Perhaps Esdeath will give him a certain amount of care and even a certain degree of autonomy.

But... after all, it is still an object under the will of others.

on the contrary?

Esdeath curled her lips. This person didn't seem to know her identity?

Do you know what this means?

The cold air gradually condensed in Esdeath's hand, and an ice rose appeared.

Long ice-blue hair and the ability to control ice are the characteristics of the Imperial General Esdeath.

Even if they have never seen Esdeath's true face, anyone with a certain amount of knowledge will understand Esdeath's identity when they see this move.

But the young man in front of him only gave a slight smile.

Of course I know.

An ice rose also appeared in his hand, which was not the same as the one in Esdeath's hand.

This is...........

Esdeath froze on the spot.

This is the ability to use ice! Does this person also have this ability? !

If she hadn't been sure that there were too many differences between this person and Cang Yue, she would have even suspected that Cang Yue had dressed up as a man and came to have sex with her.


Esdeath didn't hesitate at all and chose to take action directly.

If it weren't for the ability to control the ice, it would be okay, but if it were the ability to control the ice, she would have to compete with her opponent!

Such temperament, such appearance, and such ability appeared beside her when she wanted a spouse. She wondered whether this was destiny.

Of course... Regardless of whether it was fate or not, she must first defeat the opponent! This is a must!

Do your best, even with tooth and claw, to win!

She hasn't had this desire to fight and conquer for a long time. This time... she will go all out!

If she wins, the opponent becomes attached to her.

If she fails, then she becomes attached to the other person.

It's such a simple thing!


Kanzaki Yang was speechless at first.

He really just used an ice magic at random. Does he want to say that it is still too late for him to switch to fire magic?

However, it seems that this is not bad?

Kanzaki Yang, who was well aware of Esdeath's temperament, thought of a possibility.

As you wish, but it doesn't work here.

When Esdeath stretched out her hand toward him and the ice picks struck him one after another, golden magic circles flashed under his and Esdeath's feet.

With the flash of golden light, the figures of Kanzaki Yang and Esdeath disappeared from the place, leaving behind magnificent ice cones.

.(is the money good)......................

at the same time.

the other side.

Black Eyes was eating a lollipop boredly.

Heitong, I always feel like you are unhappy. Is there anything you can tell everyone? Next to her, the orange-haired girl looked slightly worried.

She always felt like she was a little resentful?

Don't worry, it's my own business.

Black Eyes said calmly.

She was actually so dissatisfied because of the changes in the Bible... and even felt a little resentful. it? Sai Liu lowered his head, very frustrated.

She originally thought that believers of the same holy religion would have many things in common...


Thinking of the things that made him unhappy again, Heitong bit the lollipop louder.

The reason for her dissatisfaction - it all comes from the Bible. .

Chapter 248

Black Tong generally avoids contact with people during the execution of tasks.

So she actually knew the news quite late.

The news is that her Bible seems to be a little different from the average person.

She didn't feel it at first, but it wasn't until she read Seliu's Bible that she realized something was wrong.

Her Bible progress is faster than Seleucid's!

At least it’s a little faster than the previous chapter!

Black Eyes returned to the imperial capital from the Holy Cross of the Holy Religion with Esdeath, so she saw some subtleties when she met the emperor.

Esdeath is not interested in things like the Bible. She only grabs Heitong's Bible but barely knows how to read it.

So only Heitong knows these things.

The little emperor may have met with the Holy Son, what happened tonight on the Holy Son's side, and... the Saint's story.


Just when Heitong was biting the lollipop with great dissatisfaction, a teeth-searing roar came from the distance.

A small iceberg and countless ice cones are generated from the same place.


Black Eyes saw this small iceberg and became more sure of his inner thoughts.

This is evidence that General Esdeath took action!

According to the records in her Bible, the Holy Son indeed met the Ice Witch tonight.

Hmm 483..........The Ice Witch.

Esdeath is recorded under this name in the Bible, but now only Hill, Black Eyes, and a few people in the night attack know about it.

Seleu-san, let me go.

After saying this, Heitong ran towards the location of the saint recorded in the Bible.

The Bible is infallible, at least up to now.

So Heitong wanted to verify his inner thoughts.

The Bible once described the saint's hair color, which was crimson, eyes like bright rubies, and long hair of night color.

I often bathe (catch fish) in the pure spring water alone.

She was the first to discover the Holy Son, awakened the Holy Son, and stayed with the Holy Son the longest.

Some descriptions in the Bible may be incomprehensible to ordinary people, but as one of the people most familiar with Red Tong, Heitong has read too much information about Red Tong from them.

Probably...probably not...

With such a mood, she quickly rushed towards the target location while being chased by Sai Liu.

She couldn't wait to verify whether it was a coincidence or if it was true! ?

If it were true, she felt that she would not know how to face Chitong, nor how to face Lord Shengzi.

As a believer, should I call my sister the Holy Lady?

Or should I call the Holy Son my brother-in-law?


The lollipop in Heitong's mouth was easily crushed, and his pace became a little faster.


At this time, Chitong's side.

Hill, is there really no problem with our actions?

Ma Yin asked worriedly.

Obviously the Bible said there would be people here to stop them, but they still chose to take this path.

Of course... of course it's no problem~ Ma Yin, you have to believe in the instructions of the Bible~

Hill adjusted his glasses and ran a little slower.

Hill, you have to understand one thing.

Chitong reminded lightly.

This is what is recorded in the Bible, and it is something that will definitely happen.

In other words, if we take this route, all three of us will be able to return to the base safely.

Although you may encounter enemies if you take this road, the most important thing is to be able to go back safely in the end.

It may be safer to take other paths, but it may also be more dangerous. You cannot ignore a method that can completely guarantee safety and choose other risky methods.

Chitong explained.

This is why they chose this path.

She has witnessed too many partings and no longer wants to lose her partner.

Really, I know~

Ma Yin complained helplessly.

I'm just worried that I can go back, but will I be missing arms or legs?

She expressed her concerns.

Even this... is better than everyone being separated.

Chitong's answer was very firm.

Ma Yin had nothing to say, because the facts were indeed the same as what Chi Tong said.

Can't we just leave this question to the Holy Son?

Hill made a very weak voice.

Huh? What do you mean? Ma Yin didn't quite understand.

That, look at it.

Aren't there devout believers in the Holy Religion who, even if they lost their limbs, finally allowed the Lord to perform miracles with devout prayers?

Hill's words made Ma Yin's eyes light up. Yes, how could she forget this?

After all, Chi Tong is also designated by the Bible, that is, the saint designated by the God of the Bible. It is normal to have this level of privileges, right?

Besides, what’s wrong with the so-called Holy Son who eats and drinks at their place for free all day long and charges such a small fee?

Ma Yin found an almost perfect excuse...


Chi Tong reminded Ma Yin who was slightly off track.

This kind of thing can indeed be done, but... there is really no need to do it until it reaches the point where it is definitely not the case.

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