This person...shouldn't have seen her identity, right?

How about this? I have a Bible here. Miss, you can take it back and read it.

In Chitong's slightly doubtful eyes, a Bible appeared in Yang Kanzaki's hand.

She was indeed suspicious of life because she knew Yang Kanzaki's identity.

Who was worthy of him personally delivering a Bible?

Chitong only knew that Yo Kanzaki had given holy crosses to top believers, but this was the first time for him to give a Bible.


The little emperor looked eager to try, but quickly took it back.

Because——she remembered the fate of those who exposed the Bible in the palace.

But then I thought about it—she was the emperor? Isn’t it enough to read a few books?

Is she using her own personal experience to experience and understand the Holy Religion? Is it good to exercise the duties of an emperor?

Uh-huh..........nothing wrong.

Yes, it's the Bible. Kanzaki Yang said slowly.

Since you think there may be something wrong with the Holy Religion, wouldn't it be enough to use the Holy Religion's teachings to refute them?

Moreover, if you are pious enough, you might be able to see the Son or the Lord through the Bible~

Yang Kanzaki added.

Listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, the little emperor's eyes also brightened.

yes! She is the emperor~

Although this person does not know the identity of her emperor... However, with this level of identity, she believes that even if she cannot see the Son or God through the method of a devout believer, she can still see the Son or God through her own way. Is it a little more convenient to gain status?

Hmm...that makes sense.

If you have any questions at that time, you can ask them in person.

The little emperor felt that he was simply a genius.

Thank you...thank you.

After hesitating for a while, the little emperor still said his thanks.

Although this person's remarks made her a little uncomfortable, he was still a good person in the end~

Well, turn in the Bible and be a good citizen of the Emperor!

The little emperor decided not to pursue the matter of his possible disrespectful behavior towards the emperor.

The grocery store you're going to is here, go get some soy sauce~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and patted her head.

The dignified emperor comes out to make soy sauce? It is estimated that only she can think of such a reason.

Okay... The little emperor nodded subconsciously.

Then she realized what was happening.

As the king of a country, she could theoretically only wear a crown after her rank, but she was touched by this man like this? seems to be quite comfortable?

Considering that he should be the lost eldest lady now, the little emperor decided not to argue with this person for now.

Those who don't know are not guilty. After all, she is still a tolerant emperor.


In this way, the little emperor once again embarked on an adventurous journey.

Although she is destined to be found by the minister, at least during this period of time, she is free...

Why are you........

Chitong hesitated to speak. She actually wanted to ask the Holy Son if he just sent things everywhere.

You don't seem to know her identity~

Kanzaki Yang looked into the distance, and the silver cursor in the distance indicated the position of the little emperor.

The Bible can be regarded as a back-up he left behind.

After all, he didn't want anything to happen to the little emperor until he got the silver treasure chest.

Her identity?

Chitong tilted his head.

Isn't he an official of the empire or a child of a noble?

It's definitely not someone who is on their side anyway.

There is no such thing as television in this world, so not everyone knows the face of the nominal supreme leader of the empire, and Chitong is the type who doesn't know.

She is the current emperor of the empire... Kanzaki Yang said calmly.

Cough...cough... Chitong almost spit out the milk tea she was drinking.

Emperor......Emperor! ?

She knew that the emperor was brought to power by young people, but she didn't expect him to be so naive.

She did not doubt Kanzaki Yo's words. After all, it was normal for the Holy Son to know many more things than she did.

What she was more concerned about was - why did they all contact the emperor but there was no response at all from the empire?

But...when she saw Kanzaki Yang's gentle smile and her previous behavior of giving the little emperor a Bible...2.2. She felt that she suddenly understood Something happened.

Have all the people around the emperor been dealt with? Chitong sighed and asked a question to which she almost got the exact answer.

It is only possible because of this, and it is estimated that he is the only one who can do such a thing...

So, what was the reason for sending the emperor a Bible to the empire?

Chitong fell into even greater doubts.

Develop the emperor as a believer? This seemed slightly ridiculous to her.

It's almost time to go back.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the time and then at the setting sun.

Night was coming, and it was also time for him and Nadjeta to agree.

Okay, let's go back first.

Chitong nodded, she felt that she also needed to sort out her thoughts.

Today's experience is really a bit strange.


It's basically ok, I'll resume the fifth update tomorrow.

Chapter 243

After returning to the night attack base.

Just after Kanzaki Yang and Chitong came back, they saw Nadjeta who hurriedly came out to greet them.

It seems you have reached a conclusion?

Looking at her hurried look, Kanzaki Yang must have verified his thoughts.

Yes...Yes, Lord Holy Son, it seems you are right.

Nadjeta sighed.

Judging from the two changes that have appeared in the Bible so far, the whereabouts of the Son will not reveal the time, location, or names of people, which can be regarded as confirming what the Son said before.

But it seems that, Lord Holy Son, you gave a Bible to a noble person today?

Nadjeta mentioned Kanzaki Yo's strange behavior when she appeared on top of the Bible.

Giving Bibles to others is something worth noting.

At least the Son of God has never given others a Bible before.

Of course, isn't it said in the Bible? Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

A noble person, indeed a noble person.

He can't be said to be an emperor directly in the Bible, right?

If this is the case, it is estimated that if word spreads, the minister may directly cut off the emperor and replace him with another.

Well, that's true.

Nadjeta frowned.

In fact, she always had the illusion that the Holy Son was acting for some purpose.

But because of the special status of the Holy Son and the powerful power that has not yet been measured, she has no idea of ​​​​going into it for the time being.


Time to rest.

Kanzaki Yang naturally lives alone in a room. Although Chitong is a saint in name, she is not the kind of person who is good at showing her inner thoughts.

In fact, she wanted to hide her feelings.

Although it sounds wonderful to become a saint just because you were the first to do that kind of thing, when it comes to practice, you still feel a subtle sense of shame.

Fortunately, Hill and Ma Yin did not expose her in front of everyone, otherwise even the market with Chi Tong's experience might not be able to withstand it.


With a gentle sound, Kanzaki Yang opened the door and entered a small conference room.

A figure in a black shirt stood up from the chair.

Nadjeta... She has been waiting here for Kanzaki Yang for a certain period of time.

What's wrong? Do you have anything to do with me?

Listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, Nadjeta revealed a helpless smile.

Kanzaki Yang came to see her, and she knew a lot from this result.

At least - the Son seems to have no intention of hiding his abilities.

She never told herself that she would wait for him here, she just made such a decision in her heart.

But he just came to find her.

It seems that Lord Holy Son has some special abilities.

Nadjeta said with a sigh.

Whether it's the ability to predict the future, the ability to read people's minds, or the ability to receive revelations from time to time, it's all quite terrifying.

You are sitting here wanting to talk to me, right?

Kanzaki Yang sat down naturally and poured himself a cup of tea.

Well, then, Lord Saint, you should know what is going on, right?

Nadjeta sighed.

Alas... Is this the so-called Holy Son?

His behavior was indeed different from that of ordinary people. She felt that she already knew the purpose of his coming here.

I know, can try to convince me.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said what Nadjeta guessed he would probably say.

Okay, I'll give it a try.

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