Are you helping dad with something? You are really a good boy~ What are you doing here?

Of course Kanzaki Yang heard what the little emperor meant, so he continued to ask.

Yes... I'm here to make soy sauce~

The little emperor thought for a while and gave this answer.

She remembered what she had heard from various maids before. If someone asked her what she was doing, when she wanted to hide it or when she didn't know what to say - just say that she was a soy saucer!


Chitong narrowed his eyes.

Is this how young ladies from rich families talk?

So you're here to make soy sauce~ Then what are you doing in the commercial street? Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

It's obviously just for fun.

I...I seem to be lost.

The little emperor panicked for a moment, and then thought of a good excuse.

She is now the daughter of a wealthy family, so it makes sense for her to get lost, right?

Are you lost? Do you need me to show you where you want to go? Kanzaki Yang bowed and asked with a smile.

The little emperor was stunned because she saw something on Kanzaki Yang's chest.

This thing is not........................

Holy Cross!

A real cross!

She actually saw the cross again?

To be honest, since the last time the maid with the Holy Cross was executed, she has never seen an existence with a Holy Cross.

Well, please help me lead the way.

After being stunned for a moment, the little emperor kept focusing on the holy cross on Kanzaki Yang's chest.

Because Kanzaki Yang bowed down and she was relatively short, the Holy Cross was almost placed in front of her.

Are you sure you want to go to the grocery store?

Kanzaki Yang raised the corner of his lips. Isn’t this girl too confused?

Just follow others like that?

Although his own temperament makes people naturally want to get close to him, he is not afraid of meeting human traffickers if he just goes with them.

There is indeed an industry in the Imperial Capital that abducts girls from the Imperial Capital to other places and even sells them in the Imperial Capital.

Facing Kanzaki Yang's question, the little emperor showed an even more confused look.

Grain store, what kind of store is this name?

Judging based on intuition, it should be the soy sauce place mentioned before, right?

Go! Of course!

The little emperor said firmly.

She was just looking for a reason to have a good communication with the followers of this holy religion, and now a good reason came to her.


Excuse me, Mr. Kanzaki, what is the Holy Cross in your hand...

When they reached the road, the little emperor couldn't wait to ask.

She'd never been very good at hiding herself.

Ah~ This is exactly what you thought. This is something from the Holy Religion.

Kanzaki Yang responded.

The Bible of the Holy Religion believers can appear or disappear at any time, but the Holy Cross is different, it can only exist there all the time.

Of course, no believer in the Holy Religion is willing to let the Holy Cross disappear.

Being given the Holy Cross is an honor for all believers, and it should be displayed openly and generously.

If they gave up wearing crosses because the empire might deal with them, then they would not be the kind of believers who could be chosen by the Holy Cross.

What kind of sect is the Holy Religion?

The little emperor asked in confusion.

She doesn't really understand the Holy Religion...

What kind of sect is it?

It's a sect that...will try its best to make everyone happy~

“Unite us all and build the life we ​​all want.”


Kanzaki Yang slowly explained to her.

But, even if the empire can do this kind of thing, why do I think some people want to go to the side of the Holy Religion?

The little emperor asked in confusion.

This is one of her biggest problems.

Why don't you ask the current emperor this question? Kanzaki Yo asked.


The little emperor was speechless for a moment. If she knew the answer herself, she would not ask anyone else.

She is the emperor now!

His Majesty the Emperor is asking you a question now~! Would you like to be a little more serious?

Of course, this was just a complaint in her heart.

If she really wanted to reveal her identity, she would not use the identity of eldest lady.

At this time, an idea came into the little emperor's mind.

When she returns to the palace, she mobilizes the ministers to find this person.

Then he accidentally revealed his identity as emperor when they met again, and the other party bowed his head under the majesty of the imperial power.

Um! ~

Very good script.

The little emperor feels that there is a possibility of implementation, which sounds really interesting~

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Pretending to be cool is definitely the most enjoyable thing to do in front of people with higher status.

But what she didn't know was that the person she was planning to show off to was not someone she could afford to show off to.

I know, you want to say that the current Emperor is just a child, how could she know such a thing, right? Indeed, she is a bit stupid~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and helped the little emperor explain.


The little emperor was stunned.

When had she ever expressed this? When did she say she was stupid?

By the way.........This person is saying that His Majesty the Emperor is a fool in front of His Majesty the Emperor, right? Is there really no problem with that?

Should she go to the palace and find someone to arrest him for disrespecting the emperor?

Unfortunately, even though thousands of words flashed through her mind, she finally said only one sentence: I... If I could see His Majesty the Emperor, I wouldn't have to ask such questions... .....

.. .. .. ..

A little aggrieved, the little emperor said this.

Well, that makes sense~ Kanzaki Yang touched his chin and decided not to tease her anymore.

Since she wants to know the truth, just tell her.

The reason for leaving the empire to join the Holy Church...

Of course it's because the empire can't do such a thing, that's why they go to the Holy Religion~

Kanzaki Yang said matter-of-factly.

The Empire...can't do it? Why can't the Empire do it? The Empire has a strength of more than a thousand years. The Empire is also the most powerful country in the world. Even the Holy Religion is a subject of the Empire. Why... .....

Stop, stop, stop, stop~~

Kanzaki Yang shook his head helplessly.

Why does this idea seem familiar to him?

Isn't this the kind of thinking that only an empire that is about to decline has?

The empire has existed for thousands of years, it is very powerful, um...


Seeing that Kanzaki Yang finally recognized the empire, the little emperor nodded with satisfaction, and then... his face fell when he heard the next sentence.

But what has been accomplished in so much time? It has taken such a long time... Although there were times when it was at its peak, it still did not achieve that goal.

In this case, can't the people seek something else?

Kanzaki Yang said something that made the little emperor's heart beat faster. knife.

Chapter 242


With a soft sound, Chitong held Kanzaki Yang's hand, shook it a little harder, and gave Kanzaki Yang a look.

Since this person said she was the eldest lady, she was from the empire.

It's really inappropriate to say so much.

Kanzaki Yang just gave her a reassuring look in return.

People on the other side of the empire?

Sorry, this is the emperor of the empire~

But... doesn't this count as a betrayal of the empire? Because the empire has not done it for the time being, it just... goes to find someone else. .....

The little emperor's voice was trembling a little, but she still insisted on finishing.

No, it's not betrayal~ Yang Kanzaki denied with a smile.

Have you forgotten that the Holy Religion is a force of the empire? If the empire cannot do it, wouldn't it be possible to have religions within the empire to help it achieve its goals like 480?

When Kanzaki Yang said this, the difference was the subtle look in Chi Tong's eyes, but after he gave him a calm look, Chi Tong still chose not to take action for the time being.

That's right...that's true.

The little emperor thought for a while, and it seemed that if this was really the case, would it still be necessary to support the Holy Religion?

The little emperor had no idea that he could not let others take power, because in fact most of the power was already in the hands of the ministers, and she did not react at all.

Of course, this cannot be said entirely.

To be precise, she did not realize that her rights were being violated. In essence, she must have wanted to ensure the majesty of the royal family and the continued rule of the royal family.

I think this young lady may have some prejudice against the Holy Religion~

Kanzaki Yang said very seriously.

As soon as he heard this sentence, the little emperor became nervous immediately.

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