You can imagine how powerful this country will be.

The Holy developing vigorously at a new speed and attitude!

God will always give the most correct choice, God will always give the most correct guidance.

Moreover, unlike emperors, gods are immortal.

God is always high, God is everywhere, God is omniscient.

All sins will be accounted for after death, and all good will be rewarded after ascension.

With such a foundation, how could anyone take the initiative to commit a crime?

Most people commit crimes because they feel lawless and no one can watch them.

And if there is actually a good being watching you all the time, most evil people will have trouble sleeping and eating, fearing that judgment will fall on them.

In this way, the Holy Kingdom developed vigorously.

The day finally arrived.

The day of the expedition.

Kanzaki Yo's ultimate goal in coming to this world is to harvest the World Heart of this world.

And if you only have the Holy Kingdom, it is obvious that you cannot conquer the heart of the world.

What is needed is the belief of nearly all sentient beings!

Although not all life, most of it is definitely.

In addition to the empire, Zhan Chitong's world also has too many sentient beings, including alien races in the north, alien races in the south, and island countries in the far east.

These are all objects that need to be included in the Holy Kingdom!

Whether it is to kill them all or to be included in the rule of the Holy Kingdom, there is only one ultimate goal - to gain the faith of all sentient beings on this planet!

For this reason, after developing for a period of time, the Holy Kingdom went on an expedition!

Whether they are foreign ethnic groups in the north or foreign ethnic groups in the south, they must all be suppressed!

Kanzaki Yang does not regard people from other ethnic groups or those who do not believe in him as his own people.

If you are not one of our own, there is no need to hold back.

After such a long period of infiltration by the Holy Kingdom, everyone who is willing to join the Holy Kingdom should have already joined the Holy Kingdom, and they should sneak across the border even at the risk of being hanged.

What's left on that side is considered a complete opposition.

The opposition naturally needs to be eliminated. Kanzaki Yang doesn't need people like this who will waste the world's food and are of no use to him.

After obtaining the World Heart of this world, Kanzaki Yang is essentially not much different from the master of this world. Now... he is just exercising his rights in advance.

In other civilized places, it is still possible to defeat the enemy without fighting through the infiltration of faith.

But this mode is useless for barbarians.

And the barbarians... are just sentient beings. .

Chapter 272


Amidst the beating of the war drums, the Dragon Saint, the Healing Saint, and the Night Attack Division went to the foreign nations in the north. The Ice Saint, the Sword Saint, and the Saints went to the foreign nations in the south.

The Sword Saint is the name given to Chitong.

After all, all the saints in other cities have titles, only Chi Tong does not.

Although there is a special background that she should be the spouse of the Son of God in the Bible, but as expected, living beings are all gossipy, so she still gave Chitong the title of Sword Saint.

The title of Sword Saint certainly doesn't sound like much at first glance, and Hephaestus even said there was no problem with it.

It's just a little different in Kanzaki Yang's eyes.

In Kanzaki Yang's memory, the Sword Saint was a certain blond nun with a lot of books, not the red pupil who cut off the red pupil world.

If we judge the combat effectiveness based on the quantity in this book, it is estimated that the entire world of Zhan Chitong is not enough to defeat the Sword Saint alone.


The heart of the world and the heart of the stars seem to be different existences.

In the newly established Holy Capital, Kanzaki Yang summoned the Heart of the Stars.

This was originally an evolutionary prop for Stardust Dragon, but it also has great symbolic and practical significance.

If the Heart of the Stars represents the recognition of the planet itself, then the Heart of the World basically represents the recognition of life forms.

It's just that the Heart of the World should still have the recognition of some planets, which is a kind of recognition in the dark, rather than the recognition that manifests into the heart of the stars like the Heart of the Stars.

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