But now her physique has evolved, and the miko's physique has been strengthened a lot. With a little water, she can handle all the rituals in this world.

With a burst of cold air, the coffin opened.

The icy mist is released naturally.

Lying quietly in it is a dreamy girl, her blond hair is gently spread, naturally exuding a blurred color and atmosphere.

She doesn't have a name yet, so let's call her the girl in the ice coffin.

Maybe in the future, maybe now, she will get her own name - Agulola.

The blond loli girl is one of the twelve artificial ancestors created for the Holy Annihilation, and Agulola is one of them, codenamed The Enchantress' Cangbing, also known as No. 12 The fourth true ancestor - Ye Bo of Yan Guang.

The body that seals the beloved beast itself has no name, and she...will be given a name that other bodies do not have.

Representing the name of the goddess of dawn - Agurola.

In the original plot, four years before the beginning of this chapter, Xiao Yacheng, Xiao Gucheng's father, was discovered in the archeology. However, the bloodshed of the remnants of the Black Death Emperor's faction occurred afterwards, and Xiao Gucheng was killed there, because He was awakened by the call of the dead ancient city. After waking up, he was given a pair of ribs to the ancient city and made him a Servant of Blood.

But it was precisely because of Agurola's awakening that the soul of the original Fourth True Ancestor sealed in her body also woke up, escaped from the seal and possessed Nagisa.

But now, because Kanzaki Yang and Ophis had visited the camp at the archaeological site before, all the events had undergone some subtle changes.

Nangong, who was originally entrusted by Dimitri Vatra of the King of War domain to track down the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction, was a step late in that month and brought the three people from the ancient city to Genkami Island after the incident.

But now, Nangong was not a step late that month, but slipped away directly to find Ophis.

Is this......... a vampire?

At the scene, a very familiar voice came from Xiaoya City.

Ah, it is indeed a vampire. The twelfth body, known as the fourth true ancestor of the world's most powerful vampire, is also the body that preserves the original soul.

Xiao Yacheng responded subconsciously.

After responding, he discovered something was wrong.

He answered subconsciously because the voice was really familiar.

But after answering, he finally realized why he was familiar with this voice.

Because that was the voice of a person he had remembered that he must not mess with!

The voice of a loli named Ophis!


The holy city of Jerusalem.

The Ice Queen with long icy blue hair looked at the killer figure going away and squatted down slightly.

Cang Yue's hand touched the ground lightly, and intense cold air condensed in the direction of the killer.


The killer hadn't gone far when he was frozen by the cold air.

The next moment, the killer's body dissipated into the air along with all the ice shards.


Cang Yue sighed.

Sure enough, working life is not easy~

But she will definitely abide by the contract.

This is not only a matter of violating the contract that will be backlashed, but more importantly for her, it is a matter of her self-esteem.

Ah, she is indeed the Ice Saint~

A voice came from behind Cang Yue.

Hearing this voice, Cang Yue turned her head and saw the tall lady who made the voice.


Is your side of things finished as well?

Cang Yue asked calmly.

She actually didn't want to say anything more to this woman, but...after all, even as colleagues working under the same boss, they couldn't completely isolate all relationships, so it was better to respond. good.

As for the reason why she didn't want to talk to this woman - it was because she was looking for the meaning of her existence.

After the other party completed the contract, she had cut off her connection with the original world both theoretically and practically.

So, what is the meaning of her existence now?

Before, it could be said that it was for my companions, or it could be said that it was for justice.

Now... is it just for the contract and the mission?

Apart from these, she really couldn't think of anything else she could do.

What is the value of her existence?

In fact, this is a very normal phenomenon.

At least if Kanzaki Yang analyzes it, he will think it is a normal phenomenon.

The biggest reason is-the sense of gap.

In the past, she was the strongest Black Moon Cavalry and the dean of the college. She had the responsibility of protecting and fighting the enemy.

But now, she is just a so-called saint under Kanzaki Yang.

It's not a unique existence.

Of course, in terms of temperament and appearance, it is definitely true. All people are unique, but in terms of importance, at least the Dragon Saint in front of her can replace her.

When she first arrived, Elsa came to play with her.

The result is also obvious. Without using Kanzaki Yang's power, neither Cang Yue nor Elsa can do anything to each other.

This makes Cang Yue even more autistic...

There are obviously people like him, so why summon him?

Cang Yue was very confused.

Is it possible that he really just likes her for something other than her strength?

Cang Yue could only think like this.

Of course, the actual situation is that Kanzaki Yang doesn't know what he can extract.

If a frost dragon were drawn, he would happily ride it.

But if it is Cang Yue who is drawn out now... there is only another way to ride it, which is a little more troublesome. .

Chapter 218

Of course my work is done, but...what are you thinking about?

Elsa seemed to have something wrong with Cang Yue's expression, and was very interested in what she was thinking.

Do you know what I'm thinking?

Cang Yue turned her head and looked into Elsa's eyes. Was she so obvious?

Of course, after all... I have experienced so many things~

After all, I am also a person who defeated two White Dragon Emperors and then died. After that, I still spent countless years in the artifact~

Elsa said with a slight smile of amusement.

How old are you......... now?

Cang Yue was a little concerned.

If she really is someone who has experienced countless years, she should really be able to get some advice from her.

She also roughly knew about Elsa 463, and knew that she was in her current state because she was resurrected by Kanzaki Yang.

However, it is undoubtedly inappropriate to ask such a question in front of a beautiful woman like Elsa.

After hearing Cang Yue ask her age, Elsa's eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.

Age is a woman's secret~ You just need to know that I have indeed experienced a lot.

Elsa said with a smile.


She actually doesn't know how to calculate her age.

Should she use her age at the time of death, add the time she spent in the artifact, or exclude the time she slept in the artifact?

Or should we use the time that has passed since she was resurrected by Kanzaki Yang?

Of course, from her personal point of view, she must use her physical condition to calculate her age - she is 20 years old like a flower bud in full bloom~~

Looking at the age you asked me about, it seems like you are really troubled. Do you need guidance from someone with experience?

Elsa looked at Cang Yue with a smile, not frightened by Cang Yue's majesty and temperament.

If she was really scared, maybe she would be scared when Kanzaki Yang looked at her with a smile on her face, but she would not be scared by the look in the eyes of a little girl.

Ice Queen?

Just kidding, she is the strongest female Sekiryuutei who has gone through countless battles with gods and Buddhas~

No, no need.

With Cang Yue's character, she might have said it after holding it in for a long time and after both parties knew each other well.

But now that it has been exposed, she will never be able to say it.

After saying this, he was ready to leave.

She needed to think quietly to herself.

Should he just abide by the contract and live a boring life, or should he pursue something he wants to pursue.

For example - the Elsa in front of her is pursuing fighting and becoming stronger.

In fact, Cang Yue's desire to fight is far less powerful than Elsa's.

In Stealing Stars in September, she was constantly pursuing becoming stronger just because she had the need to become stronger. It was the environment that made her stronger, not her own will.

She has a powerful seventh sense when she awakens. This is not something she can decide.

After that, I just kept saving my friends and fighting against the enemy. When facing a powerful enemy, I had to keep getting stronger.

But now, it seems that nothing is necessary.

Her current contractor seems to be able to solve everything on her own, so it's normal for Cang Yue to feel confused about her own existence.

She didn't even know what the boy's upper limit was. She could only feel the majesty and mystery, omniscience and omnipotence.

Wait a minute, are you thinking about little master?

Elsa asked suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, Cang Yue's footsteps stopped, which made her further confirm her thoughts.

Little Master, is what she calls Yang Kanzaki without permission.

Of course Kanzaki Yang had never asked her to do this, she just called it that out of her own taste.

You are really thinking about this kind of thing~ Are you thinking about why the little master summoned you here?

Elsa asked teasingly.

But there is an interesting thing, and Elsa will not give it up so easily~

... Cang Yue said nothing, acquiescing to this fact.

Actually, I might know some reasons~

Elsa said with a smile.

what reason?

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