is that so?

Hephaestus nodded with satisfaction, this was acceptable.

If she couldn't make weapons, what was she doing in this world? Sightseeing vacation?


After arranging a residence for Hephaestus in the Holy Cult, Kanzaki Yang returned to the Holy Cult again.

Now that the Holy Religion and the people have come to their own understanding, as the Holy Son, he should also fulfill his original promise and lead the people to establish a new order.

Just like that... the figure of the Holy Son appeared in the crowd.

Look! The Bible has changed!

During the night attack, Hill laid out the newly changed Bible.

[Bible Chapter 25 - Travel Notes. 】

(bdcc) [The Holy Son appeared beside people and listened to their voices. 】

[When the Son of God passes by, the injured heal naturally...]

[When the Holy Son passed by, the decadent man opened his eyes...]


[People want to follow the Son of God, but when they come into contact with the Son of God, the Son of God gradually disappears in front of them. 】


Does this...does this mean that he is no longer sitting on the sidelines?

Nadjeta sighed and understood what Kanzaki Yang meant.

Yang Kanzaki has stepped down!

In other words, people now have met the requirements he made before, and he will lead people towards a new life as the Son of God!

Is that why she didn't return to Night Raid?

Nadjeta sighed. She was really not used to Kanzaki Yang's absence from the night raid.

Furthermore, as long as Kanzaki Yang is here, relying on the friendship between them that is barely friends, there is no need to worry about anyone entering the base.

Then let's do what we should do first~

After reading the contents of the Bible, Chitong patted the table and said.

That's right~

Brand crossed his arms, his eyes full of interest.

A new era?

He is very interested in the force led by that person~after all, he is an otherworldly existence.

During this period of time, because there was no pressure from the revolutionary army, they also had more free time.

And of course they were not idle during these times. They had basically figured out the affairs on the side of the revolutionary army.

Indeed, just like what Nadjeta said.........the Revolutionary Army really has a lot to hide.

For example... there is the idea of ​​​​colluding with foreign nations to help them attack the empire, and the price is to return the lands of the foreign nations.

For example, if the city governors on the planned routes hand over the city, they will still be allowed to manage it.

For example, they planned to create civil strife as they frantically assassinated officials and generals of the empire.

To sell the land is to sell the country.

To allow those city governors who have done many evil things and prey on the common people to continue to serve as officials is to betray the people.

To let them kill officials like crazy is to betray their conscience, because not all officials are evil.

These... are just the major sins, there are more sins.

For example, many of the top officials of the Revolutionary Army are old aristocrats of the empire. They formed the Revolutionary Army because of various conflicts with the empire or other reasons.

For example, in addition to night raids, the Revolutionary Army also has other killer organizations, similar to the empire's assassination department, which deal with various black markets.

After this period of investigation, they all clearly realized the fact that the revolutionary army is not much different in nature from the empire!

The revolutionary army, like the empire, is also an existence that should be buried! .

Chapter 267

Achieving such a change in consciousness certainly has traces of Kanzaki Yo's intervention.

If it weren't for Kanzaki Yang, they wouldn't know so many things.

Nadjeta even learned more things from Kanzaki Yang that night, but there was no evidence for many things yet and they could not be used as evidence of guilt.

But it's enough now, these things that have been found are enough for them to take action!

Starting today, operations are designated to target high-level leaders of the Revolutionary Army.

We will definitely not kill innocent people without any guilt, but... the guilty people must be buried!

Nadjeta declared the crimes of the revolutionary army just like when she announced those tasks before.

She had no intention of directly destroying the Revolutionary Army. It was impossible to destroy an organization as large as the Revolutionary Army with the strength of a night attack.

Of course...the original night attack was able to defeat even the empire after killing all the people, but that was based on the fact that there were already a lot of casualties.

The current night attack......Najetta doesn't want to lose anyone, she wants everyone to live until the new country of the Holy Religion is established.

At that time - the night attack can be disbanded.

Well, burial.

Chitong nodded and lifted Murasame around her waist slightly.

She herself was persuaded by Nadjeta to join the night attack. It can be said that everyone present is basically a talent found by Nadjeta. Basically, they are not as loyal to the revolutionary army as they are to Nadjeta.


at the same time.

In the palace.

Emperor!~His Majesty the Emperor!~

The minister rolled into the palace in a fit of piss. He looked extremely panicked, and coupled with his weight problem, he was even unsteady on his feet.

What's the matter?

The little emperor who was sitting on the throne slowly made a majestic voice.

At least...she thought it was a commanding voice.

Emperor, His Majesty the Emperor, the military situation on the front line is urgent!

The minister's tears and snot flowed out, and it was obvious how exaggerated his expression was.

Of course, for the minister to behave like this, in addition to being very anxious, the most important thing is to show his loyalty to the royal family.

Military emergency?

But... didn't General Bude just rush to the front line not long ago?

The little emperor looked at the minister in front of him and felt a little unbearable.

She usually looked at the minister with a proud look on her face, but her current posture... was really a bit unaccustomed to her.

After all, he was the one who had been taking care of her. At least she felt that the minister was very kind to her.

However, just as the little emperor said, General Bude had already rushed to the front line not long ago.

According to the news from Esdeath's side, the Saint on that side is too powerful, and there is even an Ice Saint with the same ability as Esdeath.

After thinking for a long time, the minister persuaded the emperor and General Bude to send troops.

General Bude certainly did not want to be manipulated by ministers, but he also knew that it was no longer a question of whether he was manipulated by ministers, but a question of the emperor's majesty and whether the royal family could continue to exist!

Yes! Yes...Your Majesty, General Bude has indeed gone on an expedition, but the rebels are very powerful.

I'm worried... I'm worried about the current situation...

A drop of cold sweat dropped from the minister's head.

In fact, it is not that he is worried about the current situation, but that the current situation is close to collapse!

The Holy Son and Holy Lady on that side are really powerful, not only powerful in strength, but also powerful in healing ability, which can make all the injured rush to the battlefield again in the next moment.

This alone was enough to nearly collapse the soldiers of the empire.

The phenomenon of desertion is becoming increasingly serious.

This is only the situation of soldiers, the situation of generals is not much better.

Although General Bude and General Esdeath are very powerful, they are always the ones suppressed in the battles with the Holy Saints.

And in terms of strategy, no matter what strategies and tactics are adopted, the opponent seems to have a way to see through it.

In other words - completely suppressed!

The collapse... is only a matter of time.

Your Majesty the Emperor, General Bude was seriously injured yesterday. Now the empire has indeed reached the point of life and death!

The minister immediately threw himself in front of the little emperor and told him how difficult it was now.

Even... even the old minister's biological son Sheila fought hard against the hateful Son of God yesterday, and then was defeated by the Son of God when he was exhausted. He was brutally killed~~

said the minister, weeping bitterly.

Of course, there was no arduous struggle in fact. Sheila was simply killed instantly.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

It's just that... he has to describe how his son is working hard~ His own son died fighting for the country, isn't he, a minister, loyal enough?

However, to the minister's surprise, the little emperor was not very interested in this.

is that so?

The little emperor frowned.

She actually didn't care much about the life and death of the minister's son. What she cared about was the minister's bad words about the Son.

What is the abominable Son? Minister, do you want to explain?

However, the minister was immersed in being moved by himself at this time and did not notice the little emperor's problem.

Your Majesty! The country has now reached a moment of life and death! We can no longer have any mercy, and we must not be soft-hearted. We must impose the hammer of holy judgment on the rebels!

..... 0 ...

The minister immediately stopped crying and began to accuse seriously again.

Minister, what do you mean... The little emperor narrowed his eyes. Are you going to use that?

Yes! That's right! Your Majesty! It's time to use the supreme imperial weapon!

The minister said firmly.

The Supreme Imperial Instrument is one of the Imperial Instruments passed down from the time of the First Emperor. It is the most top-notch in terms of attack power, defensive power, oppressive power, suppressive power, etc.

Minister, you should know that even if I can use it, but...

The little emperor has something to say.

She is still underage, so even if she can use it, she won't be very powerful, and she won't be able to last long.

Your Majesty, what you mean is... The minister was a little panicked. Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor wants to give up resistance? They are just grasshoppers on the same boat?

Little Emperor: Well... Actually, we are not grasshoppers on the same line.

What I mean is that the right to use the Supreme Emperor's throne will be left to you for the time being.

The little emperor said this.

Indeed, one must have the blood of the royal family to use the Supreme Throne.

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