If she is with everyone, she is willing to face the future together again. She is willing to bear everyone's expectations again, and she vows to never let down everyone's expectations again.

Of course, in fact, Nadjeta did not live up to everyone's expectations in the original plot.

Except for a few people who almost died, Chitong was burdened with a curse that could not be eliminated and left the empire to find a solution.

Although Nadjeta is still alive, her lifespan has been greatly shortened due to the use of Susano'o's secret technique.

Ma Yin turned into a vegetative state.

Everyone else.........all died.

Nadjeta kept her promise, built a better country, and devoted the rest of her life to the construction of the new country.

But things are different now.............

Nadjeta's beliefs and cognitions have been crushed by Kanzaki Yang on a cross-dimensional level, and too many facts have been placed in front of her.

By helping the revolutionary army, it is of course possible to establish a new country.

In the face of this great righteousness, many things can be ignored.

But now that there is a better object, it is much worse in comparison.

Not to mention, the Holy Son placed all the darkness in front of her, leaving no room for refutation or questioning.

However, Kanzaki Yo doesn't have much interest in reviving the night attack for the time being...

After taking down the red pupil, you can basically get the silver treasure chest safely.

It's okay to have the help of Night Raid, but it's not impossible to do it without. This is Kanzaki Yang's current mentality.

There are more things he needs to do than this.

Travel through time and space!

Use the second method to travel through time and space!

Some time ago, Kanzaki Yang had been researching various ways to enhance his strength.

After getting the second method, he really discovered a method.

The three sacred weapons are all growth-oriented, and can be enhanced as Kanzaki Yang's strength increases.

In addition to this method, there is another method - absorbing other isotopes to grow!

Although there has been only one line in the space-time view since Yang Kanzaki appeared, there are other lines beyond this!

The line before he shows up!

What Kanzaki Yang has been doing during this period of time is to constantly cross the past timeline and then find other sacred artifacts.

These holy weapons are all holy weapons in the demon high school world, and they can also be absorbed by Kanzaki Yo's three holy weapons, because Kanzaki Yo's three holy weapons themselves are the evolved versions of these holy weapons.

Originally, Kanzaki Yang could also absorb the Holy Grail, Holy Spear and Holy Cross from his world line, but he knew that there would be little improvement, so he did not take any action.

But it's different now.

After obtaining the second method, he can travel to other worlds and continuously absorb holy weapons from other world lines to strengthen 2.2 his own holy weapons.

Don't look at Kanzaki Yang listening there at Night Raid. In fact, what he stayed there was just a fantasy. The real him had already used his trinity ability to continuously collect holy artifacts in other world lines.

After all, time is limited. With his current ability, the timeline that can go back to the past is itself limited, and it has to be a timeline in a parallel world. It is too difficult to cross the single timeline he is in. In his Even if he could travel through time during the judgment, he did not have the power to collect the holy artifacts at that time.

You can only get one set of holy weapons by doing this, which is really not worth it.

It was because the use of power was a bit excessive that Kanzaki Yo found it relaxing to do so with Chitomi.

After all, Chi Tong is not a dragon king or a god, so how can he be too real, even with black pupils. .

Chapter 264

The timeline is gradually extending towards the back, and the timeline after Kanzaki Yang is linear again.

Because the length of the timeline that Yo Kanzaki can travel through is limited, and the growth rate of his strength cannot increase his ability to the same speed as the timeline extension, so this method will soon become unusable, and soon he will only be able to jump linearly. time line.

That's why Kanzaki Yang was so tired during this period, and he didn't even have time to go to the military camp to express condolences to Esdeath.

Of course, what corresponds to the fatigue is the gain.

Now, after collecting four-digit sacred artifacts from the world line, Kanzaki Yang's sacred artifacts have grown to an unimaginable level!

It can be said that if two Kanzaki Yang used the previous holy spear and the current holy spear to attack each other at the same time, the person holding the old holy spear would be easily killed instantly.

This is the terrifying improvement of the holy weapon!


As soon as he entered a parallel time and space, Kanzaki Yang saw Cao Cao, who was still a few years old kid.

Then Kanzaki Yang conveniently beat Emperor Shakten, took away the Holy Spear, and once again devoted himself to the intensive operation of recovering the Holy Artifact.


Kill the red-eyed world.

Court meeting.

The little emperor was kicking his feet in boredom, waiting for the minister to finish the court meeting so that she could go back to play.

The battle report from the front line has been sent back. I wonder if everyone cares about it~

The minister looked at the ministers with different expressions below and showed a happy expression.

Sure enough, the Holy Religion is just a Holy Religion established under the Empire, and has no intention of resisting under the oppression of the Empire.

Hahahaha~~ He can finally sleep much more peacefully in the future.

After listening to the minister's words, some of the officials shed a drop of cold sweat on their faces.

They put their hopes on the Holy Religion. Could it be that the Holy Religion cannot withstand it? Or is it that the Holy Cult has no intention of resisting at all and is just suppressed by the Imperial Army?

Well~ whether you care about it or not, I will definitely read the battle reports from the front line. After all, this is my duty as a minister~

While the minister was eating the meat fiercely, he looked at these officials with evil eyes, as if he was eating their meat.

According to the frontline battle report, General Esdeath advanced all the way and eliminated all obstacles encountered on the way.

As soon as the minister said these words, many people buried their heads deeper.

Isn’t the Holy Religion the one entrusted to you?

Whether it was the killer or the resistance encountered on the road, they were all trampled to pieces by the empire's cavalry!~

As the minister read it, he almost started dancing with excitement.

Ah~This is the military strength of the empire~

Sure enough, promoting General Esdeath was one of the best things he did in his life!


While the minister was thinking, such a voice came from outside the hall.

who is it?

The minister frowned. He recognized the voice of the official who was delivering the order.

But he didn't know if the other party had taken the courage of a leopard and dared to interrupt him while he was speaking?


Soon, a man stumbled up the hall.

He is the official who delivers the order.

It's not that he has no strength because he ran too far, it's just that his legs were frightened simply because he saw the information.

Report!.........Report to the minister! Here is the latest information from the front line!

He stumbled towards the minister and handed over the battle report in front of everyone's attention.

Really, didn't you see His Majesty the Emperor here? Don't embarrass the royal family next time.

The minister narrowed his eyes. He thought there might be something big going on, so he said he had no intention of holding this person accountable.

Yes......Yes, I understand.

The herald said tremblingly.

Of course he doesn't want to panic, but it's not up to him whether he wants to panic or not. He believes that even the minister will panic when he sees this information.

Let me see what it is...

The minister opened the information with greasy hands.

Then... came the scene that the herald had imagined.


The minister simply sat down on the ground.

But then, he reacted and stood up again with great speed.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he thought of an explanation.

I have good news for everyone. The front line has advanced to the core city of the Holy Religion, the Holy City of Jerusalem.

The minister covered his mouth and said with a smile.

As soon as the minister said this, most people took a breath of cold air.

The Holy Religion...is going to disappear?

General Esdeath is discussing with me some matters related to the Holy Religion. Considering the importance of the military situation on the front line, today's court meeting ends here.

The minister said so.

Originally, he would definitely take care of the majesty of the royal family. After all, most of his rights also come from the imperial power.

But now, he doesn't even have the intention to symbolically ask or guide the little emperor, which shows what kind of crisis situation he is in now.


In fact, what he told was certainly not the real intelligence from the front line!

The real situation is - all the repression and all the public resentment broke out when the imperial army advanced near the Holy Cross!

Maybe it’s because of one person’s rise, or maybe it’s because of several people’s rise, or maybe it’s because Kanzaki Yo has given some guidance through the Bible.

In the midst of a purge battle, rebellion begins!

Finally, someone said it with a positive attitude - I want to rebel! In this case.

The Holy Religion also received the will of the people and officially issued a declaration to establish the Theocracy.

Yesterday, just yesterday.

The Holy Cult thwarted the advance of the Imperial Army in one fell swoop, and General Esdeath was held back.

Not only the army of the holy religion, but countless believers directly surrounded the army of the empire!

The minister received such information, which was completely different from what he said.

Of course, it was impossible for him to say it. If he did, the hearts of everyone in the court would be shattered.

Besides, he felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

General Esdeath......cough cough......She did advance to the vicinity of the Holy City, didn't she?

There is no need to delay, the empire...has reached a moment of life and death!

The minister understood this very clearly.

This was the first time he had seen something that could shake the imperial power, and I have to say...it was really scary.

at the same time.

the other side.




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