Yes...really? Almost everyone cast doubtful eyes. They all knew that Nadjeta was a very self-disciplined person, and they had never seen her not sleeping like this. .

After eating, Nadjeta stopped everyone who was preparing to perform tasks and exercises.

Boss, what's the matter? Brand said while shaping his hairstyle.

Although he was doing this, the solemnity in his eyes was not lost at all.

Ah, there is indeed something going on.

Nadjeta sighed, and while eating she finally made her decision.

Is it something important?

Others seemed to have noticed that this matter was important, and they all paid attention to it.

Well, it's important to say it's important, and it's not important to say it's not important. I want to go to the Revolutionary Army headquarters first.

Brand, please take care of everyone while I'm away.

Nadjeta asked very seriously.

No problem, boss, just take it easy~ Brand said pretending to be relaxed. .

Chapter 245

He had already seen that the boss meant that he didn't intend to tell them what was going on for the time being.

But they believe in the boss, and the boss's decision must be justified. They just need to fulfill their responsibilities well.

Well, I believe everyone.

Nadjeta nodded deeply.

At least she knew everyone who was attacking at night. They were all people with lofty ideals who had revolutionary dreams and were willing to bear the darkness.

But what about other people in the revolutionary army......

I'll be back as soon as possible, let's go first~

With the last sentence, her tone became more relaxed.

Of course, this is just a kind of psychological comfort for her team members.

She was actually in a very heavy mood... - heavier than ever before.

She seemed very depressed.

Chi Tong said calmly.

It is estimated that everyone except Hill can see the problem with Nadjeta's demeanor.

Of course she is depressed, after all her faith was broken for the second time.

Kanzaki Yang said calmly.

Nadjeta's first belief was in the empire. Unfortunately, both the empire's dream and the dream of being a general were shattered.

Nadjeta's second belief was the Revolutionary Army. was also crushed by Kanzaki Yang without hesitation.

This is probably what broken faith looks like, right?

Nadjeta didn't even have the courage to read all the information he gave yesterday, so she went to think about life alone.

When your faith is broken, you need to find new faith.

As for the choice of a new faith... Kanzaki Yang has already placed it in front of her.

This silver treasure chest is really not too difficult for Kanzaki Yang to get, and breaking Nadjeta's faith is just one of the most interesting ways to do it.

If Kanzaki Yang really wanted to instigate a night attack, he could simply trick Hill into assassinating the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army while completing the minimum task.

I hope nothing happens when the boss leaves~

Kanzaki Yang heard what Hill said.

No one else heard it, but he heard Hill's prayer through the Bible.


Kanzaki Yang touched his chin.

He actually doesn't know if Hill is considered a poisonous milk, after all... Esdeath has returned to the imperial capital now.


At this time, Esdeath had accepted the minister's arrangement and was ready to deal with the night attack.

Gathering the power of the empire, a group of Teigu users were gathered around Esdeath, preparing to deal with the night attack by the same Teigu users.

How are you looking forward to your friends?

In the hunter's conference room, Esdeath asked the black-haired girl eating snacks in front of her.

The black-haired girl is wearing a sailor uniform, her name is Black Eye, and she is a powerful fang in the empire's killer organization.

Near the Holy Cross, Black Eyes saw the fight between Esdeath and Cang Yue, and Esdeath also noticed the black-haired lolita girl.

Later, after an initial confrontation, she learns her identity - the Empire's killer.

Although he was in darkness, he still believed in the Holy Religion. Such a person really suited Esdeath's taste, so he brought him to his side directly and semi-forcibly.

After Esdeath promised that if she met Red Eye, he would leave Red Eye to her, Black Eye became Esdeath's nominal subordinate.

Of course, now that the Hunters have been established, Black Eyes has become Esdeath's subordinate in a substantial sense.

I'm not interested in other people.

This is Heitong's answer.

Her voice was very calm, extremely calm, so calm that no one could see any emotional fluctuations.

Her sister Chitong has become something like an obsession in her heart.

After all, I'm your future companion, so it's better to say hello.

Esdeath curled up the corners of her mouth and showed a slightly amused smile.


Black Eyes tilted his head.

She never felt that Esdeath's greeting was a normal greeting.

Your greeting should be the same as greeting the person who looked like you before, right?

The black pupil refers to Cang Yue.


Esdeath gave the same answer as Heitong expected.

You don't have to be so careless. I have already released some information about the minister's faction officials.

Seeing that Black Eyes was interested, Esdeath decided to change the topic.

She thought it was interesting to tease Heitong.

The most interesting thing was to snatch away her Bible when it appeared, and then look at her expression as if she had lost most of the meaning of her life.

Of course......... Doing so will undoubtedly lead to Black Eye's most ruthless and powerful counterattack, and only Esdeath can regard this kind of thing as fun.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

After hearing Esdeath's words, Black Eyes instantly became interested.

She had already heard the implication of Esdeath's words.

The implication is to use people from the minister's side to lure out the night raid, and then their side can take action against the night raid.

As for the reaction from the minister's side, this was not part of her consideration.

If you want to attract wolves, isn't it normal to throw meat?

No problem, sister will leave it to me when the time comes.

Black Eyes nodded, with an expectant look on his face.

Her biggest wish is to leave this world with her sister.

You are really boring~~

Esdeath rubbed Heitong's face with her fingers and sighed.


This toy is really a bit unqualified and a bit too shrewd. After being deceived a few times and being tricked out of the Bible, I never took out my own Bible again.

Is it possible that only a so-called spouse can satisfy me?

Esdeath remembered something that she had been thinking about.

Spouse problem~

Also, she feels that she has this kind of palpitations recently, maybe because of her age, and it’s time to find a spouse~

Esdeath has always implemented a beast mentality of respecting the strong and preying on the weak, so it is normal for her to find a suitable mating partner as she reaches her age.


Although Esdeath herself calls it love, in Kanzaki Yang's view, Esdeath's behavior is more similar to a powerful female beast who wants to choose a suitable male beast during the estrus period.


Black Eyes pondered.

Although she didn't know what kind of person Esdeath would fall in love with, she didn't think anyone could suppress Esdeath within the age range required by Esdeath.

In other words - Esdeath's spouse is destined to be the one dominated.

Being dominated and pampered by someone like Esdeath...I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing~

Heitong had such a sigh in his heart.


There was a soft sound and the sound of the door being pushed open.

Looks like they're fired.

Esdeath suppressed her smile and put her mask back on.

The welcome ceremony.........begins! knife.

Chapter 246

A few days later.

Imperial capital.

Esdeath was walking boredly in the imperial capital at night.

The night has fallen, and the hunters in the night are ready to hunt their prey!

It wasn't time yet, so she just strolled around.

In addition to seeing if there is a spouse that suits her wishes, Esdeath also wants to find the person His Majesty the Emperor asked her to find.

That's right......His Majesty the Emperor asked her for a favor.

The army has returned victoriously, and Esdeath needs to meet the saint.

During the interview, the little emperor asked Esdeath what he wanted.

Esther put forward his expectations on the spot - hoping to get the opposite sex that suits him.

The little emperor's answer was also very simple - General Esdeath, whatever you want, I can give you whatever is within the acceptable range, and a man can do anything casually.

However, Esdeath only raised her own expectations, and she had no intention of relying on the power of the empire to find a partner.

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