They were very worried about Esdeath's safety, but they had no way of finding traces of Esdeath. At most, they could only do meaningless things like handing out leaflets.

Later, Esdeath returned and gave out the smoke bomb that she was chasing the enemy, and everyone felt relieved.

The fact is of course... Esdeath is indulging herself.

After all, she has entered the estrus period. How can a woman who wants to find her own spouse not know the essence of the matter between men and women?

Besides, she still expected that she could defeat that man in all aspects. How could she give up? What if after trying too many times she wins once (is the money good)?

The impression was so profound that Esdeath was still immersed in the aftertaste when listening to the minister's words.

General Esdeath, are you willing to do what I say? The only one I can rely on now is you.

The minister was very worried.

He has made a decision to attack the Holy Cult!

The method is - powerless to suppress!

The natural choice is Esdeath, the Spear of the Empire!

Ah, I have no problem.

Although Esdeath didn't hear clearly what the minister said, she still nodded.

Because she had already been told by that man what the minister would ask her to do.

Her answer is of course - yes!

Then I'll leave it to you, General.

Before that, I need a certain amount of time to gather the elite forces of the empire. With the strongest power of the empire, I must suppress the holy religion that kills the imperial envoys without authorization!

The minister slapped the table hard, confirming the matter. prosper.

Chapter 253

The minister really can no longer allow the Holy Religion to develop.

If this continues, even if the Holy Religion has no intention of rebellion, the power of the Holy Religion will gradually surpass the empire, and the empire will even lose the right to speak in all areas outside the imperial capital!

The murder of the imperial envoy was naturally just an excuse. After all, the four Rakshasa ghosts of the Imperial Fist Temple were not the imperial envoys.

You have to put yourself in a righteous perspective in everything, right? At least that's how it looks on the surface.

The minister......... made such a decision very firmly.

Because he has also read some Bibles and knows that people like him will never go to heaven and will definitely fall into hell.

Instead of doing this, it is better to always try your best to strive for the greatest rights and enjoyment in this world.

Don’t look at the future, just seize the day!

It would be best if the so-called God of the Bible could give up guiding the souls of this world after destroying the Holy Religion.

After all, according to the records in the Bible, before the emergence of the Holy Religion and the Holy Son, the gods recorded in the Bible did not have any redemption meaning for the world.

I have to say, this is indeed an interesting phenomenon.

Because the minister did this, it meant that he himself was almost scared out of his wits, and he himself believed in the existence of the God of the Bible.

In fact, of course he believed in the existence of the God of the Bible, but after a long period of consideration, he still chose to take action.

According to the description in the Bible, the God of the Bible should not care about mortals like him.

By the way, that unfilial son of Silla can also be called back to help.

The minister thought of his cheating son.

In the early years, he was really disobedient, but he should be much better now. After all, he has been out wandering for so long, and it's time to come back and help.

He exiled Sheila overseas because he had no choice but to teach him a lesson. Before Sheila left, he also gave Sheila a task to collect strong men. Now it's finally time to see Sheila's results. !


at the same time.

Night attack on that side.

Hill was looking for his glasses.

Really, Akahomi-chan, don't tease me like this~

Anxious tears overflowed from the corners of Hill's eyes. She was highly myopic. If she couldn't find her glasses, she would have to be half-blind.

And it was Chi Tong who stole her glasses.

Originally, Chitong's character would never do such a thing to bully her companions, but the current situation is special.

She was going to do what she should do.

Originally, she just wanted to borrow Hill's Bible to see if there were any new chapters or something.

Then, right in front of her, the Bible was updated with a new chapter!

A very simple chapter.

[Bible Chapter 19 - Travels of the Saint. 】

Since it was updated in Chitong's hands, Hill had no idea what was going on.

All she knew was that Chitong took off her glasses after reading the Bible, which was really bad~

Hill, I need to go out and I'll be back soon. I'll ask you to tell everyone.

After Chitong said this, she took the Bible and left directly.

At least this was only about her own bedside affairs, which was her long-cherished wish. She didn't want to involve anyone else.


There was a slam of the door, and before Hill could respond, Chitong had already left Hill's room.

Aka Hitomi, Aka Hitomi-chan?!

Hill was so anxious that he almost burst into tears.

If she wants to tell her friends, then she must have the ability to tell them, right? But now she can't see anything! ?

More importantly, Chitong, can you return the Bible to me first?

With Hill's confusion, he still hasn't figured out the reason why Chi Tong chose to act like this.

She only knew that she was anxious now, very anxious.


Chitong walked alone towards the place indicated in the Bible.

She read the records in the Bible.

After the Saint went on a trip... and met a girl who looked exactly like herself, the next day - the Saint did not return.

Chitong understood the meaning of this sentence.

A girl who looks like her can only have black eyes.

In other words - what is recorded in the Bible should be what happened between her and Heitong.

Although according to the description in the Bible, there are basically only two outcomes - she dies in battle, or she and Heitong die together.

But she still went to that location resolutely.

Because this is her long-cherished wish, and it is also something recorded in the Bible, and it is something that will definitely happen.

She believes that with Kanzaki Yang, all people can be saved, even without night attacks or revolutionary troops.

In this way.........she has no regrets.

She doesn't have much pursuit anymore, she just wants to end things with her sister.

At least killing Heitong is better than letting Heitong be the lackey of the empire. This is Chitong's pure and simple idea.

She didn't know that the black pupil was no longer the black pupil in her memory.

where are you going?

As Chitong approached the location shown on the Bible, the voice of a person she was very familiar with sounded beside her.

The voice of Yo Kanzaki, the voice of the Holy Son.

A voice that Chitong was very unfamiliar to at first, but now after being together for a long time, he has become very familiar with it and subconsciously wants to get close to it.

Sure enough, after hearing this voice, Chitong looked to the side, and the Holy Son recorded in the Bible was beside her.

Did he notice her actions? Or did he know the contents of the Bible, so he came to find her?

Chitong was a little confused, and then decided not to bother with this kind of thing.

Whether it was her original wish or the guidance of the Bible, she was required to end things with Heitong.

I want to see Heitong.

Chi Tong said calmly.

Speaking of which, now that she has the status of a saint, Chitong's mood is very subtle, but it is much better than when she just started.

She even thought about it, if she really died in the battle with Black Eyes, would she be summoned to heaven by the so-called God of the Bible?

Then let's go together.

Chitong heard this answer.

I'm just watching you. I won't take action until you know the result.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Um...thank you.

Chitong said softly.

This was the best answer for her.

She expressed her gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the location guided by the Bible.

There, a girl wearing black pantyhose and a sailor suit skirt was walking boredly.

Suddenly, as if she sensed something, she looked in the direction of Chitong and Kanzaki Yang.

The eyes of the black pupil met the red pupil......

Then, the eyes of the black pupils brightened visibly, and a strong fighting spirit burst out. .

Chapter 254

Sister...or should I call you Lady Saint?

The black pupil looked at the red pupil with a smile, and his eyes seemed to be filled with the joy of meeting again and the excitement that his long-cherished wish was about to be fulfilled.

Indeed, judging from her Bible, the saint did not return, which means that she at least died with her sister.

Victory or death together was enough for her to swing the sword in her hand.

Lady Saint......That's just a coincidence.

A helpless smile appeared on Chitong's lips.

She believed that if she had awakened Kanzaki Yang instead of Hill or Mayin, it would not have been her turn to be the saint.


Heitong raised his eyebrows, she didn't quite understand.

As a believer in the Holy Religion, she no longer feels that there are any coincidences in the world.

All things follow a certain trajectory, and there is such a thing as the arrangement of fate.

Like what happened now, Heitong felt that it was fate.

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