On the contrary, the little emperor asked her to do something - to find the person who met her that day.

In the description of the little emperor, the man was blown away by his words.

The little emperor asked someone to draw a portrait of the person she was looking for. According to her description and her repeated requests for the painter to improve his appearance and temperament, Esdeath was very interested.

Because she found that the little emperor still said that he didn't have a good picture in the end.

But she already became very interested in it when she was halfway through the painting.

This man.........is exactly what she likes!

Considering the little emperor's current age, Esdeath doesn't think the little emperor wants a man, so she can check it herself first~

In fact, it was similar to what Esdeath thought. At the young emperor's age, he certainly didn't think of this level.

She just simply wanted to find the person who met her that day.

Because she discovered a very scary fact while reading the Bible. The latest chapter, Noble Man, the more she read, the more she felt that it was herself!

It's a pity that the description in the Bible is a bit ambiguous, so she can't be completely sure. Otherwise, she would have directly sent out the Royal Guards.

Because...if she is really the so-called noble person, then there is no doubt that the one who meets her is the Holy Son! ?

The little emperor is still leaning towards this possibility.

After all, she is the emperor. Isn't it natural for her to meet the Son and the Saint when she goes out?

Of course, Esdeath would not refuse the little emperor's request. She didn't give any death orders anyway.

Esdeath knew that she was able to do whatever she wanted now because she had formed an alliance with the ministers and the emperor, and the emperor still had to give her face.


But... Esdeath didn't know what the little emperor was thinking. She only knew that she seemed to have found a very interesting person.

Regardless of whether the other party has the possibility of becoming her spouse, at least the appearance and temperament, as well as the things that the emperor cares about, are already very interesting to her.

Esdeath walked like this.

Depending on the level of prosperity in the Imperial City at night, the number of open stores will naturally vary.

The stores Esdeath encountered now were almost never open, and the ice cream she was holding was something she had bought casually in the downtown area before.

How can you not have a little fun while hunting?

At least Esdeath has always felt that she is the hunter, and the other person is the prey.

However, the next moment, something happened that made Esdeath's eyes widen.

A young man with black hair and golden eyes appeared from the corner of the street and walked straight towards her! ?

Moreover, this person seems to be somewhat similar to the person described by His Majesty the Emperor!

Esdeath didn't know if the other party noticed her or not, but he just walked towards her.

This is not a downtown area. Is this person here by chance... or...

Such doubts popped up in Esdeath's mind.

Although he had such doubts in his heart, Esdeath showed no hesitation and walked towards the opponent so openly.

She, Esdeath, never had to shrink from anyone.

What's more, she is now very interested in the person His Majesty the Emperor is looking for.

In terms of temperament, a portrait can never depict that kind of temperament.

In fact, the young man in front of her was exactly the same as the emperor had painted, because even after the painter drew out the portrait, the little emperor was dissatisfied and said that the temperament was not painted at all.

If the painter hadn't begged for mercy and said that was her highest level, the little emperor would probably have kept asking her to paint it.

With such high requirements, Esdeath has only seen the opposite sex at this level in her life...

She had an intuition in her heart that this was the person His Majesty the Emperor was looking for!

Of course, it's not just that.

She also had another feeling - this was the person she was looking for!

More than just the person he was looking for to accomplish the Emperor's goals.

What she means is...the choice of her spouse.

She has never encountered such a strange opposite sex, so attractive to her eyes, so profound and full of charm.


The sound of high heels hitting the ground.

There are indeed high heels in this world.

In a fantasy world, dressing differently from the general public is proof of being strong... ahem...

The distance between the two people got closer and closer. When they reached the distance where they could stab each other to death with a sword, they finally stopped.

It seems like you are waiting for me?

The boy opposite Esdeath said with a smile.

Ah~ Although I wasn't waiting for you before, but since I saw you, I feel that maybe I am waiting for you in this life.

A drunken blush appeared on Esdeath's face.

This feeling is very strange.

But.........I don't hate it.

The heartbeat speeds up, the capillaries dilate, and the pores loosen slightly, but the whole body is subconsciously tense...

Although this feeling is different from the pleasure during fighting.

But I have to say – it’s pretty good~

2.2 Huh?

Kanzaki Yang frowned, he seemed to feel the smell of hormones?

Shouldn't it?

Kanzaki Yang looked at Esdeath. Although he knew that she was indeed following the laws of nature,... it shouldn't be the case, right?

Maybe you've been waiting for me all your life?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head. Sorry, he never felt that he was waiting for someone.

He was waiting for Esdeath here just to hold her back.

After all - the hunters have laid out bait for the night attack tonight. If Esdeath joins the battle again, the situation will be quite passive without Nadjeta's planning.

So, he came to find Esdeath.

As for Esdeath's reaction.

Although he had determined that Esdeath would be very fond of him, he did not expect that it would reach this level. .

Chapter 247

Well, in layman's terms, the smell of hormones - that's the signal for mating.

Although Esdeath has this idea mentally and physically, she is not a real beast, at least not to that extent so easily when they first meet.

What's your name? What are you doing here? Are you waiting for me?

Esdeath calmed down her mood a little and asked.

She definitely didn't believe this was a chance encounter.

Who can happen to meet the emperor when he sneaks out, and who can happen to meet her when she comes out to capture the night attack?

Esdeath definitely didn't believe this was a coincidence.

The other party is definitely not simple!

Yang Kanzaki, you can call me Yang Kanzaki.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

Anyway, by locking Esdeath to his side, he has done his best to be benevolent.

Kanzaki Yang? I'm Esdeath.

Esdeath was very satisfied with his answer.

She probably knew why this person was here.

The purpose is nothing more than her, the timing is such a coincidence!

Esdeath has been walking around here for a while and hasn't met anyone else except him!

But... Esdeath only wants this boy named

Whether it was to defeat her or hold her back, it didn't matter to her.

All she wanted was that this person was actually here.

As for the night attack?

She felt like she could take care of a miscellaneous fish like Nadjeta at any time.

Did you meet a young lady a few days ago?

Esdeath asked again.

What she said about the little emperor.

Ah, you're talking about her, right. She said she was going to do soy sauce work at that time.

Kanzaki Yang nodded, it seemed that the little emperor said something to Esdeath.

No wonder Esdeath's reaction was a little strange, as if he knew something about him in advance.

Make...make some soy sauce?

Esdeath twitched the corner of his mouth, His Majesty the Emperor could actually use such a reason.

Should I say he is worthy of being His Majesty the Emperor?

It seems that you are indeed the person she wants me to find. What do you think, do you want to come with me?

Esdeath asked very directly.

She just looked at Kanzaki Yang with an aggressive gaze, in a sense, like a beast that chooses people and devours them.

Esdeath originally set three conditions for the spouse she found.

The first point is a bright and innocent smile.

Secondly, she has extraordinary courage. She has the courage to hunt dangerous species with her. It would be even better if she has the strength to match it.

Third, clean background, the best for the children of the imperial border.

These are actually manifestations of her dominance.

She wants to find a spouse who will be at her disposal and who will suit her needs.

But now..........she feels that none of this matters.

Because she felt that now she had found the person she wanted to dominate and conquer the most.

She could see through ordinary people, but she found that she couldn't see through the young man in front of her at all.

Interesting...it's so interesting! Interestingly, her body even trembled slightly.

Become your thing? Sorry, in my opinion, it's actually the opposite.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Esdeath's answer was whether to be hers.

Kanzaki Yang's answer is that it will not become her thing.

Because if you can't completely conquer someone like Esdeath, you will lose your sovereignty.

Items make no difference.

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