Kanzaki Yang stopped using his abilities and returned to this world again.

Even he couldn't stand it if he kept using his abilities at a high intensity. .

Chapter 265

Just now, he had reached the limit of what he could do, and the holy weapon had been raised to the limit by him.

It even reached the point where he could hardly use it perfectly.

That's enough. If this continues, Kanzaki Yang is worried that Hephaestus won't be able to cook anymore.

Of course, in fact, it is almost impossible for Hephaestus to create these holy artifacts alone, and he still needs the cooperation of Kanzaki Yoo himself.

If even Kanzaki Yang himself can't control it, then Hephaestus will have no way to do it.

After taking a short break, Kanzaki Yo crosses the world again.

The destination is the dungeon world.

Obviously, he couldn't return to the dungeon world when he was weak, and he was unwilling to show his weak side in front of Hestia.

This.........is probably one of the stubborn things about Kanzaki Yo~

After communicating closely with Hestia for a while, Kanzaki Yang came to the Hephaestus Familia again.

Opening the door, Kanzaki Yang saw the forging goddess who was reading a book.


Hephaestus raised an eyebrow.

She didn't notice this man at all when he came in?

At least she could detect some trouble before, but now it seems that he has become even more terrifying!

My Lady, here is the final amount.

Kanzaki Yang handed over a card.

This is the final amount required.

The price for asking the God of Forging was finally collected some time ago.

Now——Yang Kanzaki’s last batch of payment has been paid.

It seems that your preparations are ready?

Hephaestus took the card from Kanzaki Yang's hand very unceremoniously.

Although she can and is willing not to charge money, after all, if she really succeeds in building it, she will have fulfilled her dream.

It's a long-cherished wish, but... she will abide by the contract she made.

Just take the money. Anyway, the other party has now become the underground king of Orario, and he doesn't care about the money he will be able to earn back sooner or later.

Of course, it's ready. Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Although there are still many events required to complete the ritual of becoming a god, he is also quickly completing some events with classic significance.

Things like Genesis may not be possible, but other events can still be fooled.

The great achievements obtained by completing the original events of the God of the Bible are quite considerable. Completing an event is not much different from killing a god. It can be regarded as Kanzaki Yo's main method of accumulating great achievements now.

How could Yang Kanzaki be willing to do these troublesome things if there were no benefits to be gained.

Then take me to that world first~ I also want to see another world~

Hephaestus made his request.

Well...actually it hasn't been completely achieved yet, but you can still go.

Kanzaki Yang said after pondering for a few seconds.

Hmm? I remember you said you wanted to become a god in another world, right? Looking at your progress in strength, what level are you at?

Hephaestus looked at the young man in front of him with an extremely interested expression.

Get close to Lv9~

Kanzaki Yang sighed. Upgrading now is not as fun as before~ After all, Hestia's blood cannot be used.

You......... didn't lie to me?

Hephaestus narrowed his eyes. Does a mere Level 8 have such a temperament?

She suspects Kanzaki Yang has become a demigod.

Otherwise.........it shouldn't be so scary.

The terror she felt was called the unknown.

It was not that she had never seen a great hero of mankind, but compared with the young man in front of her, he seemed to be more than one level behind.

of course not.

But you are going to that world...

Kanzaki Yang thought about this matter.

If you are in a hurry, I will go there first. After all, you need to become familiar with the power of your own divine return, and you also need to feel the origin and laws of that world.

If you're not in a hurry, you can go later.

Hephaestus spread his hands, indicating that he didn't care too much.

Although she does want to see other worlds, she has lived for so long and has no patience for this? One or two years is nothing.

No problem, just go if you want~

Kanzaki Yang made a decision.

Just go if Hephaestus goes~ She won't be able to trick him in another world.

Then you're welcome. I'll prepare first.

Hephaestus smiled with satisfaction and immediately went to prepare his luggage.

After casually giving the members of the Familia a reason to travel on their own, Hephaestus prepared to go to another world with Kanzaki Yo.

By the way, a question for you.

Before setting off, Hephaestus leaned into Kanzaki Yang's ear and asked softly.

Huh? What's the matter?

Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows. This goddess seemed to have something wrong with her expression?

If it reaches the level you said before, you should have become a god in that world, right?

How does it feel to be called a god by a mortal?

Hephaestus leaned into Kanzaki Yang's ear and said teasingly.


Kanzaki Yang's expression was a little subtle. He really didn't expect Hephaestus to ask such a question.

The answer to this question is indeed a bit subtle.

Although it is quite interesting to be a magic stick, if he keeps using this attitude, maybe his state of mind will gradually change, right?

He was not mentally prepared for this change.

If you become a so-called god, do you need to take on a lot of responsibilities? Do you need to maintain your posture at all times? Will he become the god that believers hope for? Will there be subtle changes in the relationship with the person you like?

Kanzaki Yang is not willing to change in these directions for the time being.

After all, it has only been less than two years since he obtained the blood of God.

He is different from these dungeon gods who have lived for who knows how many years. Although he also has a tendency to pursue fun (Li's), in essence, he is just looking for some interesting things to do on the road of continuous improvement.

That's why he chose to act as the Holy Son, in order to prevent his mentality from feeling too fragmented.

Now that Hephaestus was asked this question, his mood was quite subtle.

Although the other party might be teasing him, he actually meant to help him sort out his knots.

It's not bad~Of course.........I still feel a little ashamed...

Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head, which was considered to be telling the truth.

Pfft hahaha~~

Hephaestus laughed heartily. Yes, this kind of mentality is normal. After all, Kanzaki Yang is the most genius person she knows. There is such a problem in improving strength too quickly.

Don't worry~ If you have any questions, just ask me for help.

Hephaestus smiled and patted Kanzaki Yang on the shoulder. .

Chapter 266

No, not needed yet.

Kanzaki Yang shook his head.

The nature, experience and mentality of the gods in the dungeon world are very different from his. I can only say that I have understood it from my heart, and forget about other things.

In other words, it was Hephaestus who asked this question. If it were Hermes who asked this question, Kanzaki Yo would have blocked it long ago.

Using the power of the red ball, Yang Kanzaki brought Hermes to the world of Zhan Chitong.

As soon as he arrived in this world, Hephaestus closed his eyes and felt it.

Indeed, this world is subtly different from the original world.

The composition of the air is different, and the flow of elements is different. It seems that because of this, it is easier for ordinary people to grow, unlike people in dungeons who use the contracts of gods.

The laws are a little different, and there are no ghosts underground like those in the original world.

There were so many differences that even Hephaestus couldn't finish them in a short time.

But one thing is certain, that is.........This world is indeed a different world! It is a different world that is very different from the original world!

After opening his eyes, Hephaestus's eyes were filled with emotions he hadn't experienced in a long time - a sense of freshness.

She... was very satisfied!

How about this world?

Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

In fact, this world is not weak, but there is not much originally reflected in it. All of it is used to describe the previous struggles of mankind.

The most powerful life forms in this world are dangerous species.

Just like the dragon in the sea of ​​clouds in the far east, he can create the broken line in the imperial equipment with just a thread on his body. His own strength is at least at the level of a transcendent, and even better. It's not impossible to be high.

And there is definitely more than one such dangerous species in this world!

Fortunately, Kanzaki Yang is not interested in using dangerous body materials to make weapons like the original Bible God or the First Emperor of this world, otherwise... Although it will take some effort , but these dangerous species will undoubtedly eventually become Kanzaki Yang's weapon materials.

How's it going? How long do you think it will take for you to adapt?

Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

The suppression Hephaestus suffered should not be as strong as him, but it was definitely not light. This was also one of the costs of crossing the world directly.

Um.........are you talking about this rejection of me? It is indeed quite serious. Can't this problem be solved?

Hephaestus observed his body. Indeed, she felt the oppression of the world when she first arrived.

It's just that she has rich experience and has been sealing her own strength in the dungeon world. After crossing over, there is not much difference. She can just seal her strength according to the previous routine.

She was worried about something else.

She could feel the world's rejection of her. She had just tried to use power, but she stopped immediately after feeling the rejection increase.

If this problem cannot be solved, she will not be able to use divine power in this world. Although she is much stronger than ordinary blacksmiths, it is almost impossible to reach Kanzaki Yo's standards, right?

Don't worry about this problem. As time goes by, the world will slowly reduce its rejection of you. Kanzaki Yang explained.

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