But having royal blood actually works.

It’s just that the blood of the royal family usually doesn’t flow out...

And what the little emperor means is...

Your Majesty!~Your Majesty, do you actually trust this old minister so much?

Upon hearing the little emperor's decision, the minister was moved to tears.

It’s not in vain that he raised the little emperor as his own daughter~ Dao.

Chapter 268

Although the minister did commit a heinous crime, that was relative to other people.

For the little emperor, the minister was indeed a person who had helped her and cared for her.

Otherwise, she would probably have died in the royal struggle long ago.

The ultimate goal is of course power, but as far as the little emperor is concerned, the ministers must be much kinder and more trustworthy than others before he ascended the throne.

Ah, the right to use the Supreme Emperor's throne is left to you.

The little emperor frowned and said.

He frowned not because of anything else, but simply because he was a little afraid of piercing the skin to draw blood.

After hesitating for quite some time, the little emperor successfully bit the skin and took out the blood.


That night.

In the endless starry sky, a figure that seemed to be able to support the heaven and earth rose from the imperial city!

503 That is the majestic figure of the Supreme Emperor! It was the First Emperor who founded this country who built this miracle of power!

What is that!? Look!

Countless people in the imperial capital saw the supreme throne.

Big, really too big, even the giant of light looks so small in front of this throne.

Of course, this is not necessarily the case at the level of power. After all, light once again has the ability to destroy asteroids and even detonate planets.

It is such a huge figure, at this moment, gently moving its legs, setting off hurricanes one after another!

This is the minister’s trump card and the empire’s most powerful imperial weapon!

In fact, its existence has nothing to do with the concept of Teigu. It is no problem to say that it is a war and suppression machine.

Because the power of the Supreme Emperor's Throne is too powerful, its control is also extremely difficult.

The little emperor in the original plot did not intend to fully control it, and could only make a Gundam that shoots light in place.

In fact, of course it can be done.

Although the physique of the minister is not as good as that of most powerful people, he is still much stronger than the little emperor. At least he still has the power to make the Supreme Emperor run.

Of course he can also let others control the Teigu, but unfortunately... he has always believed in himself.

How could he give up such power to others if he controlled it in his own hands? ? What if someone else turns around and kills him?

Since the little emperor's physical condition is not good, let him take action!



In a camp outside the Holy Church.

A young man with black hair and golden eyes narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

Did you see something?

Another person in the camp asked with great interest.

She has long hair that is as red as blood, and eyes full of interest and confidence.

Her name is Hephaestus, the legendary god of forging.

After coming to this world, he has been keeping company with the young people around him, observing and understanding everything in this world.

However, since she has just arrived, the power she can use is limited, and she cannot clearly see the situation in the imperial capital.

Well, the decaying empire is about to make its final struggle. Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Really? That's really worth looking forward to~

Hephaestus stirred up the firewood and said.

She was indeed looking forward to it.

In their world, because there were so many gods, it was impossible to have a similar situation in this world.

In this world - it is possible to establish the Theocracy of the only God! Because there is no first comer or competitor!

Hephaestus was growing more and more interested.

Who could have imagined that the person who had to sign a contract with her to let her forge the artifact would have such a day?

By the way, what's your relationship with Hestia?

Hephaestus asked again smoothly.

After hearing Hephaestus' question, Kanzaki Yang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

Yes, how could Hephaestus not notice it?

After all, his existence seems a bit abnormal.

He was called the Holy Son before, but now... he is almost a god!

Without Kanzaki Yang trying to hide it, she smelled a similar smell from Kanzaki Yang's body.

The taste of God!

Kanzaki Yang... This young man who has always been called the Holy Son seems not to be a human!

No.........definitely not a human being!

Hephaestus was different from other gods. She was aware of Hestia's strange behavior before.

Hestia had left her a letter that she would be leaving for a while very suddenly, and took her sword with her.

Now she knows why...

It turns out.........this person should be Hestia's child!

It is true that Hestia was not suitable to work outside during her pregnancy, so taking away her sword was even more excusable.

Thinking like this, she completely solved some of the questions in her mind.

It is precisely because he is of the bloodline of gods that he has such a talent.

It is precisely because it is the bloodline of gods that it has such an aura!

Because of this, he will become the closest person to Hestia, right?

Hephaestus was even a little jealous.

She was Hestia's best friend before, but after having Kanzaki Yang, she even felt a gap, which was unimaginable in the past.

Maybe it's because she's jealous that she cares a lot about the [Holy Son]~

My relationship with Hestia...is probably the most intimate relationship in the world.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and gave this answer.

Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this answer.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Sure enough...is that so?

Hephaestus sighed.

So, you should be the so-called child of the world, right? It is normal for the world's darling to choose a god as the mother when he is born.

According to my understanding, the probability of children between gods is too small, and Hestia is not the kind of promiscuous person. 2.2.

Hephaestus stated all his guesses in one breath.

This is the only possibility for the son of the world.

In the terms of other pantheons, it is no problem to say that he is the Son of God or the Son of Destiny. Generally speaking, he is the darling of the world.

That's right~

Kanzaki Yang replied.

He is definitely not the son of the world in the true sense. If he were the son of the world in the true sense, it is estimated that even killing Apollo would have no effect on his curse.

Then...it's really worth looking forward to~

Hephaestus smiled and shook his head.

She didn't even realize that there was actually a hint of sourness in her tone.

Maybe.........she has potential lily tendencies~

But what she didn't know was that the relationship between Kanzaki Yang and Hestia was much closer than she imagined. .

Chapter 269

the next day.

Kanzaki Yang returned to the camp.

Hephaestus didn't have a close relationship with him, so he definitely wouldn't stay here to sleep with her.

After a good sleep, Kanzaki Yang returned to the camp again.

Anyway, as far as the distance from the imperial capital is concerned, the minister will certainly not be able to reach it within one night.

Kanzaki Yang had no intention of defeating him before he came.

Because he can't do this kind of thing alone, he... has to do this kind of thing in front of everyone.


As the earth trembled, everyone noticed something was wrong.

This is not an illusion, but an actual earthquake-making machine!

The Supreme Teigu keeps getting closer!

That...what is that!? As the giant giant appearing on the horizon gradually revealed its figure, both the Empire and the Holy Cult noticed the majestic figure!

Your Majesty the Emperor!?

General Bude said subconsciously.

Did His Majesty the Emperor actually come to the front line in person? ?

dereliction of duty! It was really his dereliction of duty!

No, that's probably not the case. The emperor's physical fitness shouldn't be enough to drive such a powerful imperial weapon, let alone that this thing came from the Imperial Capital.

Esdeath showed a very interested look.

I had heard before that there were imperial tools used by the First Emperor during his expeditions under the imperial city, and now I finally saw it with my own eyes.

I have to say, it’s really quite magnificent~

Not His Majesty the Emperor...

Bude also felt that his judgment was a bit arbitrary.

Indeed, just like Esdeath said, His Majesty's physique definitely does not have the ability to drive the Supreme Emperor for such a long distance.

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