
Chitong subconsciously wanted to stop him, but found that he had missed the target.

That's right...... She is now a dead person, in a state of soul. Character.

Chapter 257

He kept his word and took no action until we had the results.

Chitong thought with a wry smile.

Indeed, now that the results are out and she has died, Kanzaki Yang has no problem taking action.

What's he going to do?

Chitong touched her chest.

I can't seem to feel my heartbeat anymore.


After Chi Tong fell down for a few minutes, Black Tong turned around and looked at Chi Tong lying on the ground.

Chitong has closed her eyes.

The color like her eyes covered the entire body, gradually spreading in all directions.

Black Eyes kept looking at the scene in front of him, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

What she didn't know was that in the void, her sister's soul and the Holy Son she wanted to see were looking at her, watching her reveal her heart.

elder sister...............

Heitong looked at Chitong's body and slowly sat down, wanting to look at his sister from a closer distance.

In this way, they can meet again in heaven~

When he thought of this, a smile emerged from the corner of Heitong's mouth.

Although the following days will be a little boring, as long as she always acts under the guidance of the Lord and continues to believe in the Lord devoutly, she will feel very happy.

By the way, this...490...

Heitong noticed the holy cross hanging on Chitong's chest.

Although the Holy Cross is in a pool of blood, it still emits a long-lasting and shining light without any sign of being contaminated by blood.

Black Tong stretched out his hand and touched Chi Tong's chest.

She wanted to get this Holy Cross back, she wanted to live with the Holy Cross with red eyes.

Did you notice something very strange?

Just when Heitong's hand was about to touch Chitong's body, a strange voice came from behind her.


Black Tong jumped away from Chi Tong in an instant and jumped to a much safer distance.

She was very surprised that someone could easily get around behind her without her noticing. The man's voice was definitely not Esdeath!

I just came here to take a look, but didn't you notice something strange?

Kanzaki Yang smiled, pointed at Chitong's body and said.

On top of Chitong's body, her soul was watching Yang Kanzaki talking to her sister, and pointing at her body, with a very subtle mood.

Strange place?

Black Eyes asked warily.

She was still wary, but she also wanted to know the strange things about Chitong.

She has a Bible with her, you should know that, right?

Kanzaki Yang reminded.

Yeah, I know. Heitong nodded lightly.

But... you know the other question?

The Bible she carries is not her Bible, that is to say... Kanzaki Yang did not finish his words.


The black pupils shrank suddenly.

Not her Bible! ?

She knows that so far, all believers whose souls have ascended to heaven have the Bible and have ascended to heaven under the guidance of the Bible.

She originally thought that Chitong, as a saint, also had a Bible, and it was not surprising that she had a Bible that could predict the future just like hers.

As a result, this person told her that her sister didn’t have a Bible?

Doesn't that mean...

Yes, it seems to make some sense.

From the rumors she heard, it seemed that all those whose souls ascended to heaven were guided away within a short time after death.

Then the situation of my sister now is...

You, how do you know?

Heitong forced himself not to think about this kind of thing, and instead focused on the matter of this man who suddenly appeared.

Because I came with Chi Tong, and she asked me to promise that I will never take action before you decide the outcome.

Kanzaki Yang said slowly.

Night raiders!

The black eyes opened the distance again, and the figure of Bafang appeared behind her.

She was on all alert.

Even if it was said that this person was arranged by her sister to help her collect the body, she would not agree.

She has to keep her sister's body (bdcc).

No. Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head.

I'm just staying in Night Raid temporarily. I can't say I hate professions like assassins, but I definitely can't say I like them. Kanzaki Yang played with the Holy Cross on his chest.

Staying in Night Raid temporarily?

Heitong narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

What did she hear?

According to her previous speculation, the Holy Son was with his sister.

The Son and his sister together = The Son attacks at night.

And the person in front of her said that he was temporarily living in Night Raid?

Heitong didn't think anyone other than the Holy Son was qualified to stay temporarily in Night Raid.

Moreover, he also has a holy cross on his chest, and his whole person exudes a completely different temperament from ordinary people.

Could it be...that it was really what she imagined?

The more Heitong thought about it, the more he thought it was possible!

Are you... Are you the Holy Son?

After hesitating for a few seconds, Heitong asked with a trembling voice.

Holy Son?..........I'm just a lazy person. Kanzaki Yang smiled.

He seems to have a little more identity.


After hearing these words, Heitong became more and more convinced of the results of his judgment.

It is true that the Holy Son has not appeared in front of the public now. It is said that the Holy Son will not appear until people know what they are pursuing.

It’s okay to laugh at yourself and call yourself lazy.

Son! Really the Son!

Heitong is almost certain of this fact.

He said that he came with his sister. Chitong's current identity is a saint, so it is normal for the person with her to be the saint, right?

Do you think your wish has been fulfilled?

When Kurotong was surprised, Kanzaki Yang asked.


Black Eyes tilted her head, her wish is...

Everything develops according to the records in the Bible, so after achieving this thing, has your wish been fulfilled? Kanzaki Yang's eyes moved to Chitong's increasingly cold body.

I... Heitong wanted to say something, but she found herself speechless.

finished? not done?

If it was done, then why was she so sad?

If her wish has not been fulfilled, doesn't she deny herself that she has been working hard?

Sister, can she...can enter heaven? Heitong avoided the topic and asked about another thing that she cared about.

No, it's not possible now. Kanzaki Yang shook his head.


After hearing Kanzaki Yang's answer, the black eyes instantly lost their color.


Because she still has things to do.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and said. .

Chapter 258

Something that needs to be done?

After being stunned for more than ten seconds, Heitong finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

If there is something that needs to be done, the prerequisite is the ability to do it.

And what the Holy Son means by saying this is that my sister still has such ability.

Sister.........isn't actually dead?

No, no, she had already tested it when she was preparing the Holy Cross. Chi Tong was indeed dead.

What the Holy Son means...

She will perform her duties as a saint. As a human being, it is obvious that she cannot be called a saint.

Kanzaki Yang said calmly.

Indeed, it's just like what he said.

Elsa has been reincarnated into a Flügel, and Jeanne has also been reincarnated into a new human.

Elsa herself was resurrected by him through reincarnation technology, and Cangsi Jiuyue had a contract with him.

Chitong...only after this time did she get the ticket to the Saint.

Lord Holy Son, you mean...sister, sister, she can be resurrected?

Black Eyes said while wiping away tears.

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