As soon as Sai Liu left, Kanzaki Yang saw two lights appearing in the distance.

A silver light, a green light.

The silver light is in the distance, and the green light is right in front of you.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is green! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest - Saints and Saint Seekers: Reveal your identity in front of Sai Liu. 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is silver! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest - The Emperor's Faith: Obtain the power of the little emperor's faith. 】

You just gave me this thing when you left~

Kanzaki Yang looked at Sai Liu's retreating figure and had no intention of pursuing him.

Anyway, we will meet again sooner or later.

Seleu is destined to be included in Esdeath's team.

And Esdeath, because of the behavior of someone who deserves to be spanked, is now rushing towards the imperial capital frantically.

Also, after leaving the team for so many days without permission, you have to come back before the main force returns to the imperial capital, otherwise something will happen.

In theory, Esdeath has dealt with the matter on the Holy Religion's side. After all, even she has no way to break the Holy Cross of the Holy Religion.

In other words, the next step for the empire is to let Esdeath handle the night attack.

Or things related to the Holy Religion.

It's unlikely that Esdeath would go there again when Esdeath had already done the spying once.

Based on the minister's character, the minister would choose to let the empire's killer organization or the four Rakshasa ghosts gather enough information first, and then let Esdeath go out.

It's just inevitable.

Because.........the facts of the Holy Cross are already before us!

The existence of gods has been proven not to be a false proposition!

At this time, even the minister's attitude is a little ambiguous. He must collect enough information about the Holy Religion before he can continue to act!

There seemed to be two strong men on that side who could fight Esdeath, and the pressure was really a bit high.

When the other party has no clear intention to rebel, the public sentiment is stable, and there is no hope of murdering high-level officials, the only option is to slowly infiltrate.

And Kanzaki Yang knew very clearly how Esdeath would act.

Investigate him in the name of investigating night raids.

After all - she gave up the fight with Cang Yue without hesitation after someone who deserved to be spanked informed her that the Holy Son was in the imperial capital.

Esdeath's purpose is this, so that sooner or later Kanzaki Yang and Seliu can meet again, and it won't be less than this moment.

Compared to this...

Kanzaki Yang still values ​​the silver treasure chest more. .

Chapter 240

Chitong, don't the cakes in this store taste good?

After eating, Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

Well, it is indeed a rare product.

Chitong nodded slightly.

She didn't quite know how to get along with the Holy Son, so she wrapped herself in a plain and speechless appearance.

No matter who you are, it is impossible for you to remain calm after reading that you are a saint in the Bible.

In fact, Chitong still had a doubt in her heart.

Why... He should have never been here at all. How could he know which cake best suited her taste?

Although there are many flavors of cakes, there are only one or two kinds of cakes that a person likes. She and Ma Yin like different styles.

Chitong buried the question in her heart, because the Holy Son seemed to have no intention of hiding it. She felt that she would get the answer sooner or later.

Then let's continue to go shopping...

Kanzaki Yang looked into the distance.

There......... there shimmered with silver light.


Somewhere in a hidden corner.

A girl who could be said to be a loli or a girl carefully slipped out from the corner.

Your Majesty...477...Your Majesty, is there really no problem with this?

Next to the blue-haired Loli, a maid asked cautiously.

Don't call me Your Majesty, I...ahem...I told you to call me Miss outside.

The little emperor reminded him with a hiss.

As an emperor, how could he not come out to understand the sentiments of the people?

Ahem...Absolutely not, definitely not for fun~

Yes...yes, miss.

The maid said cautiously.

Her eyes were full of uneasiness. After all, if His Majesty hadn't given her the promise, she would never have chosen to take the great risk to bring His Majesty out.

Don't worry, you can leave the imperial capital. I grant you such qualifications.

The little emperor waved his hand. Of course she had no intention of breaking the contract, and she also knew the risks involved in bringing her out.

So, she gave the maid such a promise.

Give her a sum of money and let her leave the imperial city.

It's not like she hasn't found someone to take her out before, but the fate of those who took her out was not very good, so she also gave a reward that allowed others to take this risk.

Money......and leaving the imperial capital.

She knew that these people had committed the crime of taking her out, and if the ministers found out, they would definitely be dead, so as the emperor, she also gave these people their freedom.

The people went through life and death for the emperor, and the emperor gave certain feedback. This seemed to her to be a natural thing.

Yes! ..... Yes! ..... Thank you, Miss!

After saying these words and taking one last look at His Majesty the Emperor, the maid hurried out of the imperial capital without looking back.

She has only one purpose - safety and freedom!

In her eyes, there is only one place in the world that can be called safe and free - the holy city of Jerusalem!

Although she is not a loyal believer of the Holy Religion, she is still attracted by the beliefs of the Holy Religion, which provides peace of mind, harmony, and mutual help. Even if she is not a believer of the Holy Religion, she can obtain an absolutely stable environment.

I don't know how much better it is than Didu, who is always worried about his life safety.

Accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. She has seen countless servants around the emperor being dismissed by ministers for various reasons.

In fact, what she didn't know was that the minister was now targeting her.

From the first moment she took the little emperor away from the palace, the ministers had already been eyeing her.

Although the minister nominally controlled the emperor, he was actually a kind of adoptive father.

He can change the emperor's will, but he cannot force the change all the time, otherwise something will happen sooner or later.

Of course you can do things like asking the emperor to come out to observe public opinion, because this can also make the little emperor feel that he is not controlled by the ministers.

However, in fact, the whereabouts of the little emperor were in the hands of the ministers.

Under the arrangements of his people, the little (bdcc) emperor will never come into contact with the reality of the world, so he can grow up healthy and happy.

Of course, this is the result of a situation where no one can break his absolute authority and control.

In fact, people who can do this kind of thing, and who have the will and drive to do this kind of thing, have already arrived.

After silently knocking out all the people who were watching the little emperor, the expressions and postures of Kanzaki Yang and Chitong did not change much when they were getting along.

Kanzaki Yang did it without anyone noticing, and Chitong certainly didn't react.


As soon as he reached a street corner, Kanzaki Yang was bumped into the arms of a blue-haired lolita who rushed out excitedly.


Chitong tilted her head in confusion.

She naturally noticed someone, but due to the inconvenient situation of exposing her skills and because she judged that he could not hit her, she did not take any action.

But in Chitong's knowledge, Kanzaki Yang should have had time to react, but I don't know why he didn't seem to react.

Is it an accident? it intentional?


While Chitong was wondering, he didn't expect that someone would suddenly come around the corner. The little emperor, who was running excitedly, let out an exclamation.


Kanzaki Yang saw that she seemed to be about to fall down at the next moment, so he hurriedly supported her.


The little emperor subconsciously wanted to say something, but got stuck halfway through.

She seemed to have almost revealed her title just now?

Are you okay?

Kanzaki Yang smiled, he just stood there without hiding, and the little emperor really bumped into him like this. Is this a kind of waiting for the rabbit?'s okay.

The little emperor looked upward.

I saw Yang Kanzaki smiling.

Then he gave up his original intention to care about it.

Be careful when you walk~ Judging from your dress, you must be a young lady from a wealthy family, right?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and looked at the little emperor.

Indeed, just as he said, the little emperor did not wear the formal clothes he usually wore for court meetings, but wore a gorgeous skirt.

Well... From the eyes of the little emperor, it is actually a very simple skirt, but from the eyes of ordinary people, it is naturally extremely gorgeous.

Yes, yes, Father asked me to come out because there was something to do.

The little emperor came back to his senses and spoke intermittently.

She didn't actually lie.

Although she came to the throne after being forced to death by the ministers, her father did tell her before he left that he wanted her to be a good emperor.

If you want to be a good emperor, you naturally have to visit the people where they are.

Her father did not choose to tell her the truth before leaving.

Because that will push this raised daughter into the abyss...

Chapter 241

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