There was an ice dragon under her feet, and her delicate skin seemed to become even more tender and smooth against the cold air.


After seeing the appearance of the ice blue girl and her ability to control ice, Chi Tong and Ma Yin instantly felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Enemies using ice-type Teigu! Or long ice blue hair.

Is Esdeath coming? !

But isn’t it right? As a general of the empire, how could Esdeath stand with the followers and guardians of the Holy Religion?

Guardians, at least that's what the Holy Cult calls these people.

However, in the eyes of the empire and the revolutionary army, these guardians have another name - soldiers of the Holy Religion!

The Saint of the Holy Religion also has another name in the eyes of the Empire and the Revolutionary Army - the General of the Holy Religion!

In the eyes of the revolutionary army and the ruling class of the empire, the Holy Religion only put the existing system into religion, and was essentially the ruler.

Of course, it is different in the eyes of the public.

The people do not care who is the ruler, nor do they care what the purpose of ruling them is.

They only care about one thing - whether such rule can bring benefits to them and whether it can make their lives happier.

If this can be achieved, then why not believe in the contemporary emperor or the leader of the revolutionary army as a god?

Although they don't say it out loud, people who can do this kind of thing are like gods in the hearts of the people.

The holy religion only makes it clear at the beginning. Where the doctrine is placed, success lies there.

The facts are there, and people vote with their feet and know where to go.

The Holy Religion not only accomplishes this kind of thing, but also provides spiritual comfort. How could the empire's strength not be gradually weakened by the Holy Religion?

If it weren't for the fear of provoking civil strife, the empire would have wanted to build a wall at the junction of the Holy Religion and the empire to prevent the exodus of people.

The contradiction is there. If those who are desperate and want to defect to the Holy Religion see that the empire still does not give them a way out, most people will choose to rebel.

Really, most ordinary people just want to have food to eat and not starve to death.

The empire has existed for thousands of years. It is not that there have never been peasant uprisings. The reason for most uprisings is also very simple - there is no food to eat. If you don't uprising, you will starve to death. Let's rob the rich first!

What? Are you wanted by the empire for robbing a rich man? Then even the empire will do it!

Well, very simple and simple......

We don't know the existence of the Holy Son, we are just passers-by staying here.

Facing Cang Yue's question, Chi Tong narrowed his eyes and answered.

At this moment, she finally saw the face of the ice blue girl clearly.

Whether it's in terms of face shape or clothing, he's not the same type as Esdeath.

Chitong didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt a trace of tenderness flash across this girl's face.

That was the look she thought she would never see on Esdeath!

Kanzaki Yang: Actually, you misunderstood Esdeath, Akito. In fact, Esdeath also has a girlish attitude, but she hasn't reached her estrus period yet... .

Well, Kanzaki Yang temporarily defines Esdeath's girlhood as the estrus period...

After all... Esdeath herself also uses the definition of animals to describe those things about herself.

As for Kanzaki Yang?

Please... In order for humans to reproduce, human males are in estrus all year round.

After listening to Chitong's words, Cang Yue smiled and shook her head. Can she make up such an obvious reason?

Teigu - All things are broken in two, ecstasy.

Teigu - Kill Murasame with one hit.

Teigu——Romantic Turret·Pumpkin.

I don't think there are three Teigu users who just passed by under the Holy Cross~

A voice came from behind Cang Yue, and Cang Yue was very familiar with this voice.

This is the Elsa who tried to trick her into falling in love before.

Well, she characterized Elsa's behavior as deception, and it was the kind of deception just for Elsa to have fun.

Please don't lie~ Can you please call the Holy Son out?

Elsa said with a smile.

At the same time, powerful dragon energy burst out from her body.

Forbidden Hand——The Armor of the Red Dragon Emperor!

Although the little master told her to hold back a little, she still wanted to play a little bit~

Unknown Teigu! Dragon Saint!

Chitong recognized Elsa.

As one of the first saints to come to this world to preach, she, 2.2 Joan of Arc, and Elsa are known to almost all believers.

On the contrary, Cang Yue, because she usually behaves in a low-key manner and doesn't like to talk much, plus she just arrived, it is normal that Chi Tong and others have no information related to them.

Sil, I leave the Dragon Saint to you!

Chi Tong said as he rushed towards Cang Yue.

She was actually very hesitant and didn't know whether she should use the knife or not.

After all - these people were never evil people, they just wanted their Holy Son back.

In terms of their contribution alone, they are definitely not weaker than those who simply kill evildoers as killers, and are even much stronger.

They only removed the most unclean big fish from the environment, while the Holy Cult established a brand new ecology.

But they were hesitant, and they had no intention of surrendering. .

Chapter 223

Hill's Teigu is best suited to deal with armor-type Teigu, so her opponent is Erza.

Chitong's opponent is Cang Yue, while Ma Yin is supporting from behind.

She is actually very confused now.

She really had no confidence in taking down these people without any injuries.

So...are you going to choose to take action?

That's not right, these people are not heinous people at all.

From the time she left the empire, she had sworn that the sword in her hand would only strike the person it should strike at.

But since the sword has been unsheathed, it is impossible to retract it, and the other party cannot talk to her properly just because she retracted the sword.

The only thing that can solve the problem in the end is strength~

This in itself is an unsolvable matter from both sides' standpoints.

Chitong wanted to abduct the Holy Son, but there was no way the other party would let her abduct him. It was that simple and clear.

This knife looks very dangerous~

An ice sword appeared in Cang Yue's hand and collided with the red-eyed Murasame.

She has awakened her sixth sense, and her fighting ability is among the best among humans.

Unless Chitong uses Murasame's curse, otherwise, he will be completely suppressed by Cang Yue!

Chitong also clearly noticed this.

The ice sword collided with Murasame, scattering particles of ice in the air. The temperature around Chitong was rapidly dropping!

In such an environment, she simply couldn't exert her usual strength.

Are you related to Esdeath?

Chitong asked while waving the Murasame in her hand.

Huh? Esdeath?

Cang Yue heard the name again.

She remembered that Kanzaki Yang also told her this name.

Imperial General Esdeath has the same ice control ability as you, but... there should only be one copy of an imperial weapon.

Chitong asked again.

Normally, she would never say such nonsense during a fight. Putting her opponent to death is the most important thing to do.

But now, since the other party is not the person who should be buried, Chitong chose to collect information while having a conversation.

Of course, it would be better if you could find the other party's flaw while talking and knock the other party unconscious.

I don't have similar interests as others. I was born this way, and I have this ability when I awaken. Do you have any questions?

Although Cang Yue has temporarily abandoned the use of lone, the tone she has developed over a long time is not so easy to change.

No, there isn't.

Chitong shook his head helplessly. It seemed that the other party was also a proud person, which was very similar to Esdeath.

Ah~ Lady Ice Saint, haven't you finished it yet?

While Cang Yue and Chi Tong were fighting, Elsa's voice came from beside them.

This sentence means!

Chitong was momentarily distracted.

What this sentence means is - has it been done on her side? !

Hill her!

Chitong tried her best to ensure that she could concentrate during the battle, and gradually moved her gaze to that side.


The woman held Hill in her hands like a toy.

Considering the increase in height caused by the Divine Slayer's Sekiryuutei Armor, Erza, who was already taller than Ciel, really felt like holding a doll when holding Ciel.

Let go of Hill!

Ma Yin's anxious voice came over.


Seeing Hill in danger, Ma Yin, who had been wandering around without taking action, finally couldn't help it anymore.

If we don't take action, Chitong's side will also be in danger!

Although the opponent will basically have no time to complete once the Romantic Fortress Pumpkin is released, Ma Yin can't care about that now. The most important thing is to save her friends!

Ah, little girl, do you want to compete with me?

The green gem on Elsa's chest released a bright light, and the terrifying spiritual power was condensing!

【LonginusSmasher! 】

A burst of green light waves collided with the romantic turret shelling that had just been charged!

Longinus Smasher - Also known as Longinus Smasher, it is the Sekiryuutei's surefire move that concentrates a huge amount of power in the gem on his chest and releases it to hit his opponent hard.

Similar to Dragon Fang Bishop's magical attack, but more powerful.

Originally, this trick could only be used directly in the [Balong] state, [GreatRed Fusion] state, and [Dragon Deification] mode.

But that is the mechanism of the God of the Bible, not the mechanism after Kanzaki Yang extracted the dragon soul.

Now she is not using the normal hand-banned state, but a transitional state between the normal hand-banned state and the Tyrannosaurus state.


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