What Ma Yin said is that we should collect more intelligence at this stage.

Based on the fact that the people we asked before had no doubts about our arrival, it can be basically proved that the Bibles in other people's hands should not have this function.

However, for this kind of matter, you still need to get good information before making a decision.

Chitong took a gentle breath.

It has to be said that the smell of the air around this young man seems to be subtly different from before.

What...what information? Hill also agreed with Chitong's opinion, but she didn't seem to know exactly what it was. She just wanted to trust her partner.

In addition to Hill, is there anyone else who also owns the content of this book in your hand? Idiot!

Before Ma Yin could completely return the Bible, she hit Hill hard on the head, instantly making Hill crouch down with his head in his hands.

Okay, okay...I understand...

Hill said a little aggrievedly.

The matter was settled like this. Chitong was in a team, and Ma Yin and Hill were in a team to gather information.

Kanzaki Yang was not idle at this time either.

He began to study the function of the divine marrow.

In the different world of Disbod, which is the world where Tetu is located, there is a magic system called the Elf Corridor.

The Elf Corridor is similar to a magic circuit, in which elves swim. Gods are born from the Elf Corridor. Gods are a concept born from faith, and have their origin, which is the [Divine Essence].

New gods will continue to be born and dormant in the Elf Corridor. I don’t know whether several gods or one god created the [Star Cup]. [Star Cup] is a conceptual device set by the gods to limit the existence of [God] to one person. Will appear before the most powerful force on the planet.

Of course, there are also some species of gods that existed before the birth of humans.

For example, a suspicious god of unknown age actually has an independent concept for each god species.

For example, the forest god Kainus, the existence of the forest enhanced his concept, and finally allowed him to obtain the essence of the god.

The existence of human beings has only created certain special gods, such as Artho, the God of War.

The marrow was born because of human beings after all. It was born because of the planet...

The young man made an extremely simple decision.


Didn't get an answer.

It seems that neither side is the right answer.

Or...both are correct answers. .

Chapter 216

Bloodthirsty attacks the world.

Orpheus returned to the world after wandering for a period of time.

Although the Dragon Eater has now been killed, and all the gods have signed contracts with Kanzaki Yang to a certain extent, and no one is actually a threat to Ophis, she still likes to visit various worlds. .

after all.............

She had been in that world for too long.

Soon, she found the coordinates of the person she was looking for in this world - Akatsuki Sa.

As for how you got it?

It's simple... just ask her contractor.

After all, Kanzaki Yo has reincarnated Akatsuki Sa and recorded Akatsuki's personal information. At the same time, as a dependent of Kanzaki Yo, his whereabouts are also engraved in the red ball of the Ark.

Akatsuki Sa can now act with confidence. With a backup of her body data, Akatsuki can be saved as long as she is not destroyed physically and mentally.

After getting the coordinates from Kanzaki Yo, Ophis went straight to Akatsuki Sa's location.

It seems...it's not that far away from the last time...

Ophis looked into the distance, and then disappeared into a streak of smoke.

Just after Ophis disappeared, the coordinates where she was just flashed with a burst of purple space magic circle light.

A gothic lolita who held a parasol at night walked out of it.

She is quite famous all over the world.

People generally call her - the witch of the gap!

Nangong walked to the place where Ophis passed that month and carefully used magic to detect whether there was anything left.

If I feel it correctly, it was indeed the scent of the young girl I met before.

Nangong Nayue frowned tightly.

This time she was invited by the King of War Realm to deal with the Black Death Emperor Faction. She didn't expect to meet the strange little girl she had met before.

After feeling the little girl's aura, she instantly lost the mood to deal with the matter in her hands and came directly over.

Did you leave?

Nangong Nayue had indeed felt the fluctuations in space just now, so he approached here as soon as possible.

However, it seems that that person left before she arrived?

If we take advantage of now, maybe we can still find it!

Nangong Nayue felt that she had no time to hesitate. If she hesitated any longer, the little girl might wander off to somewhere.

After she went back last time, she conducted a comprehensive search based on the information about the boy and the girl.

The result is...not even the slightest news related to them! It's like two people appeared out of thin air!

But how is that possible? How could such a powerful person not have any records in the world?

No matter how bad she is, she can still compete with the True Ancestor for a short time. In other words, the opponent definitely has the ability of the True Ancestor level or even above the True Ancestor level!

In addition, it seems to have the ability to take away other people's abilities. How can such an existence remain unknown?

But that really seems to be the case...

Since no information was found, Nangong had to give up temporarily in that month.

And now that we have met him again, there must be no reason to let him go again.

It seems that she only looks like the little girl. Although the little girl should also have strange abilities, she should not be as powerful as the boy.

It would be great if we could find out some information.

This is what Nangong thought in that month.

It should...not be the True Ancestor of the Vampire, right?

That boy is the true ancestor of the vampire - this is one of the situations Nangong Nayue least wants to see.

I finally met a strong person at the level of the True Ancestor of Vampires, and he is not one of the existing True Ancestors of Vampires. This person might be one of the forces changing the world now. If he is still the True Ancestor of Vampires... .......

Then humans are a bit too pathetic......

Although Nangong Nayue has already accepted the reality of this world as a witch and a teacher.

However, if there is a real opportunity to change, who wouldn’t want to change?

After letting out a sigh, accompanied by a flash of purple light, Nangong Nayue's figure disappeared from the place.


at the same time.

In a ruins.

The girl in miko uniform shook her head dissatisfied.

As expected, Kiaki-kun, did you ask me to wear this kind of clothes just for this kind of thing?

Yagi-kun is really interested in this kind of thing! ~~

Nagisa-chan~~ Just think of it as helping dad for the last time... okay? Just once?

Xiaoyacheng begged for his daughter without any sign of fatherhood.

Although her daughter usually acted like a housekeeper and was indeed very strong in some aspects, this was the first time that he was so passive.

In fact, both he and Akatsuki Nagisa knew this reason very well.

That is... Akatsuki Nagisa may no longer be his daughter in terms of blood relationship.

She accepted the transformation from the mysterious boy and got the chance to be reincarnated.

After reincarnation, it was indeed as the mysterious boy said, not reincarnation as a vampire or anything like that.

However, whether she is reincarnated into a vampire or into the same race as that boy, one problem cannot be avoided - her bloodline has indeed changed.

From a different physical point of view, Akisa Nagisa may no longer be able to say that she is not a parent.

Of course, given Akatsuki Sa's character, he would definitely not do anything different from before.

Yagi-kun is still Yagi-kun, and Shenmori-chan is still Shenmori-chan. When they get along with each other, they won't be much different from usual.

But it's different in Xiaoya City.

He was very happy that his daughter could have a longer life span, and he was also happy that she did not become a vampire because of it.

However, there are indeed changes.

He has always been guilty of his previous actions, so when facing Akatsuki Nagisa, it is impossible for him to make any demands as a father.

At this time, he asked his daughter to use the witch's talent.

The Fourth True Ancestor, the True Ancestor who changes the world, may be able to start a world war or establish a new Empire of Night. Such an existence cannot fall into the hands of ambitious people.

There isn't much he can do.

But.........I still have to try it after all.

.々Gajo-kun, just once~~Qi

Faced with her father's request, Akatsuki Sa finally nodded.

Although this father is a bastard, he is still her father. A normal daughter would feel uncomfortable having a father show such a posture and attitude.

Okay, okay, thank you Nagisa-chan~

Xiaoya City breathed a sigh of relief, now it was just the last step, nothing could go wrong.

At least this time, just do it...

Chapter 217

With both Akatsukisa and Akatsuki having a slightly complicated mood, the ceremony began.

The reason why Akatsuki Nagisa is complicated is not only the reasons mentioned before, but also the reason why his own mentality change is not smooth.

After transforming into an immortal species, you will forget about watching your parents pass away, and you will also watch your friends, your brother, and other people who do not have the ability to live forever pass away.

After thinking for a long time, Akatsukisa came to this conclusion and felt a little autistic.

This may be a kind of luxurious worry. It is clear that what you get is something that many people can't even dream of, but after you get it, you have more worries.

After Kijiro-kun and Fumori-chan pass away, will you have to live with that big brother?

While performing the miko's ritual, an image of a certain person appeared in Akatsuki's mind.

That was a glorious young man, the one who gave her new life, and maybe... the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

If it were him, he shouldn't pass away in the following days, right?

But.........if we continue to live like this, does it count as the relationship between husband and wife?

While performing visions and prayers, Akatsuki Nagisa had this extremely subtle thought in his mind.

It was definitely not possible for 460 to do this in the past. When praying and spiritual vision, you need to devote yourself wholeheartedly.

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