Centered on the location where the yellow and green light waves were bombarded, the earth was shattered!

How could I lose to you!~~

Ma Yin made such a shout while increasing the power of the turret.

Romantic Fort·Pumpkin is the strongest!

There is such a belief in Ma Yin's heart.

Perhaps...all the Teigu users have the belief that their own Teigu is the strongest, right?

Romantic Turret·Pumpkin is indeed very powerful in terms of attack power alone.

It is a gun-shaped Teigu that converts spiritual energy into shock waves, and its power increases according to the degree of crisis the user encounters.

The power that Ma Yin can exert now is even greater than the power that she and Esdeath can exert when they meet!

After all, the Divine Smashing Cannon has the strength of the Demon King level or even higher.

Romantic Turret Pumpkin can break through the strongest defense of [Thunder God's Wrath Admiral] when it enters an explosion or even overdraft state, but it is barely qualified to fight against the God's Smasher Cannon.


With the injection of Ma Yin's spiritual power, the power of the pumpkin became more and more terrifying.

467 In fact, she had no intention of attacking Bo, she just wanted to push back the enemy.

She had calculated that her bombardment would focus on the enemy's elbows just enough to force him to let go of Hill.

But I didn't expect that the armor actually concealed such power.

Now it is no longer a question of whether she thinks about it or not. If she doesn't do it, she is worried that she will be wiped out in the next moment.

Unlike Ma Yin who was nervous and going all out, Elsa was still quite relaxed now, at least judging from her expression.

What kind of perverted Teigu has so many abilities!~

Ma Yin complained fiercely in her heart.

In the center of the light wave, the circle kept expanding, and the earth let out a mournful sound!



The young man sitting in the small room sighed.

Did he remember asking Elsa to do such a thing? It seems that I need to spank her when I get back today to prevent her from using too much force.

Although he knew that Elsa's purpose might be to punish him by using too much force, the boy still chose punishment without hesitation.

With such a valid reason, it’s not a waste if you don’t use it.

Glancing outside the house, the young man's figure disappeared into the small house.

Please stop, you two.

Such a sound came from the center of the light wave.

It was as clear and agile as the clear spring in the mountain stream, flowing into everyone's ears. .

Chapter 224

This voice is!

Of course Chitong would not admit it, this was the voice of the boy she had awakened before!

Now that he has come out...that means...everything is over?

Please stop the pointless fighting.

Such a sound was heard again from the center of the light cannon attack.

Or it can be said to be - such a holy metaphor.

Chitong finally realized something was wrong - why did the sound come from that place? !

That place is the junction of yellow light waves and green light waves, and it is the place where the earth collapses.

Under the gaze of almost everyone, the yellow and green light waves that were confronting each other were separated in the middle.

In the reflection of yellow and green light, the figure of a young man gradually appeared in the center of the opposite wave.

Power...isn't meant for this kind of thing~

The young man said softly.

Lord Holy Son! Are you Lord Holy Son?!

A believer asked with a trembling voice.

Although there is no clear evidence, he has such a feeling.

Standing there, not taking any action, but acting like a being that is being watched.

Holy Son, if you want to follow me all the time, then you can call me this~

The young man seemed to have thought about it for a while, and finally said slowly.


After saying this, his hands supporting the light cannons on both sides expanded slightly, and the light cannons on both sides dissipated easily!

Lord Holy Son! Please give us guidance!

After hearing that the boy admitted his identity and behaved in a manner consistent with his identity, another believer couldn't help himself.

How should we act? Where will the world end up? How should those who have not yet been redeemed be treated?

The empire's forces are approaching. If the empire wants to destroy the Holy Religion, should we act?

I heard that the Holy Cross was given to everyone by you, the Holy Son. Do all people have the Holy Cross?

Lord Holy Son, how are those people who came to the Lord after their death? As long as they believe in the Lord, can they be qualified to serve the Lord after their death? ¨¨!


It was just a beginning, and all the believers spoke out the questions they wanted to ask clearly.

“The Lord’s teachings are of course without error. All those who truly believe in the Lord are His children, and the Lord’s children will receive the Lord’s blessing.”

As for issues related to the present world, I cannot give a perfect solution.

The boy gave an answer that disappointed some people.

Without your guidance, Holy Son, how can we reach the level we should truly reach?

Lord Holy Son, is there really no way to solve the problem?

Lord Holy Son, are you going to visit the Holy City of Jerusalem? There are many believers there who believe in you and are looking forward to meeting you, Lord Holy Son!


Everything the boy said would trigger a violent reaction from a large group of people.

Facing such people, the young man just raised his hand slightly.

I'm not here to lead you, I just exist because of you.

When everyone understands what they should do, I will appear in front of everyone again.

The young man said.

It took believers a long time to understand what this sentence meant.

Lord Holy Son, do you mean to leave everyone?

Lord Holy Son? You said you would appear in front of everyone again... What do you mean!?


It means that the Lord is more willing for you to give your own salvation than for the salvation given by the Lord.

Save yourself, this is the noble soul, the soul that is qualified to stay with the Lord, and the best among all souls.

I have to leave this land eventually.

Of course I can guide you before I leave.

But...what happens after I leave?

As he spoke, the color of the boy's body gradually became lighter.

Lord Holy Son, are you finally going to leave our world?!

Compared with the things mentioned before that cannot perfectly solve all problems, believers are more concerned about the departure of the Holy Son.

Indeed, according to the New Testament, the Holy Son came to this world and is the messenger of the Lord.

So, it’s normal to leave one day, right? Just like people's birth, old age, illness and death, parting is also an ending that will eventually come.

Farewell is force majeure, but before that, I will keep watching everyone.

The figure of the young man became fainter and fainter.

At the same time, three people faded together.

It is Chitong and his group who are now judged as blasphemers by the believers without hesitation.

In other words, as long as we show enough awareness and achieve the feat of saving ourselves, will you, the Holy Son, appear again?

Elsa asked the followers.

Of course she knew that Yang Kanzaki would appear again, and maybe he would come to her door tonight because she went a little too far.

Yes, I've been watching everyone.

Please rest assured that as long as I exist here, the souls of all believers will be saved.

.々Then, I look forward to the day when we meet again.

After saying this, the boy's figure completely disappeared.

Disappeared from everyone's sight.


Lord Holy Son!?

Lord Holy Son, we still want to...


All believers fell into pessimism.

Also, I thought I could get salvation easily, but didn’t I expect that I still need the so-called enlightenment?

It is the nature of all humans to engage in prostitution for free and to take shortcuts.

Kanzaki Yang would not choose to directly manifest a miracle or grant too many favors.

He will at least let believers understand one truth - salvation is never cheap.

Cheap redemption is not respected.

Just like cheap help breeds white-eyed wolves.


Elsa's penetrating voice burst out instantly, making countless believers' hearts tighten.

Lady Dragon Saint...are you angry?

Just like what the Holy Son said, the Holy Son (Wang Zhao) has always been watching everyone. This Holy Cross that still stands here is proof.

After hearing Elsa's words, everyone looked in the direction of the Holy Cross.

Indeed, even if the boy's figure gradually dissipates, the proof of his existence is still there.

It was a majestic holy cross that was always emitting golden holy light and could support heaven and earth just by standing there.

After the Holy Cross appeared, almost everyone in the world with a Bible had a matching set of crosses at the same time.

The place where the Holy Cross appeared is also the place where the Son of God descended.

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