Yes, the saint has not yet reached the Lord's side.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

Then, he gently stretched out his hand forward.

Chitomi's reaction and the outcome of the battle between the two sisters were both expected by Kanzaki Yang.

An illusory golden body moved downwards, gradually integrating into Chitong's body.


Chitong's soul was forcefully stuffed back into the body by Kanzaki Yang before she could react.

She actually felt that there was nothing wrong with such a state, and she even had the intention of watching the rise of new forces with a fish-fishing attitude.

Of course, there are certain benefits to returning to the body. For example, you should be able to get along with Heitong now.

However, Kanzaki Yang didn't give her a chance to choose and just stuffed her back.

When Chitong opened her eyes again, she saw black eyes filled with tears on her chest.

Seemingly noticing Chi Tong's awakening, Black Tong hurriedly turned his back.

She just felt like she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl through it.

Before Chitong woke up, Kanzaki Yang had already told her that her sister had been watching her performance just now.

Heitong broke his defense on the spot after learning the news, and was glad that he did not do anything like hugging his sister's body and crying.

This time, Chitong, you can really be considered a saint. Kanzaki Yang looked at Chitong and found that she seemed to be very concerned about her sister's reaction, showing a lot of disharmony.

I know I will live with a new identity.

Chitong nodded silently.

If she was only a saint in name only before, now that she has been reincarnated, she is a saint in the true sense.

She can clearly feel the difference from her current physical condition.

It's not yet a complete transformation, but her original physique has indeed undergone a major change just now. Such changes will deepen over time, and she will eventually be completely transformed into a new human physique.

Reincarnation cannot be accomplished overnight.

In other words, reincarnation with guaranteed quality cannot be achieved overnight.

If Kanzaki Yang wants Chitong to become a new human being with no power just after his reincarnation, he can indeed reincarnate successfully in an instant.

But in fact, Kanzaki Yang still needs the power of Chitong.

Who is the strongest sword wielding against the revolutionary army? That was undoubtedly a night attack.

Who has the sharpest blade in the night attack? Who is most likely to listen to him and rebel? That would have to be Chi Tong.

This is the reason why Kanzaki Yang retains the power of Red Eyes to prevent her from being reincarnated in the present moment.

Of course, in Chitong's own opinion, she has actually been reincarnated successfully. She does not know the difference between successful reincarnation and being in a transitional state.

With your new identity, sister, are you going to escape from the night attack?

Black Eyes couldn't help but ask.

No, not completely. Chitong gave this answer.

Even if she has convinced herself in her heart, it is obviously impossible to abandon all the past relationships at once.

When they said this, Kanzaki Yo frowned subconsciously. Now he needs to go out.

You guys chat first, I need to leave for a while.

Kanzaki Yang said to the two of them.

Is there something going on? Do you want me to come with you?

Chi Tong asked. Chi Tong at this time has indeed changed slightly from before.

how to say..............

Although she had feelings before, all her reactions were hidden beneath the surface.

Now with near-substantial recognition, there is no need to hide anymore...

At least Chitong now views the identity of the Saint from the perspective of the Son's companion.

No, I can just go by myself.

If you have anything you want to talk about, you can find a place to talk slowly. I can know your location through the cross, and I will come back to you when the time comes.

Yang Kanzaki looked into the distance. Although theoretically he could resurrect people, in reality the salvation at the most desperate time was the most precious.

Okay. Chitong nodded without saying much.

She absolutely believed in Yang Kanzaki.

Who wouldn't want to believe in a person who has resurrected himself?

Not to mention, Kanzaki Yang's own character is absolutely top-notch in Chitong's opinion. He has abided by the agreement with her and followed the rules of conduct in everything that is in line with the teachings of the Holy Religion.

So now Chitong also believes that Yang Kanzaki really has something going on, and he doesn't need her help.

I go first.

After saying these words, Kanzaki Yang turned into a golden light and disappeared in front of the two people.

There is indeed something wrong with him.

It's important but not too important. It's not important but it's still important.

The hinterland of the revolutionary army.

A tall figure with white hair was running through the forest. His fair skin was marked with red marks by the branches, and there were even blood marks.

Her name is Nadjeta.

A former general of the Empire.

Now - he is the former leader of Night Raid.

At least, he was the former leader of the night 2.2 attack led by the revolutionary army.

If she had disobeyed her orders, she would actually still be the leader of the night attack, but she would be the leader of the night attack under her leadership, not the leader of the revolutionary army's night attack.

Now.........She has indeed come to this point.

During a dispute with the top leaders of the revolutionary army, she was fired from the position of leader of the night raid because she did not have enough revolutionary consciousness.

She was detained at the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army on the grounds of ideological transformation.

Waiting for her will be the earnest temptation from the top management.

At the same time, the revolutionary army will also send new leaders towards the night attack.

She should be fine until the transition is completed, and even if she changes her mind before then, she can also become the leader of the night attack again.

Unfortunately, she knew she wouldn't make that choice.

So she tried her best to escape. .

Chapter 259

How could the revolutionary army let Nadjeta escape?

Nadjeta's escape was not her fault alone, which meant that the Revolutionary Army might forever lose its top combat capability of night attack.

This is something that the revolutionary army will never allow.

Nadjeta successfully instigated the rebellion of Chi Tong, the empire's top killer. Who knows if she could instigate the entire Night Raid by returning to Night Raid?

It is normal to send people to chase and kill them. Even if they reach this level, they will not hold back and just go to death.

That's why Nadjeta is now seriously injured.

The injuries caused by being hung from the branches were all minor. The most serious injury was the large gash in her waist and abdomen.

Although she successfully avoided the direct attack of the weapon, the sharp sword energy easily cut her body apart.

It was not cut in half on the spot, just a big opening.

And this... was enough to make her lose almost all hope of escaping.

With her body without the power to move, and with the Revolutionary Army chasing her behind, all Nadjeta could do now was to find a hidden place to sit and pray that she would not be found.

Or find a place with a nice view13 and treat it as your own cemetery.

Partners and enemies have simply changed under the distortion of rights and desires.

Quick! If we find Nadjeta, we must not let her go!

When Nadjeta heard such a sound, she felt that the wound she had finally bandaged opened a little more.

Is this the end for her?

Fight for the revolution and sacrifice for the revolution.

That's it...that's it...

Nadjeta closed her eyes gently.

She was not worried about the safety of everyone in Night Raid, nor was she worried that they would be deceived, because that person was currently in Night Raid.

Even if the revolutionary army assigned someone else to carry out the night attack, she believed that Yang Kanzaki could see his thoughts.

Even... Nadjeta was still wondering if her current situation was what that person expected.

After waiting for a long time, Nadjeta was even thinking about whether she should go to heaven or hell, but she still didn't hear the voice she expected.

Dong!!~Dong dong dong~~

While she was wondering, she suddenly heard such a sound. It was the sound of the body colliding with the ground, and there seemed to be more than one sound.

Crash~ Then there was the sound of branches being pushed aside.

Nadjeta opened her eyes.

No matter who found her, she wanted to see the world for the last time.

With a flash of light in front of her eyes, she opened her eyes.

Then.........the pupils shrank suddenly, the heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and even the bandaged wounds could no longer suppress it.

It was a face she was extremely familiar with, a face she would never forget in her life.

He's the one who seems to know everything.

It looks like you were well entertained~

In Nadjeta's complicated eyes, the man smiled and said.

But just like what he said, she had been well treated both physically and mentally.

I instill some belief in her every day, and now her body has reached its extreme.

I have to was a really hard journey.


Suddenly, Nadjeta felt an itching sensation.

She subconsciously pulled at the itchy area, and then took off the bandage on her waist and abdomen.


Nadjeta didn't react for a moment.

Why was he able to make such a big move in a short time? Wasn't he injured?

Why doesn't the wound seem to hurt? The body is also filled with warmth............

It wasn't until she saw the man's teasing smile that Nadjeta realized that she had been redeemed by the Holy Son.

Also, both the leader and the saint have the ability to heal, and it is normal for the saint to have such an ability.

Would you like to get up? Or do you think it's more comfortable just lying there?

Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

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