Can she say that she almost took action directly?'s better not to say it.

But even if she was cut by Murasame, it wouldn't be a big deal. Murasame recognized her as the master, and she had a strong will. She was able to control Murasame's curse and use it to strengthen herself.

There is just one problem. You may have to live with the traces of the curse all the time in the future.

Then let's take the last step.

Chitong hesitated for a moment, then stretched his hand to his mouth.

Since you don't use a knife, the same goes for using your mouth.


As Hill took a breath of cold air, Chi Tong frowned, and a red droplet dripped from Chi Tong's fingertips.

The red droplets were mixed with dew and licorice liquid.

So, what's next?

With everything solved, only one problem remains.

How to feed it? .

Chapter 220

What, what should I do?

Ma Yin's eyes wandered.

She felt as if she understood what Chi Tong said, but in the end she pretended that she didn't understand what Chi Tong said.

Is there any way? There seems to be only one way, right?

Ahem... She thought it would be better not to say what the method was.

There was a question before them. The offering was simple, just put it there, to feed the licorice liquid into it?


There was a gentle sound of clothes rubbing together, and Chitong squatted down and took the mixed licorice liquid directly into his mouth.

Anyway, this body is already a pursuit of death, and there is nothing more to seek.

This is Chi Tong's idea.

Ma Yin and the others didn't know that Chi Tong might have more responsibilities than they did.

After all, there is a weapon that can kill with one hit. This weapon is really important when facing an enemy that is much stronger than one's own.

Chi Tong is always prepared to die with the general, one of the most powerful warriors in the empire.

So.........purity and so on are not very important at this time.

Besides, no matter in terms of temperament, appearance, or status, she seems to have no reason to suffer.


Gently, Chitong lowered his head.


Ma Yin got stuck mid-sentence.

She actually wanted to wait for Chi Tong to say it out, and then when no one wanted to do such a thing, she reluctantly said that she could actually do it.

But she didn't expect Chitong to be so direct, to get started so directly?

Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?


Hill also seemed to realize what had happened and hurriedly covered his eyes with his hands.

Of course, if the gap between her fingers was not so big, Ma Yin might believe her more.


With a soft sound, Chitong frowned, and then increased the strength of his tongue.

She seemed to sense something other than the smell of licorice liquid.

It seems to be a scent called peace of mind?

Although Chitong didn't know whether peace of mind had a taste, she felt that this was the taste of peace of mind.

No choking~¨¨~

With some force from her lips and teeth, Chitong finally succeeded in sending down the licorice liquid.


However, it seemed that even if Chitong had achieved this level, the young man in front of him had no intention of waking up.

Have you not fully swallowed and felt it yet?

Chitong thought for a while, then took another mouthful of licorice liquid.

Since it is a little difficult to swallow it by yourself, then add more licorice liquid from the outside to push the licorice liquid into the inside.

Chi Tong's behavior immediately made Hill and Ma Yin dumbfounded.

Still...still coming again!?!

A tear overflowed from Ma Yin's eyes. She didn't know why she reacted like this. She always felt like she was being bullied?


Hill was also dumbfounded.

So is this the so-called mature killer? Akahito-chan is so strong!

No choking...

Following another such sound, Chitong slowly raised his head.

This time......should, there should be no problem, right?

If there were still problems, she would have no choice but to feed all the licorice liquid.

If there are still problems with this, then the only option is to bring this person back to the base.

Chitong has seen the madness of those believers before. After the New Testament came out, they searched for the Son of God all over the world.

Even though this place was a mountainous area before, countless believers still walked into the mountains in order to find the Holy Son who was born among the mountains and rivers.

The flow of people here is already very large. If they don't slip away, it will be exposed that they took away the Holy Son.

As expected, are you still going to come a third time?

Chitong murmured and picked up the bowl.

Anyway, she has come twice, so she doesn't care about the third time.


However, when Chi Tong had such an idea, something changed suddenly!

The young man's body was shining with golden light!

Yingying light spots filled the air~

The sound of hymns seemed to come from the sky, the earth, and the river, which was the blessing of angels.

This is............

There was a look of surprise in Hill's eyes.

Lord Holy Son! It is indeed the Holy Son! it true?

Chitong, who originally only believed 70% to 80%, now believes more than 90%.

Can you really wake up others in this way?

Using representative things in this world to revive the Son is quite normal from a theological point of view.


Seeing the growing golden light on the young man's body, Chitong subconsciously touched his lips.

Do you think you are a despicable person or not?

Although on the surface she used to say that she no longer cared about these things, but in her heart - there was indeed a temptation purely from the perspective of the opposite sex.

Just a little bit, but it's there.

Neither Hill nor Ma Yin could see anything, only Chi Tong himself knew.


A sudden sound directly pulled Chitong's mind back.

What's going on!? Is the enemy attacking?

With such a violent sound, Chitong could only judge it as an enemy attack.

No, Chitong, look at the top?

Ma Yin pointed above Chi Tong.

Chi Tong's performance made her a little bit different. With Chi Tong's fighting qualities, she shouldn't be distracted at such a time, right?

Did something happen that made Chi Tong lose his mind?


Chitong looked upward. She seemed to feel that the brightness was a little different from before.

This is...........

Chitong saw a golden cross-shaped object of light.

No... She couldn't tell whether it was light or a material object.

In short, it was an existence that made me want to get closer just by looking at it.

Holy Cross.

Hill recognized what it was and took out his small cross and prayed on the spot.

This...should be the so-called birth sacrifice of the Holy Son, right?

not good!

After being confused for a while, Chitong discovered something was wrong.

too big!

The Holy Cross is so big!

Not only towards them, but also towards the whole world to show its existence!

It was like a blunt sword thrust from the sky towards the earth, just standing there!

It gives people the feeling that the place where the Holy Cross stands is the center of the world!

In fact, it was just as Chitong imagined.

The Holy Cross is seen by almost everyone within the horizon of the world!

Let's head towards that side~

Cang Yue looked at the Holy Cross standing there and said to Elsa next to her.

Ah, that's right~

Elsa smiled and looked at Cang Yue with teasing eyes.


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