what is it call............

After hearing Kanzaki Yang's answer, Chitong fell into confusion.

What should it be called?

However, because her current state is very strange, her brain and body have no room for thinking, and her rationality is gradually dissipating...

So... Chitong quickly gave up thinking.


the other side.

Heitong gradually woke up.

I am, am I drunk?

Black Eyes looked at the wine in front of him.

Wine, sake, juice, etc., it seems like they have everything.

Oh, by the way, I was drinking with my sister, and then I planned to find out some information. Heitong remembered the reason why he got Chitong drunk.

Hmm...Prying for information = prying into gossip.

So where is my sister farming now?

Heitong finally discovered this. .

Chapter 261

First...let's look around.

Black Eyes looked around staggeringly, trying to find where Red Eyes was.

bathroom? Not here.

hall? Not here.

Is that their room?

The black pupil staggered towards their room.


When he opened the door, Heitong saw no one.

But when she saw the soft big bed, she lay down directly on the bed without thinking about it.

Lying on the soft big bed, Heitong's thoughts began to wander.

Just kept floating, floating...knowing that she heard something wrong.

It seems... It seems to be my sister's voice?

Hmm... Ah... Hmm...

There were short but intense sounds.

As Heitong's heartbeat calmed down, the more she listened, the more familiar it became.

It seems...it is indeed my sister's voice.

The black pupils opened their eyes in confusion, and stuck to the corner.


As the distance got closer, the more Heitong listened, the more certain he became that this was his sister's voice.

The next room, Room 493, is Lord Seiko's room. A sister's voice came from Lord Seiko's room!

Heitong felt as if he had discovered a new world.

Go, go and see...

Heitong held her body strong, she wanted to witness it with her own eyes, to see with her own eyes whether what she heard was true.

Between just listening silently here and going to see what was going on, she chose the latter.

If she hadn't been drunk, she might have chosen the former. At most, she would have done what she should do to relax her body and mind along with this rhythm.

but now..............


Gently and cautiously, she tried the door to the room.

From the fact that he could press it, Heitong judged that the door was indeed unlocked.

After a moment of hesitation, Heitong opened the door.


Then, the black pupil who pushed open the door met the red pupil's eyes.


Chitong actually didn't have enough understanding to understand what happened. It took more than ten seconds for her to understand the current situation.


Kanzaki Yang also frowned.

He always feels that this opening to kill is very familiar to the current posture?

He seemed to have seen a similar scene in a work called The Sky of Fate.

How about, Chitong, you go and take a rest first?

Kanzaki Yang leaned back slightly, then leaned into Chitong's ear and said.

No, I don't want a break.

Chitong's attitude was very firm.

She rushed directly towards Heitong who was stunned at the door.

With her current reincarnated physique, and her intention to attack Heitong, Heitong was stunned and didn't know whether to resist, so Heitong was thrown back by Chitong very easily.

Well, how about we come together?

Kanzaki Yo simply didn't care. Anyway, things that can be dealt with now don't need to be left to the future.

He now also understood the reason why Chitong said that he would not take a rest. It turned out that Chitong said that he would not take a rest to deceive his sister.

However, this was exactly what he wanted...

Heitong, do you want to be with your sister?

Heitong wanted to say something, but his defense was directly broken by these words.

Is this the so-called sisterhood, which is more powerful than gold? Is this still used?


Looking at Yang Kanzaki above him, Black Eyes nodded slightly.

She didn't know whether it was entirely due to the influence of alcohol, or her own heart, or a combination of both. In short, now she felt that her sister seemed to be right.

Feeling the strong atmosphere of faith, Heitong gently closed his eyes.

This was the first time Kanzaki Yang had experienced this.

After all, Heitong should be regarded as the first person he was infected with the attribute of faith.

Not exactly, but it has a different flavor.

If it were all about faith, Kanzaki Yang would feel a little bored.


at the same time.

Esdeath's side.

Starting from today, the hunters will be incorporated into the army. After the mission of conquering the Holy Cult is completed, they will return to the mission of tracking down night attacks. Do you hear me clearly!?

Before leaving, Esdeath was making final mobilization.

Although she knew that these mobilizations were in vain and meaningless to the soldiers of the empire, she still followed the procedure.

Of course it makes no sense...

Because Esdeath is very clear - this empire's expedition will definitely win!

At least...that's the case this time.


The strong voice echoed among the army.


Target, the Holy Cross of the Holy Religion! Let's go!

Any force or person who dares to stop us will be killed without mercy!

Before leaving, Esdeath issued such a military order.

Although this sentence came from her mouth, it was actually Kanzaki Yang's will.

Well.........Yang Kanzaki's will.

This is the final step in arousing differentiation and public outrage.

It is also almost the last step of purification.

Generally speaking, life is greater than everything else.

Some people will sacrifice their lives for imperial power, and some people will sacrifice their lives for their beliefs, but most people are ordinary people.

Even among Kanzaki Yang's holy religion, there are very few believers who have reached that level of faith.

When an ordinary person's life is threatened, or when threatened by imperial power, it is obvious that most people will choose to save their lives.

Unless it is in a place where the imperial power is absolutely covered, no matter how much you resist, it is useless.

The area dominated by the Holy Religion is fertile ground for faith, and the influence of the imperial power here has been greatly reduced.

However, when choosing to resist, most people actually do not have the courage to stand alone, and it is difficult to establish a new force.

Because.........there is already an extremely large force on the other side of the balance - the Holy Religion.

When comparing the two together, it is normal to choose the Holy Religion.

Most people would give up their loyalty to the imperial power, but at the same time, they would also feel guilty about betraying the imperial power and fear of being liquidated.

The holy religion is a perfect place to transfer these emotions.

What? Have you betrayed the imperial power? Don't worry, as long as you believe in the Holy Religion, imperial power is defined as evil in the Holy Religion, and you don't have to worry anymore.

Afraid of being liquidated? It’s okay. The Holy Religion is here to rise up this time. As long as you believe in the Holy Religion, you are a member of the big family.

This... is the significance of Esdeath's expedition, which can be regarded as one of the actions that can best purify faith. .

Chapter 262

the next day.

Night attack on headquarters.

Esdeath and the hunters he led have already gone to the Holy Cult to defeat the Holy Cult, but... the people who attacked at night were in a normal mood.

Because it is the holy religion, and in their view, like the revolutionary army, it is the foundation and hope of the people's happy life.

Of course, despite this, the people who attacked at night did not take any action.

First, it was Nadjeta's order.

Secondly, they have also heard that the saints of the Holy Religion are powerful in combat, even surpassing Esdeath.

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