On the way back to the imperial capital.

Although they had just set off, Esdeath already felt that the marching days were boring.

Esdeath was about to yawn out of boredom, and then... she saw the Holy Cross suddenly rising from the distance. .

Chapter 221

This thing is...

Esdeath narrowed her eyes, she had heard of this thing.

This seems to be the totem of the Holy Religion. There is also something like this on the previous Bible. General Liwa stood up and said.

Oh ho~ interesting~

Esdeath looked at the Holy Cross in the distance and said this.

So, such a huge Holy Cross is definitely inseparable from the Holy Religion, right?

Esdeath curled her lips.

It's great~ She was bored just now and something interesting happened to her.

Of course it is inseparable from the Holy Religion. It may be a symbol of some special building or ritual of the Holy Religion.

General Leva conducted a rational analysis.

I'll go over there first and be back soon.

After Esdeath said this, a layer of solid ice appeared behind her, supporting her body as she surged forward.

General! General Esdeath! The distance there cannot be reached within a day or two!

Levi reminded Esdeath.

One or two days is not calculated based on the normal speed of marching, but the time calculated based on the speed of dangerous species!

Leeva, as a soldier, what should you do?

Esdeath shook her head 467, she had already made up her mind to leave.


General Liwa was speechless for a moment, and he understood what Esdeath meant.

As a soldier, what he should do is to carry out the orders of his superiors. No matter what decision his superiors make, he just has to carry it out.

I wish General Esdeath good luck in military affairs.

Leva bowed and said.

I'll be back as soon as I go.

After hearing these words, Esdeath's lips raised slightly and she nodded with satisfaction.

She did appreciate that about Levi.

After saying this, more ice stretched out from under Esdeath's feet.

The layers of ice generated layer by layer kept pushing Esdeath's body forward. This was a method she developed to advance quickly.

Using this method, it is even faster than some dangerous flying species!

This method also has a disadvantage - you need to use the Teigu all the time, and after using it for a long time, you will not be able to maintain your peak condition.

Of course, Esdeath doesn't care about this. Even if she is not at her peak, she still has the confidence to face everything!


While Esdeath was advancing, the Holy Cross mutated again!

Countless golden rays of light flew out from the Holy Cross and flew in all directions.

In the sky, in the jungle, in the river, endless holy crosses spanned endless time and space, rushing towards the existence that should own them.

This is..........

These directions seem to be where crowds of people are densely packed.

Esdeath's mood became more and more cheerful.

She had this feeling a long time ago, the people of the Holy Religion are not simple.

It's just that at that time he had no reason to take action against the Holy Cult.

Now, it’s finally time for the Holy Religion to show its edge!

While thinking this, Esdeath used the Teigu with increasing intensity.


at the same time.

On the red pupil side.

The black-haired boy opened his eyes, and the golden eyes released the light of endless stars.

It seemed that he had slept for a long time, and there was a hint of exhaustion in his eyes.

It's normal. He made countless calculations and calculations in the Holy Cross and finally constructed his own belief system. How could he not get tired?

Although he is still a little short of being equal to the system created by the God of the Bible with his own power, it cannot match it in terms of precision or scale.

But... given time, as long as he keeps using his own abilities to improve, he can easily surpass the belief system constructed by the God of the Bible.

After all, the system of the Devil's High School world can only be used in the Devil's High School world. It's hard to move to this world.

Now, after a long period of research, Kanzaki Yo finally succeeded in constructing a belief system based on the existing framework of the Bible and the Holy Cross.

Kanzaki Yo's system is much more high-pressure than the system of the God of the Bible.

For example, the God of the Bible will not give out holy crosses made by his own power to all his followers.

Because that is equivalent to the realm of artifacts. If all humans are given an artifact, the God of the Bible’s own artifact system cannot support it~

In other words, Kanzaki Yo's Bible and Holy Cross both have divisive characteristics, otherwise he would not be able to do such a thing.


The boy's awakening also attracted the attention of the girls around him.

Hey, Chi Tong... he seems to be awake? Ma Yin poked Chi Tong's waist with the pumpkin turret, telling Chi Tong to stop staring at the Holy Cross.


Chitong turned around suddenly and looked in the direction of the young man.

Just as Ma Yin said, there was a young man sitting there.

He was looking at everything around him with a little tired eyes, as if he was very lack of energy because he had just woken up.


The boy looked at the girl and said with a smile.

He certainly wasn't there for no reason.

When the system has been successfully constructed, it is natural to stuff content into it.

Content - of course refers to faith.


Chi Tong was a little dazed. She didn't know how she should respond. Should she give him a smile?

But as soon as she saw this young man waking up, Chitong felt very subtle.

He probably...didn't...not notice what she had done before, right?

Unfortunately, the boy's next words confirmed this delusion.

Are you the one who woke me up?

The boy with black hair and golden eyes looked at the girl with black hair and red eyes and asked.

He has actually made judgments before.

Indeed, Chitong has the highest possibility. She is the kind of person who can execute decisions quickly after making a decision.

Then there is Hill. Although Hill will hesitate for a while for the sake of the Holy Son in his heart, he will eventually do it.

It's just that he is a little slower than Chitong in acting decisively.

As for Mayin...

She estimated that she would only take any action after Hill and Chitong showed no intention.

There is no way, after all...she is a member of the Tsundere Loser Team.

When Kanzaki Yang cast his gaze at Chitong, Chitong also looked at him subconsciously.

Although there is no smile, Chitong always feels like the other person is smiling at her.

Yes, it was indeed me who woke you up.

After just a moment of hesitation, Chitong responded like this.

Of course she had her own purpose in choosing to awaken the Holy Son.

She is not the kind of girl who would forget her righteousness because of her own selfishness.

I originally wanted to have a few words with you, but now it seems there is no room for dialogue.

The young man said something that made Chitong and others extremely puzzled. What does it mean that there is no room for dialogue?

It seems that a guest is coming~ Let's go out to welcome the guest first~

The young man said with a smile. .

Chapter 222

A guest is coming?!

Quickly, the three people present understood what the so-called guest meant.

Such a big thing happened here, how could no one notice?


Soon, the three of them quickly picked up their Teigu and prepared to go out.

Can I ask you to stay here for a while?

Before leaving, Chitong turned back to Kanzaki Yang and said.

Since this person is the Holy Son, they still hope to find out something about him.

For example, find out some information about the holy religion, or about that god.

Of course...the most important thing is - does the coming of the Son mean that the world will be saved!

Facing Chitong's request, Kanzaki Yang just smiled and nodded, agreeing to the request.

After all, he is his own awakener, so he still has to give him some face.

After receiving Kanzaki Yang's affirmative answer, Chitong glanced at Kanzaki Yang one last time, and then quickly left the small room.

As soon as he went out, Chitong was shocked by the will in front of him.

A large group of people have gathered around. Most of them seem to be ordinary people, but they naturally exude a certain temperament.

No...it should be said to be a will!

A kind of temperament in which everyone is one even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, and a will that can overcome no matter what is in front of us!

It was a temperament that Chitong had never felt from the people of the empire.

The place where the Holy Cross is should be the place where the Holy Son is. Hand over the Holy Son!

In front of everyone, the girl with long ice-blue hair said this.

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