Although some people also think that this may be something people from the Holy Religion blew up, the actual strength should still be there. After all, the Holy Son easily held back Esdeath before, and the Saint should not be much different. go.

Then, that’s what happens now.

Nadjeta, the boss of Night Raid, told everyone that a big event would be announced to everyone in the future, and asked everyone to suspend the mission first and have a good meeting after Night Raid returns.

And now, Chi Tong's return is finally here.

Chitong and Kanzaki Yang opened the door. They had already known this through Lubbock's previous report.

But now, when they saw Chi Tong, both Nadjeta and Mayin Hill cast strange glances at Chi Tong.

Chi Tong... Her temperament and aura seemed to have changed dramatically from before.

They couldn't tell where it was. Was it the skin? Or the eyes? Or is it the taste?

However, when they saw Yang Kanzaki behind Chitong, except for Hill, they all knew what was strange.

Aka Hitomi's temperament is a bit similar to Kanzaki Yang's.

Chitong, and Lord Shengzi, you are back. Please take a seat. I have something to tell you.

Nadjeta asked with a sigh.

She had no intention of asking about the changes in Chitong.

Anyway, Chi Tong has a special status. Since she is a saint recognized by the Bible, what's the point of being special?

After hearing what Nadjeta said, everyone returned to their seats and looked at Nadjeta attentively.

There was a solemn feeling in everyone's hearts, even Hill was aware of it.

Everyone knows that I have been to the Revolutionary Army headquarters before, right? Nadjeta let out a long sigh and started the meeting.

It was because the Holy Son used his teleportation ability to send her back. Otherwise, even if she could escape, what was waiting for her in the end would not be the current night attack.

Yes, boss, speaking of which, this time you haven't said what instructions the Revolutionary Army headquarters has given us. Brand asked, holding his chin.

The Revolutionary Army Headquarters did not give you instructions this time, but when I went back last time, I gave you instructions. Nadjeta frowned and told the truth.

But, didn't the last instruction say that we should investigate matters related to the death of Berlick on the other side of the Holy Cult? Did you forget, Boss? Lubbock reminded.

Yes, that's true.

Sorry though.

Stab~~ Nadjeta stood up, making a loud sound as the chair rubbed against the ground.


There was a loud sound of clothes rubbing together, and Nadjeta bowed fiercely.

Sorry, I deceived everyone last time. What I told you last time was not the real instruction from the Revolutionary Army Headquarters. Nadjeta's voice was full of deepness and apology.

Huh? Lubbock was dumbfounded. It turned out that he had made a mistake.

Also, how could someone as sophisticated as the boss get it wrong?

Then, what was the real instruction given last time? Ma Yin patted the table and asked.

At this point, basically no one asked Nadjeta why she deceived them.

Because they all believe in Nadjeta and know that there must be a reason, they just want to know what the real reason is.

The real instruction is not to go to Chabelik, but to take action against the Holy Religion.

If you can conquer the higher-ups of the Holy Religion, then conquer them. If you can't, then assassinate them.

Nadjeta told the truth in an apologetic manner.


Hill gasped.

Is that so?

Well... Indeed, it is very reasonable to say this. After all, many of the revolutionary army are old nobles of the empire.

Brand touched his chin.

He also had some understanding of this kind of thing, but he felt that with the top management and other people in charge, nothing would happen.

Unexpectedly, the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army have deteriorated.'s not necessarily that it has deteriorated, it could also be that he didn't see it clearly from the beginning.

But boss, didn't you ask us to do this? Hill asked strangely.

Yes, it is indeed the case, because I think the Holy Religion is also one of the hopes of the people. I just hope to investigate it.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Nadjeta glanced at Kanzaki Yang and said helplessly.

So, the reason why boss, you have to tell us what happened before when you come back from the night attack headquarters this time is... Brand pondered.

He is indeed a big brother-like figure who easily finds where to focus.

Because... now I am a wanted figure of the Revolutionary Army.

Nadjeta revealed this sad fact.

Of course she had this awareness when she went to the Revolutionary Army headquarters, but it was still quite uncomfortable when it actually happened to her.


Lubbock couldn't help but stand up.

Boss is wanted?

Well, that's right. If the Holy Son hadn't appeared by my side in time, I probably wouldn't have been able to come back.

..... 0 0

This time I am going to discuss with them the darkness of some revolutionary armies and the future development path of the revolutionary army.

But...perhaps because my speech seemed too deviant to them, I was put under house arrest.

Nadjeta slowly told her previous experiences.

Everyone's hands tightened upon hearing this.

Did the boss go through these things during this time?

So, boss, when you tell us this kind of thing, have you already made plans for the future? Leonai touched his belly and suppressed his urge to transform and go to the Revolutionary Army headquarters to beat someone up.

No, not really. I have deceived everyone and I am no longer qualified to be the boss. I am just telling the truth. How to do it depends on everyone.

Nadjeta revealed her plan.

What she said is equivalent to saying - don't treat me as your boss for the time being, let everyone do whatever they want.

There is no need for any hesitation.

Chitong's eyes were very bright, and she was no longer confused.

Our night raids are for the people, for justice, and for the establishment of a new order.

For the sake of the bright name, we are stained with blood and are in darkness.

But we all thought this was enough.

It should be the same now. Isn't this enough?

The revolutionary army is just a choice. Whether there is a revolutionary army or not, our essence has not changed.

Chitong said to everyone. knife.

Chapter 263

That's right, Chitong, we have never changed~

Ma Yin's twin ponytails fell very nimbly.

The boss obviously did the right thing, why should he be treated like this? Just because of different ideas?

Since we can treat the boss like this if we have different ideas, isn't it normal for us to rebel?

Ma Yin was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​defying the revolutionary army.

Also, she originally had a rebellious spirit.

However, this will undoubtedly cause many problems, such as logistics and Teigu repairs, etc. We will have to solve them ourselves in the future.

Lubbock also analyzed.

But as soon as he finished saying this, he realized something was wrong.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Well, I'm just talking about the problems I may encounter in the future. Of course I have no problem with the boss's decision and the words of 500 Red Eyes.

Lubbock explained hurriedly.

Of course this was what he meant, and everyone else knew it.

So, are you still willing to stay in Night Raid? Stay in this new Night Raid. Chitong looked around and asked directly.

Although the way she behaves and handles things now is different from before, no one cares about this kind of thing.

I have no problem~ Hill raised his hand and said with a smile.

Does she feel any different from before? It doesn't seem to make any difference to her, right? She just wants to be with everyone.

So, we just need to continue what we did before. We no longer need to accept orders from the Revolutionary Army, and there is no support from the Revolutionary Army.

I don't have a problem either.

Brand also raised his hand.

He is a real man and has already had his own consciousness.

me too.

Ma Yin made the decision easily.

How about boss, tell me who did this, and I can help you kill them and avenge them?

Ma Yin raised the pumpkin turret behind the chair and gestured.

Ah, Ma Yin, you also have this intention~ Do you want to form a team with me?

Leonai clenched his fists and activated the beast king mode.

No, it doesn't have to be like this.

Nadjeta sighed.

As long as we make a name for ourselves on that side, the revolutionary army shouldn't do anything to us.

The opponent of the revolutionary army is not a night attack. After losing the night attack, they should not send combat power to eliminate the night attack in order to suppress it. This is essentially a big loss of investment.

Nadjeta analyzed.

This is indeed the case. If she takes everyone from Night Raid to Night Raid, she probably won't be in trouble even if she quarrels with the higher-ups.

Then let's not go now. I agree with everyone's thoughts. Lubbock also expressed his position.

In this way, everyone has taken a stand.

So, in this case, boss, you are still everyone's boss, right? Chitong asked with a smile.


Nadjeta pondered for a long time and lowered her head.

Does she... still have the qualifications to be trusted by everyone?


After thinking for more than ten seconds, Nadjeta raised her head again.

Night attack, we will be out of control of the revolutionary army starting today!~

With everyone watching, she said angrily.

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