Cang Yue finally spoke, completely confirming the fact that she was thinking about these issues.

Think about it, is he the god you know? Does he pursue it, or does he not pursue it? Elsa said slowly.

He is not without pursuit.

Cang Yue replied.

In fact... She was quite happy that the boy did not have any desires and pursuits, otherwise, her life would definitely become more boring...

So, think about how many categories pursuits are divided into? Elsa continued to induce.

You want to say...

Before he is a god, he is first a man~

Plus, he's not the kind of god without desires, so it's normal for him to have things that all men pursue, right?

While stroking her body, Elsa cast a meaningful look at Cang Yue.

You mean, pursuing the opposite sex and sexual desire?

Cang Yue asked directly.


She didn't expect Cang Yue to be so direct, and even Elsa hadn't prepared a response to this sentence before.

Absolutely~ After all, what men pursue is nothing more than strength and the opposite sex. When the value of a woman and the value of a fighting force weaken, the weight of the other will strengthen. Is this normal?

Elsa turned her attention to Cang Yue.

I have to say, judging from her many years of experience, this ice blue girl must be quite delicious~

It seems like he has a pretty good eye~

However, this is just your subjective opinion and is not supported by any evidence.

Cang Yue said calmly.

She is not someone who is easy to fool, and will not easily change her thoughts and attitude because of other people's words.

Is it a subjective thought or an objective fact? I think you can think about it slowly~

While saying this, Elsa walked up to Cang Yue. 2.2.

It's just--I think...

Such a young man, whether it is his attitude, strength, or belief, is very delicious~~

Elsa was close to a distance that she had never been close to Cang Yue before, and she breathed hot breath gently into Cang Yue's ear.

But Cang Yue did not stop her.

She was thinking carefully about what Elsa said.

Simply looking at it from the perspective of the opposite sex, Elsa's words don't seem to be unreasonable.

Cang Yue's belief cannot change because of Elsa's words. is certain that there will be a certain subtle reaction.


at the same time.

On the red pupil side.

After finishing today's intelligence gathering, she returned to the small room again. .

Chapter 219

As soon as she entered, she saw Ma Yin and Hill.

Ma Yin, how is the situation on your side? Chi Tong asked.

It has been basically proven that only the Bible in Hill's hands is special, and no other Bible has such an effect.

Ma Yin sighed.

It seems......... Hill is also a special person?

Is it because Hill was the first person to come into contact with him that her Bible is different from other Bibles?

Or... is it because of the special nature of Hill itself? They don't know.

Then, what we are going to do should be settled, right?

Ma Yin cast a confirming look at Chi Tong.

Well, Ma Yin, just do what the book says!

Licorice liquid, morning dew, virgin blood, the most beautiful feathers of the big bird, the sharpest teeth of the beast, the purest blood of the earth, it is really a strange request~

Ma Yin complained as she took out the small note she had written on her.

Her words immediately aroused Hill's dissatisfaction.

How can you say that, Ma'in, doesn't the Bible say the reason for doing this? It's to let the Holy Son feel the existence of all things~

Hill retorted seriously.

This is a bottom line issue~ Ma Yin, please don’t talk nonsense.

Okay, okay~~ All things exist. All things exist, so let's go find them first~

Ma Yin decided not to argue too much with Hill on this matter. Hill was always inexplicably stubborn in this regard.

Of course, she also understood that after all, that boy should be one of the highest beings in Hill's teachings.


After some time, Chitong, Ma Yin and others met again.

Licorice liquid, and the sharpest teeth of the beast are here.

Ma Yin and Hill took out the things they had just collected.

This is the feather that is needed.

Chitong also took out what he found.

Then what remains is the virgin's blood, the morning dew, and the pure blood of the earth.

Ma Yin touched her chin. She could understand the previous ones, but what on earth was the last one? ~

Well, Ma Yin, what does virgin blood mean?

Hill tilted his head and asked.

She really didn't know what it meant.

Ma Yin was speechless for a moment.

Did she really not expect that Hill had so little common sense that he didn't even know this? should she explain? How to explain it so that Hill can understand it as quickly as possible?

Hill, don't worry about this problem.

While Ma Yin was still organizing her words, Chi Tong said lightly.

My blood is enough. Let's think about what the blood of the earth is~

Chitong said softly.

Hmm...Okay... Hill nodded thoughtfully.

Ma Yin also looked at Chitong with admiration. Sure enough, Chitong is the type who will do it when he can do it~

But...Hasn't Chitong experienced the first time?

He has obviously maintained his own mind and purity after living in the darkness of the imperial capital for so long. As expected, Chi Tong is very strong both mentally and physically.

Although Ma Yin herself can provide it, it is not an easy thing to say with her character.

The blood of the earth, is this what you are referring to?

Chitong walked to a small stream and gently stirred the water with her hands.

Her mission is the most difficult. Although the flying bird was shot down by Ma Yin, the dangerous species can run very fast even without wings. In the mountains and forests, she can only be chased by her with the strongest mobility.

While chasing, she was also picked up by flying birds and saw the terrain of this mountain range.

Countless streams are distributed between the mountains, like blood vessels.

Since water flow should be the blood vessels of the earth, then water should be the blood of the earth.

Ah!~ Chitong, that's right!

Ma Yin clapped her hands fiercely, and there is this layer!


the next day.

They finally collected everything.

Although I don't know if this is the so-called purest water, but... we can only do this.

Ma Yin sighed as she offered the feathers and teeth.

The most——How difficult is it to achieve this word~

The feathers and teeth of birds and animals are not bad, but they are not said to be the best in the world and can still be found.

But the purest blood of the earth? Who knows where to find it? The melted ice water found on the top of the snow-capped mountains was already the cleanest they could find.

Hill, give me the dew.

Chitong wiped the sweat from the top of his head, and the licorice liquid was finally ground.

Okay...Okay... Hill handed over the collected dew in a slight panic.

She actually wanted to help, but Ma Yin and Chi Tong both refused.

The reason is also very simple. If Hill messes up, they will have to spend a lot of effort to collect it again.

By the way, Chitong, please remember to pay attention to one issue.

Ma Yin suddenly remembered a very serious question.

If you don't take it seriously - you will definitely die!

What's wrong? Chitong tilted his head, what else is wrong now?

It's a matter of life and death, so I have to warn you beforehand.

Ma Yin looked at Chi Tong's eyes very seriously, and Chi Tong couldn't help but become serious.

Is there anything else? You tell me.

Chitong just nodded. If you have anything to say, just mention it and find a way to solve it.

Well, that's what I'll say.

As Ma Yin said this, she leaned close to Chitong's ear.

Chitong..........when you use the blood later, remember 463 and don't......Murasame must not cut the wound~~

Ma Yin said word for word.


Hill didn't react.

Oh~~~ After a few seconds, she finally reacted.

What Ma Yin meant was that Chitong might be used to using Murasame. If he accidentally stabbed him with Murasame while taking blood, wouldn't something big happen?

I see!

Chitong's eyes wandered for a while, and then she nodded fiercely.

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