You are qualified...

It wasn't until the young god said these words that the little emperor realized that she seemed to be obsessed?

What qualifications do you have...?

The little emperor didn't quite understand.

You are qualified to ascend to heaven, and you are qualified to ascend to heaven and then enter heaven.

The young god said so.

Upon hearing this, the little emperor's eyes first flashed with a bright color, and then he hurriedly restrained himself.

Because she remembered her identity.

She seems to be the emperor of the empire, how could she be so rude?

Hmm... He regained his face after his extreme gaffe, but he lost his face for sure, but Kanzaki Yo didn't care about this kind of thing.

What he cared about most was accomplished.

Although the little emperor did not admit it, he had actually reached the fact of his faith.

Originally, Kanzaki Yang thought that the little emperor might believe in the Holy Religion in a few days. After all, everything happened in front of her.

Unexpectedly, the final majesty of the royal family in her heart would become an obstacle, so Kanzaki Yang took care of it when he had time.

Just like the result of his judgment, the little emperor is really just a tsundere...

【Ding! 】

【Open the silver treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - the True Holy Grail! 】

[True Holy Grail: The last piece of the holy instrument, it can carry the soul and nourish the soul. Even if there is only a trace of soul fragment left, it can return to integrity under the guidance of the Holy Grail.

Resurrection of the body and regeneration of life, even if it is a life that has passed away, as long as there are dead corpses, the dead can be resurrected.

What supports this function is its infinite holy power. Like a white hole, the Holy Grail is created out of nowhere with powerful and unlimited holy power, and can provide the holder with lasting and endless power.

It is a sacred instrument that contains infinite possibilities when used properly. 】


In this way, Kanzaki Yo's Holy Spear, Holy Grail, and Holy Cross are all in place.

The holy spear has the strongest attack ability. Even monsters that can be resurrected through parallel time and space can be killed with one hit. The disadvantage is that it requires sufficient support of faith.

The Holy Cross has the strongest protective and sealing abilities. In addition to its own abilities, Kanzaki Yang now distributes the Holy Cross to all believers, which is also a way to enhance the protective and sealing abilities.

The Holy Grail has the strongest support and logistics capabilities. Even if his body is gone and there is only a trace of his soul left, he can gradually return under the guidance of the Holy Grail.

And the infinite holy power can ensure that the most powerful strength can be exerted at any time in the battle.

The only thing that still has flaws...maybe it's that Kanzaki Yoo's growth rate can't keep up~

Although by the standards of most living things, Kanzaki Yang's progress speed is absolutely monstrous.

But Kanzaki Yo himself... still has higher pursuits for this. .

Chapter 256

With this, I seem to have the capital to return to the dungeon world and declare war on the gods of the dungeon world?

Such thoughts flashed through Kanzaki Yang's mind.

But it just flashed, and then he put this thought aside.

He doesn't have much willingness to do things that are not beneficial.

Of course, he was willing to do this kind of thing for Hestia, but there was no need to do it when he had just obtained this qualification.

Kanzaki Yang had previously thought about whether he would collect the last holy artifacts in this world. It would be much better to have three holy artifacts than two.

At least Kanzaki Yo's abilities are more comprehensive... and he can even be more promiscuous...

After all, with the power of the Holy Grail, you can't die even if you wander around.

Since he obtained the last holy weapon, Kanzaki Yang was in a good mood, and his conversation with the little emperor also aroused a little interest.

Really, are there really angels in heaven?

The little emperor asked with a little anticipation.

Looking at Kanzaki Yang like a child looking at his parents who are telling stories, looking forward to them continuing to tell the story, the little emperor looked forward to many things.

There is an element that she has already believed in the Holy Religion, and there is also an element of her curiosity as a child.

Ah, of course there is, do you want to go and see it?

But once you enter heaven, you can't just come down.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Even though the concentration of faith in this world has improved a lot compared to when she first came, it is obvious that everyone cannot enter heaven. that so? The little emperor nodded thoughtfully.


After temporarily settling the matter on the little emperor's side, Kanzaki Yang came to the battlefield between the two sisters again.

They have been fighting for a long time.

And this battle is actually a battle with a destined outcome.

When Red Tong and Black Tong went here, they already roughly knew the result.

Black Eyes fought with the intention of killing her sister, while Red Eyes fought with the intention of dying after confirming her sister's situation.

In the end, they also got the result that both Red Tong and Black Tong wanted to see.

Looking at the Bafang stuck in his chest, Chitong coughed up a mouthful of blood, and then slowly fell backwards.


With a sound that was neither light nor heavy, Chitong's body collided with the ground.


Black Tong didn't speak, just looked at Chi Tong quietly, looking at the red blood she left behind.

Is this what she wants?

Maybe... She wanted to convince herself that this was actually what she wanted, but she found that she couldn't seem to do it at all.

Although there was a point, she herself didn't seem to be as indifferent as she thought before.

A more complex, profound, and even uncomfortable feeling emerged in his heart, but Heitong was unwilling to admit that it was uncomfortable.

In this way, she looked at Chi Tong lying on the ground, quietly waiting for the passage of her life.

Originally, she had the idea of ​​killing her sister and then making a doll of Yatsufusa to keep with her forever, but now... her idea is to let her sister die like this.

She believed that her sister, who was recorded as a saint in the Bible, would definitely ascend to heaven.

In the following days, she only needs to become a devout believer in the Lord, and then she can ascend to heaven and be with her sister all the time.


Red Tong and Black Tong looked at each other wordlessly, as if they had too many meanings that they wanted to express, but... they had neither the ability nor the will to say them out.

Indeed, she also had such thoughts.

She...Theoretically, she should be qualified to ascend to heaven, even if she has countless blood on her hands.

She had never asked Yang Kanzaki this kind of question.

Kanzaki Yang did give the answer that people who attack at night may go to heaven, but he did not give an answer specifically for her personally.

As time went by, Chitong's breath gradually calmed down......

Finally, it seemed that he was aware of the passing of Chi Tong, and Black Tong turned his back.

After Chitong noticed this, he took one last look at Heitong, and then gently closed his eyes.

She gradually lost consciousness and consciousness.


How's it going? How do you feel now?

Later, Chitong was awakened by such a sound.

This voice seemed to have a hint of concern, but a lot of it seemed to be teasing and relaxed.

Out of the desire to complain, Chitong actually regained consciousness.

Suddenly, Chitong opened his eyes again and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Sure enough, just as she imagined, the man was looking at her with a smile.

how do you feel?

The man asked again.

Upon hearing this, Chitong hurriedly began to check his current status.

She was indeed, indeed... she was killed by her sister, so what is her current state?

Of course you are in a soul state now. Haven't you been killed?

The boy next to Chitong seemed to know what Chitong was thinking, and complained.


Chitong looked at his body, feeling the difference between now and before. seems like there are quite a lot of different places.


Suddenly, she noticed something and took a deep breath subconsciously.

It was her own body.

Anyone would be shocked to see their own body unexpectedly after death.

How is it? Did your wish come true?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head and asked.

Well, that's enough for the black pupils.

Chitong saw Heitong now turning her head and looking at her body silently, and said.

Your wish came true, but your sister's wish actually didn't come true.


Chitong subconsciously looked towards Kanzaki Yang.

what did he say?

Your sister just wants to be with you.

Whether she is in the empire or the revolutionary army, she actually doesn't matter.

(Mo Qian Zhao) As long as you are here, it's okay. As long as my sister is by her side, she is willing to follow her all the time.

............ Chitong lowered his head slightly.

She was indeed close to leaving without saying goodbye. Although she had the idea of ​​taking her sister away, she did not achieve it in the end. She did not complain at all when her sister resented her.

She sees your departure as a betrayal, and she wants to make her sister a puppet by her side forever.

What do you think she would do to your body if she hadn't believed in the Holy Religion now? Kanzaki Yang asked again.

... Chitong's illusory body became a little more solid.

Next, just watch from the side, your sister and I have something to say.

Kanzaki Yang said, dispersing the magic circle that concealed existence and perception on his body.

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