Although she didn't know why, she did wait for Chi Tong here.

Of course, Chitong actually believes in fate, because she also found Heitong under the guidance of the Bible.

Well...if Kanzaki Yang's guidance is the guidance of fate, then it can indeed be said that there is destiny. After all, their Bibles were given by Kanzaki Yang.

What my sister means is that you can't be the one to wake up the Holy Son?

Heitong raised the eighth room and asked softly.

She also saw the description in the Bible.

The girl who awakens the Son is a saint.

In other words, it was her sister who awakened the Holy Son.

And according to Heitong's description in the Bible, she should have been with her companions from Night Raid at that time.

In other words - now that the Holy Son and the Holy Lady are together = the Holy Son is attacking at night!

Black Eyes also heard what the Holy Son said to the believers under the Holy Cross.

She could understand the need for people to awaken their consciousness, but she really couldn't understand why the Holy Son wanted to attack at night? !

Since the Bible has said that the Saint (Red Eyes) did not return the next day from this trip, which proves the fate of her actions, she will not have any hesitation.

What about the saint?

In Heitong's eyes, her sister might have been infected with some slutty attributes.

Because she had probably imagined the steps needed to awaken the Holy Son, and the more she thought about it, the more dissatisfied she became.

Sister, why can you do this behavior so naturally? Why not your partner? Sister, are you such a woman?

Now that her sister has become such a sister, she feels that she can swing the sword a little faster~

No, I was the one who woke him up.

Chitong nodded.

Maybe others didn't know her, but she believed that Heitong would be able to deduce her identity from the clues in the Bible with a high probability.


Hearing his sister's response, Black Eyes couldn't help but shudder. a little jealous.

Why, how could a woman who originally had no faith in the Holy Religion and now had no scent of the Holy Religion in her become a saint?

Is it just pure luck?

Furthermore, Heitong knew that Chitong and the others found the Holy Son near the Holy Religion.

Although the Holy Son had not officially revealed himself at that time, wasn't it obvious what a killer organization wanted to do in the Holy Church?

Sister, please fulfill our agreement~

Black-eyed rooms flashed with bursts of black light, and dolls appeared one after another behind her.

Although two dolls were damaged, in addition to the super dangerous species that cannot be released in the city, Black Eyes still has four powerful dolls.

It's enough to deal with Chi Tong!

Wait, I have one last question.

Chitong frowned.

There is another question. If she can get the answer to this question, she will have no regrets even if she dies.

Huh? Heitong raised her eyebrows. She paused the use of the eighth room and cast a doubtful look at Chitong.

I want to know, Heitong, your current physical condition.

Have you...restored your previous physical condition?

Chitong asked very seriously.

This is something she discovered during the previous battle with Heitong.

Theoretically speaking, Heitong's body has been modified by the empire's drugs, so he shouldn't be too afraid of fighting her head-on.

That's right, she estimated that Heitong would choose a fighting style that was close to risking his life.

But last time she discovered something strange in the battle with Heitong. Heitong seemed to attach great importance to her own safety, and was even unwilling to fight her head-on.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

This is very strange.............

After hearing Chitong's words, Heitong pondered for a long time.

After more than ten seconds, she raised her head.

That's right~ Just as I thought with my sister, I have gained a new life now~

Black Eyes gently raised the Holy Cross in his hand.

It was precisely because she witnessed such warm power and such miraculous power that she became a loyal believer in the Holy Religion.

Originally, she just wanted to give it a try, but she didn't expect that God's favor actually came to her!

This actually involves the design of the biblical faith feedback system. Theoretically speaking, the stronger the person, the more power of faith they provide, and the greater the chance of receiving feedback.

.. .. .. .. ..

And Heitong was really lucky. Before Kanzaki Yang came, she happened to trigger the feedback system of faith and get her body healed.

Even if Kanzaki Yang himself comes to solve this kind of problem, he will not necessarily help Heitong solve it. After all, Heitong is not one of his own.

But now that Heitong has solved this problem, believes in the Holy Religion, and has become one of his own in name, Kanzaki Yang will adapt to the development.

Have you been given a new lease of life?

Chitong thought silently in her heart, and glanced into the distance with a complicated expression.

After a few seconds.........she looked away.

That's the direction of Kanzaki Yang.

Of course she didn't want Kanzaki Yang to interfere in the affairs between their sisters, so she just let Kanzaki Yang watch from a distance.

She even asked him not to take any action even if she died.


With a loud sound, Chitong pulled out his sword.

If she was confused before, she is no longer confused now.

Well, I am no longer confused about my current decision.

If it was Heitong's wish to kill her, then just let Heitong realize her wish.

Anyway, she believed that Yang Kanzaki could definitely help her realize her wish.

As long as my sister, who has recovered her health, can continue to live well.

This is Chi Tong's extremely innocent idea.

Similar to the general idea of ​​a martyr. knife.

Chapter 255

At this time, Chitong still didn't know that... Kanzaki Yang was not in the direction she was looking at.

Kanzaki Yang left all matters to the sisters and went to the palace.

Since they both want to kill each other, then they should kill each other~~~

At that time, you can also ask the victorious party how they feel after killing their blood relatives.

Anyway, Kanzaki Yang has the physical information of both red and black pupils, so they can do whatever they want.

Many things can only be solved completely in this way.

Of course... Talk therapy can also solve the problem, but it takes too much time. Kanzaki Yang still thinks that this quick, effective, and unforgettable method is better.

While they were solving the biggest problem between sisters there, Kanzaki Yoichi raised his feet and came to the imperial palace in the imperial capital.

Here, there is a Loli girl who is trapped in confusion.


The little emperor has been a little abnormal since he returned to the palace.

Although the minister couldn't tell what was abnormal, he did feel the subtle changes in the little emperor.

13 These changes in the little emperor only depend on one thing - the Bible.

The little emperor got the Bible he had always wanted from his very handsome brother. After getting it, he naturally wanted to read it carefully.

And something happened on this reading.

The more she read, the stranger it seemed.

Especially the chapter about meeting a noble person.

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that the noble man was talking about her?

She did meet a man and a woman that day. According to the Bible, they should be the Son and the Saint.

He was also given a Bible, was actually the Son who gave him the Bible?

At the thought of this possibility, the little emperor's body trembled slightly.

There is a trace of fear, but of course... it's actually more of excitement.

Sure enough, the emperor's treatment was different. Being able to have the Holy Son deliver Bibles in person, the little emperor felt that she was the only one who could receive such treatment.

After thinking about these things clearly, the little emperor began to read the Bible more seriously.

Because she felt that if she continued like this, she might be able to see the real God of the Bible!

For ordinary believers, seeing the God of the Bible is a gift, but she is the emperor~ Isn't it normal to receive this level of treatment?

And today, it seemed like a miracle happened in front of her.

As he read, a golden light emerged from the Bible.

This light is very comfortable, making people feel like they want to be close to it.

As this ray of light disappeared from his sight, the little emperor felt that he had entered a golden space.

Everything seemed bright and full of warmth, as if it were constantly stroking her body.

In this light, a golden figure appeared.

It was so attention-grabbing, so sacred and great that it stole the little emperor's attention the moment it appeared.

Who are you............

The little emperor asked hesitantly.

Don't you want to see me? Now I'm here?

That great being made a soft voice.

Just hearing this voice, the little emperor felt that his soul and body had been purified.

Everything I wanted to say to the God of the Bible as an emperor was forgotten.

Now, she seems to have only the identity of a believer.

You...are you Lord Jehovah?

The little emperor said intermittently.

The majesty of the emperor? Royal dignity? Doesn't exist?

I heard your call, my people... The young man's voice was very gentle.

In addition to being gentle, the little emperor also felt extremely familiar, but he couldn't remember where it was familiar, and she couldn't even focus on it.

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