Nadjeta shook her head helplessly.

Of course she wanted to convince the Son.

However, as of now, if the Holy Son really has the ability to predict or read minds, everything she wants to say is already known.

And the other party has not responded yet. Basically, it can be concluded that he is not interested in what she said.

It is undoubtedly meaningless to talk about it at this time.

But - she still chose to say it.

Because Kanzaki Yang herself asked for it, and because she also believed that she might say it herself, and the situation might be very different if there was face-to-face communication, she still chose to say it herself.

Her purpose is also very simple - to convince the Holy Son! Let him recognize the revolutionary army!

The Holy Son's recognition of the revolutionary army means that the Holy Religion will become a boost to the revolutionary army.

With the combined popular support and strength of the Holy Cult and the Revolutionary Army, overthrowing the empire's rule is just around the corner!

Lord Holy Son, why did you come to this world?

Nadjeta decided to start with this aspect.

For what? To make the people of this world wake up and pursue what they want.

In order for everyone to believe in the Lord, in order to spread the glory of the Lord to the world~ Kanzaki Yo said slowly.

As soon as Kanzaki Yang's words came out, Nadjeta frowned deeply.

Then, Lord Holy Son, judging from your behavior, you are more hopeful that humans will awaken on their own, right?

Nadjeta asked rhetorically.

Because it is obvious that if he had the intention of his own leadership, he would not be fishing at night now.

.々Of course, some roads need to be walked by the people themselves. Kanzaki Yang said as he gently blew a sip from the teacup.

The words of the revolutionary army...

Lord Holy Son, don't you think it's a way for humans to choose their own path forward?

After saying this, Nadjeta looked at Kanzaki Yang with nervous eyes.

It was rare to say that, except when facing an invincible enemy, she had not been nervous for a long time.

It is indeed a way forward for mankind. Kanzaki Yang nodded.

But...a guide is needed.

Leader...are you referring to an outstanding leader among humans, a saint of the Holy Religion...or yourself?

Anyone can do it at this stage, but in the end, the political system led by humans will go through cycles one after another... You should know this, right?

Entering such a cycle is tantamount to repeating the path of the empire.

So, the final leader you have chosen (for money) is yourself?

Nadjeta asked with a sigh.

Indeed, these words seem to make sense.

She knew that the Son saw things differently from them.

The Revolutionary Army and she are both seizing the day and can't see a long-term future.

As long as you reach the limit of what you can do in this life, that's all.

But the Son of God sees things in terms of cycles of thousands of years.

My own perspective and cycle of looking at things are different...

Either it's me, or it's the Lord. Of course, if you can guarantee to do it to the same extent as me, there's no problem in leaving it to you.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

To what extent?

Nadjeta asked a little excitedly.

Is this a goal set by the Holy Son? ! Fortunately, if you have a goal, you at least have a hope of achieving it.

If the Holy Son's expectations are met, will the Holy Religion join forces with the Revolutionary Army? .

Chapter 244

To what extent?

There is no desire to pursue anything in the world, and he can lead the people forward with an absolutely correct and absolutely superior attitude.

Can you reach this level?

Kanzaki Yang asked teasingly.

After hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, Nadjeta lowered her head.

This is simply not something that humans can do!

It must be a being above human beings, it must be a saint! It must be God! It must be something that can be accomplished by beings whose pursuits are completely different from those of human rulers!

Lord Holy are really forcing yourself to make things difficult~

Nadjeta smiled helplessly.

Maybe this is the so-called level crushing.

No, it's not to force others into trouble, it's just to tell the objective facts.

Kanzaki Yang took a sip of tea and said.

... Nadjeta was silent.

Can't you - give people a chance to govern themselves alone?

Nadjeta looked at Kanzaki Yang with an almost pleading tone and expectant eyes.

What she actually wanted to say was - at your level, you can't just stand by and watch the revolutionary army sputter out the new empire. If the revolutionary army really failed to fulfill its original promise, wouldn't it be too late to take action at that time?

Anyway, in terms of time period, it's only a few decades that have passed in thousands of years. It's not a big deal, right?

Of course, this was just a fleeting thought in Nadjeta's heart.

She knew that saying such words would only further demonstrate her unreasonableness.

So this thought just crossed her mind, but she didn't say it out in the end.


Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows.

He knew that Nadjeta actually knew some things, but she probably ignored all these questions.

People govern themselves. Human beings have governed themselves for I don't know how many years. But you know the result, right?

No, that's just the Empire.

Nadjeta subconsciously wanted to refute.

However, she was speechless.

The empire is indeed in decline, so do you think that when the revolutionary army overthrew the empire, they would have more talents and strategies than when the First Emperor founded the country a thousand years ago, and the empire would be more powerful?

The First Emperor was indeed a strange man, and the empire a thousand years ago was extremely powerful. It can even be said that the current empire is only able to survive on the old capital of that time.

Without the Teigu, the empire would have fallen even faster.

Sufficient strength has been accumulated now only because the imperial (bdcc) tools are gradually being lost from the imperial camp.

Although not as powerful as the Empire, we are all righteous people with revolutionary ideals. We will treat the people and face and solve all problems with a completely different attitude and method from the Empire.

Nadjeta gave this assurance. won't.

Without any hesitation, Kanzaki Yang directly crushed Nadjeta's hopes.

You know nothing about the current revolutionary army, or in other words, you know some things, but you pretend that you don't know these things, and you are still wondering whether I know these things.

After hearing what Kanzaki Yang said, Nadjeta's face instantly turned pale.

Sure enough.........just as she imagined!

I can tell you clearly that I know your guess is correct.

Kanzaki Yo gave an answer that disappointed Nadjeta again.

Is my guess correct?

Nadjeta lowered her head.

Her guess... The Revolutionary Army is also full of evil, but it should be much better than that of the Empire.

Now hearing Kanzaki Yang's words confirmed her thoughts even more.

Do you need me to show you all aspects of the Revolutionary Army?

Kanzaki Yang casually threw out a few light screens, which were some information within the revolutionary army.

For example, things like human trafficking, buying and selling official positions, buying and selling imperial equipment, and establishing a black killer organization other than night raids.

He knows all these things.

Of course, this is not an excuse for him to oppose the revolutionary army.

Even without these things, he still has too many things to say.

He said this just to crush Nadjeta's last illusion.


Looking at the lights and shadows thrown by Kanzaki Yang, Nadjeta fell silent.

She actually knew something, but she regarded it as a necessity for the revolution, so she selectively pretended that she had not heard similar news.

When such news was placed in front of her, she must have been quite uncomfortable.

Looking at the familiar figures in the light screen, she fell silent.

She even talked to some of them in person.

Is this............the limitation of human beings......

Such thoughts came to Nadjeta's mind.

Of course, this is a limitation. At least my lord can see through everyone, so that those with evil intentions will never be able to gain power.

At least my Lord can lead the progress of mankind with an absolutely correct attitude.

What my Lord asks only the faith of the people...

After all, if you want to lead the people forward and become a being that the people believe in, isn't that a matter of course?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.


Nadjeta didn't speak, just smiled helplessly.

She could see that she had been completely seen through by the other party.

Sure enough - is this the difference between the Son and humans?

So what is the level of the gods above this?

Tonight, Nadjeta didn't sleep all night.

Boss, what's wrong with you?

While eating breakfast, almost everyone noticed something unusual about Nadjeta.

After all, the dark circles under his eyes and the haggard look were too obvious.

No, it's nothing. It's just that I didn't sleep well yesterday.

A smile appeared at the corner of Nadjeta's mouth, a rather helpless smile.

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