Next to the Heart of the Stars, there is a golden illusory sphere. what Kanzaki Yang got recently.

Item name - Weak World Heart.

After gaining most of the empire's faith, the Heart of the World was gradually formed beside Kanzaki Yang under the guidance of the Star Heart.

However, this is obviously not the complete Heart of the World, because his golden treasure chest has no trace of being opened.

It is estimated that when this thing is completely solidified, it will be harvested.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

He originally obtained the Heart of the World after clearing out a wave of the world's top super dangerous species.

At the level of super dangerous species, they already have considerable wisdom, and they also account for a considerable part of the intelligent beings.

After confirming that the super dangerous species were sentient beings, Kanzaki Yang went to cook them.

The cooking mode is also very simple. If you are willing to surrender and believe, surrender and believe. If you are not willing, just get rid of the so-called ingredients and put them away.

Anyway, the last time the First Emperor did such a thing was a long time ago. When Kanzaki Yang did such a thing this time, the number of super dangerous species gradually recovered.

Things went smoothly. After clearing out several of the strongest super dangerous species, Kanzaki Yang obtained the predecessor of the Heart of the World.

Why...why do I always fall into very subtle feelings sometimes?

Every time I stare at the heart of the world, I always feel a subtle sense of uneasiness.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes.

He got the answer to this question when he just asked about Ark's red ball and system.

The system's answer is: As strength grows, an ability similar to the sixth sense is born. Even if the judgment is not being made, there is a tendency to make correct judgments.

At the same time, because of the new contact with the world, I have stronger control capabilities and operability in this world, which also leads to myself being contaminated by some perceptions of the heart of the world.

The answer given by Ark Red Ball is: When you are detached, you will be targeted by some beings.

Whether it is a strong person in this universe or a strong person in another universe, as long as he has power beyond dimensions, he will be targeted.

And Yang Kanzaki was targeted by some people because he used the second method too frequently some time ago.

Yang Kanzaki also judged the two answers, and the result was.........there was neither correct nor wrong.

Or maybe – both are wrong – both are right.

After identifying potential enemies many times, Kanzaki Yang didn't get any results.

It could be too much, or it could be too little, or it could be that his judgment method is incorrect.

The answer Kanzaki Yang got for this judgment was - too much.

Since there were too many, Kanzaki Yang didn't care too much.

As long as he is not targeted by someone specifically, being targeted by a group of people seems to be a custom in his judgment, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is even a kind of etiquette.


One month later.

In the holy capital.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the Heart of the World in his hand.

Not long ago, the Holy Religion conquered all countries in the world with thunderous force.

Either suppress it directly, or penetrate it to the point of subduing the enemy without fighting and thus naturally gaining surrender.

After a period of unification, Kanzaki Yang's Heart of the World is finally complete!

After the Heart of the World in his hand was completely solidified, Kanzaki Yang finally heard the sound of the system.

【Ding! 】

【Open the golden treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward——Holy Heaven! 】

[Super Dimension World: Beyond Heaven—Holy Heaven]

[Beyond Heaven—Sacred Heaven: A sacred world completely controlled by the host, with a degree of solidity and preciousness that far exceeds that of the ordinary world.

..... 0 .....

At the same time, it is also a super barrier, in which there are countless magic formation positions waiting to be filled. Once filled, the entire world will become a superb magic formation.

In the Kingdom of Heaven, all holy attributes are increased by 300%, and all other attributes are suppressed by 50% of their strength. The suppression of attributes restrained by the holy attributes is even more severe.


Oh ho?

Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows.

Regardless of anything else, it is enough to say that this is a portable world that can be used to live in, hit people with, and fight.

Although Kanzaki Yang has always said that believers will enter heaven after death, in fact they can only enter his Holy Cross to wash their memories before reincarnation.

At most, I can give this soul a little blessing when washing my memory.

He didn't want so many impurities to pour into the heaven of the devil's high school world.

Yes, although believers are very loyal, they cannot be compared with angels, and it is impossible for Kanzaki Yang to treat them with the same standards.

Now that there is the Holy Heaven, it seems that these people can be put in. Anyway, it is a new big world, even much bigger than the world of Zhan Chitong. It is still okay to put some people in casually.

As for other functions............


After a little research on the specific function, Kanzaki Yang called Hephaestus.

Now - it's finally time for them to complete their contract! knife.

Chapter 273

The content of the contract is to help Kanzaki Yang forge a weapon. The value of the weapon is determined by the value of the thing Kanzaki Yang paid.

Now, it’s finally time to cast!

A few months later.

Since the emergence of the Holy Kingdom disrupted the plans of Kanzaki Yang and Hephaestus, the forging of Hephaestus was delayed for several more months.


are you ready?

Three sacred artifacts filled with golden light appeared behind Kanzaki Yang, but they were obviously much smaller than normal, and they looked like small toys.

However, in fact, no matter which one it was, it was almost beyond Hephaestus' cognition.

It was not that she had never seen artifacts before, but each of these three items exceeded the limit of what she could create!

Fortunately, she knew that Kanzaki Yang's purpose was not to let her forge 507 weapons of this level...

Kanzaki Yang's purpose is to let her re-forge the sacred weapon as a component!

The Holy Spear, Holy Grail, and Holy Cross are already very powerful, but Kanzaki Yo has a way to evolve them again.

Weapon advancement stone.

This item was obtained by Kanzaki Yang a long time ago.

But this prop can only be used on a single weapon.

In other words, theoretically Kanzaki Yo can only choose one.

Originally, Kanzaki Yang wanted to use the world's top materials and the hand of the forging god Hephaestus to re-forge Killer

The Demon King's Holy Sword.

But now, it seems that doesn't have to be the case.

Because Kanzaki Yang is a person who likes all kinds of card bugs.

When it was determined that a component-type weapon could also be enhanced using weapon advancement stones, Kanzaki Yang had already made the decision.

Use the Three Sacred Artifacts as components and reforge the Holy Sword that killed the Demon King to get a brand new artifact!

In this way, it is equivalent to the evolved Holy Sword that kills the Demon King eating the weapon advancement stone, which allows Kanzaki Yo's most top-notch props to evolve again.

If Kanzaki Yang hadn't judged that no more materials could be added, Hephaestus wouldn't be able to bear it, and the world wouldn't be able to bear it either. Kanzaki Yang also wanted to throw the World Dragon's gem and even the Holy Heaven into it.

I'm ready, we can start~

Hephaestus tossed a hammer casually. Although the hammer looked ordinary, it was actually a forging artifact that had been used to forge countless artifacts.

This time, Kanzaki Yang didn't need to say anything, she was already ready to show off her skills!

Let's go~

A golden halo appeared in front of Kanzaki Yang and Hephaestus.

Stepping into the circle of light, the two of them officially arrived at the Holy Heaven.

Although it can also be forged in the Zhan Chi Tong world, it is obvious that the Holy Heaven is more suitable than the Zhan Chi Tong world.

Kanzaki Yang can give more help and become more skillful in controlling the sacred artifacts.

At the same time, there is no need to worry about issues such as running out of power.

After all, the Holy Grail is a forging material, and it cannot be used as a prop for Kanzaki Yo during forging. In other words, Kanzaki Yo did not have an infinite energy buff at that time.

However... there is the blessing of the Holy Heaven in the Holy Heaven, and it doesn't seem to be much different from the infinite energy buff.


In an instant, endless magic circles were ignited in the Holy Kingdom!

Fire-based melting and forging arrays, shaping arrays, environmental stabilization arrays, weapon resonance arrays, etc...

These formations were all the ideas of Hephaestus.

Of course, it was not all her fault. Yang Kanzaki also used [Absolute Dualism] to further optimize the plan with Hephaestus.

The Holy Heaven has been transformed by Kanzaki Yang and Hephaestus into a melting pot of elements and forging during this time!

Using the world as a furnace to forge weapons is too much for even Kanzaki Yo. Only when he can use the infinite charge of the Holy Grail can Kanzaki Yo be able to withstand it.

Even if this was the case, it took Yang Kanzaki several months of time.

Open the furnace!~

Hephaestus said excitedly as he looked at the casting site in front of him with completely different specifications than before.


Although he was commanded by Hephaestus, Kanzaki Yang still activated his authority and made the entire Holy Heaven come alive.

It is indeed possible to put souls into the Holy Heaven, but the matter of the Heavenly Furnace is more important. If you put souls in it in advance, it is estimated that these people will become nourishment for the new artifact.

Although Yang Kanzaki is average towards believers and will not be extremely loving, he will not deceive him to this extent either.

The pot is boiling!~

Hephaestus rolled up his sleeves very excitedly, and all his divine power blossomed...

Here, not only does she not have to be suppressed by the environment of Zhan Chitong's world, but she will also be affected by the growth of this world, and she doesn't have to worry about the loss of power.

She - can finally reach a higher level!

Hephaestus now feels that she may never have the opportunity to forge an artifact of this level in the rest of her life. How could she be unhappy?

Where is Fen?

The materials of the weapons are top-notch, and the three holy weapons are all the most powerful artifacts in Jinan and even beyond the dungeon world.

The forging furnace is of the highest quality. Hephaestus has only seen Kanzaki Yang with such a large-scale effort in using a world as a forging furnace. He also spent a long time transforming the magic furnace into a world furnace. The mind of time.

Forging people are the best. Here, Hephaestus can clearly feel that his spirit and strength have surpassed the previous limit. Moreover, this is not a short-term state, as long as he is in the Holy Kingdom. , this is the permanent state!

Even...even the assistant is top-notch.

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