In other words, His Majesty the Emperor can only hand over the right to use it to someone.

So who is this person?

Bude thought for a long time but could only think of the minister's name.

Only Minister Ernest has enough trust from His Majesty the Emperor!

The minister is such a bastard!!

General Bude was furious for a moment. In his opinion, this was a representative of imperial power. How could it be used by such a treacherous minister? ?

affim! absolute! no doubt! It was that guy Ernest who tricked His Majesty the Emperor into doing such a thing!

The minister made up his mind that after returning to the imperial capital, he must settle the score with the minister...

But now... let's face the enemy first~

Even General Bude had to admit that he was no match for these thieves...


As the ground shook more violently, everyone became nervous.

Of course, the ones who were even more panicked were the soldiers on the side of the Holy Cult.

Most people have macrophobia.

Especially when you know that this thing is aimed at people like you, you will be even more scared.

It can be said that if it is an army of the revolutionary army, deserters have already appeared.

Don't be afraid, this kind of toy is just superficial!

Elsa, wearing red dragon armor, stood at the front.

The Demon King-level Teigu is very powerful, but......not a problem! She has fought many demon king-level opponents, including giants from Northern Europe, and dragon kings that surround the world. Opponents of this level are just a drop in the bucket.

If it weren't for Kanzaki Yang's request, she would have killed the Supreme Teigu.

But no... At this time, she couldn't take action.

Although she usually does things deliberately to get Kanzaki Yang to spank her, she also knows the severity.

Of course, things that don't matter can be a little outrageous, but - this is serious business, and it is one of the few opportunities to greatly improve the purity of faith.

Although Elsa said this, there were still very few people who really had the courage.

The weak are naturally afraid of the strong.

Of course, this performance is as good as it gets.

The Supreme Emperor's Seat is already more than ten miles away. Judging from the height of the Supreme Emperor's Seat, it only takes a short jog to get here.

Although they were afraid, the soldiers of the Holy Cult did not run away. This was already the highest quality.

Almost everyone's body was shaking...

At this time, the Holy Son they believe in...


Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows. He had just received a treasure box and was still immersed in the aftertaste of opening the treasure box.

It's the treasure chest from the previous night raid.

It seems that the night raid is done~

Kanzaki Yang nodded.

Although with the current situation, he could lead a night attack to counter-kill the revolutionary army if he guided it himself.

However, this kind of situation where they do it naturally without you having to take action is the most comfortable.

It’s not that Kanzaki Yang didn’t take action... On the other hand, it was him who kept taking action that led the situation to what it is now.

Without any hesitation, Kanzaki Yang opened the silver treasure chest.

【Ding! 】

【Open the silver treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - prop: Sacred Heart of the Holy God! 】

[Props: Sacred Heart of the Holy Spirit]

[Effect: After using the energy essence and core of the God of the Bible, you can use the full power of the God of the Bible within a certain period of time!

Note: In the full version of Fallen Sacred Heart, the intensity and time limit have been greatly extended. 】


Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and smiled playfully.

In fact, his own realm has already reached the level of the Demon King. It is not impossible to reach the level of the God of the Bible in a short period of time.

However, this thing is really useful.

When he reaches the realm of the God of the Bible, he will probably be weaker than the original God of the Bible only in terms of experience and some professional aspects.

If there was a fight, Kanzaki Yang felt that he could easily defeat him.

Of course, there is no point in thinking about such things, after all, the person who passed away has passed away.

Even Kanzaki Yo's second method does not have the ability to return to that time period.

As for the Ark red ball... it won't work either. Adjusting the world lines between world lines is already the limit.

So Kanzaki Yo's idea is just a flash of inspiration.

Okay, now it's time to deal with things on that side~

When almost all the believers fell into panic and despair, Kanzaki Yang gently took his steps.



In the Supreme Emperor's throne, the minister smiled proudly.

strength! This is what power feels like! It is the power that crushes everything!

Although he had gained this power for a long time, he was still immersed in the afterglow of excitement.

He is different now than before! ~~

That's where the rebels are, right?

The minister looked at the Holy Cult's position with excitement and quickened his pace again.

Suppress the rebellion and gain supreme power today! .

Chapter 270

Yes, get the highest rights.

Minister Ernest was immersed in the absolute power of the Supreme Emperor's throne and had forgotten where he should be.

He decided to kill all these people!

General Bude, the Imperial Army, the Holy Army, etc., suppress them all at once!

Esdeath can barely stay. Anyway, she has no requirements for these. Even if he becomes the emperor, as long as she is allowed to do whatever she wants, it shouldn't be a problem.

After completing these things, he will return to the palace to get the highest position!

This was the thought that filled Minister Ernest's mind at this time.

To put it simply.........the minister is floating.

As the saying goes, before it perishes, first make it crazy.

The minister is now perishing in the flames of desire.

Let you taste the power of this imperial weapon~

The minister smiled ferociously.

On the way here, he had already tested the power of this Imperial Equipment in a village. There is no doubt that this Imperial Equipment is the strongest and most invincible Imperial Equipment!


Red waves of destruction spewed out from the mouth of the Supreme Emperor, seemingly annihilating everything in sight.

In such a destructive light wave, everyone is running away in a hurry, and only a few people are looking forward to the arrival of God or the Son of God.

The Holy Son has already appeared, but due to the special nature of the Holy Son's identity, it is impossible to stay in the army openly, so many people don't know that their Holy Son has actually been observing all this.

In front of the red light wave that will wake up......


A magnificent golden cross solidified instantly!

The golden dream structure seemed a little fragile, but it still easily blocked the red wave of destructive light.

No matter how the light waves kept washing over it, the light flowing on the golden holy cross remained the same.

The destructive light waves were absorbed by the Holy Cross very calmly and without any resistance.

The Holy Cross itself has the most top-notch protective ability, not to mention the Holy Cross that Kanzaki Yang sublimated again after absorbing a large number of crosses.

Even though the minister continued to strengthen the power of the light wave after realizing this, there was no sign of breaking through the light wave.

This thing! It's from the Holy Religion! The minister looked at the Holy Cross in front of him.

Even with the size of the Supreme Emperor, you have to look up to see the top of the Holy Cross!

No need to worry......

When everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of the magnificent cross, such a voice came from the air.

This is the voice of a teenager.

Although it was clearly in the air, the young man was not shouting at the top of his lungs, but it still reached everyone's hearts.

It's the Holy Son! It's the Holy Son's voice! I've heard the Holy Son's voice before!

Those with more sensitive ears could tell whose voice it was. It was the voice of the Holy Son who once appeared in the Holy City, and it was the voice of the Holy Son who once appeared on the battlefield.

Is it the Holy Son!? Has the Holy Son finally arrived!? A female soldier cried with joy. She was a devout believer in the Holy Religion, and her excitement at seeing the Holy Son was beyond words.

That's right! It's the Holy Son! I've seen what the Holy Son looks like in the Holy City of Jerusalem! Another girl said excitedly.


Nothing to worry about...

The young man surrounded by golden light spoke softly.

I am always with you, the Lord is always with you.

The souls of the dead will ascend to heaven, and the living will live under the protection of the Lord for the rest of their lives. This is the gift of the Lord.

The places we have walked, the things we have done and experienced, our encounters, and our growth are all destiny... They are all the gospel recorded in the Bible.

As the glorious young man spoke, he walked gently towards the supreme Teigu.

As the golden light spots gathered, a golden spear appeared in his hand.

The sacred spear embodies the glory of faith in this world.

It's not the power of faith accumulated in the devil high school world.

But.........the power of faith in this world!

Kanzaki Yang has never used the power of faith in this world. Wherever he got it, he basically used most of it, leaving a small part for storage.

These are the parts left for use.

Kanzaki Yo can certainly use his powers, would make more sense to make them feel their own.

As the golden light of the holy spear condensed, almost everyone present noticed the mystery.

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