What is this talking about? Isn't it just like an ordinary sect?

Ma Yin complained while watching. It seemed that she had also read some books from other sects.

Ma Yin, keep reading.

Chitong reminded that she had already seen the content behind Ma Yin's rant, and couldn't help but feel palpitations.

[He bestows favors on believers during the day, travels around the world at night, and bestows believers with things they recognize. 】

[Look, if the miracle of redemption is the Lord’s tempering, then his existence is the Lord’s greatest gift to the world. 】

Why does this incident sound familiar to me?

Ma Yin finally realized something was wrong.

this incident...........

Siel, you told us before that there is a young man in the Jerusalem Church who has been distributing holy crosses to believers, right?

Ma Yin suddenly turned her head and asked.

Yes, that's it.

Hill replied quietly, and then glanced quietly in the direction of Kanzaki Yang.

In other words, did everything in the New Testament really happen?!

Ma Yin realized this, and Chi Tong nodded solemnly.

Of course, they will not believe it easily because of this, and they still have to continue reading the book.

But the more she looked, the more she realized something was wrong.

[Don’t believe him. Before he comes, no one can ascend to heaven, and all souls wander in the world. 】

[After his arrival, the Holy Light will guide those who believe in the Lord, and all those who believe in the Lord will reach that realm. 】

This thing seems to be the same as what we heard before we came here!

When Ma Yin and his party went to this stronghold, they also took the opportunity to inquire about some news. Some news was now spreading wildly within the sphere of influence of the Holy Religion, and even within the sphere of influence of the empire!

This has never happened before - the soul of the deceased ascended to heaven! Under the guidance of the Bible, it ascended to heaven! He ascended to heaven just as the Bible describes!

Could it be that the gods of the Holy Religion really exist?

At this time, even Chitong's determined mind could no longer hold on.

These are indeed things that happened...

If they had seen the scene of souls ascending to heaven before, they would probably be even more unable to support it, right?


[He is the child of the Lord and the agent of the Lord in the world. As long as he exists, the Lord will always watch over all things. 】

Behold, the Lord will send the angel of the Lord before you to prepare the way.

[A voice cried out in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight...]

Hill, does the prologue mean that it is precisely because the Holy Son is in this world that he has brought such changes to this world?

Ma Yin read it very engrossedly, and she felt a bit like a junior believer.

Well...it seems to be true. I know everyone's thoughts from the Bible. It seems that this is the case throughout the empire.

Hill showed special abilities because of the purity of his soul.

After Kanzaki Yang found out, she did not have the authority to prohibit Hill from doing this, so she could still do this kind of thing.

Do you think this last sentence is a little strange?

Hill asked again?

Ma Yin really didn't notice the meaning of the last sentence, so she quickly started to study it again.

[He is the Holy Son, born between heaven and earth, between mountains, rivers, people, and between heaven and hell. 】

[The day when all sentient beings are saved is the moment when he reaches the end. 】

The Son has come...and the place of His coming is this place...

Chitong gave a simple and clear explanation.

And this guy we met... ...almost fit that perfectly.

Chitong recalled the scene at that time.

Born between heaven and earth, using the earth as a mat, using the sky as a quilt, and just existing quietly in that place, it can indeed be explained this way.

Born among mountains and rivers, they indeed met the boy on the path beside the mountains.

Born between rivers, they also found water sources around the mountains.

Born among the crowd - no matter whether someone discovered it earlier or not, at least they should have been among the so-called crowd when they discovered it.

Being born between heaven and hell is better explained.

According to biblical teachings, the human world is sandwiched between heaven and hell, and being born between heaven and hell symbolizes the birth of the Son.

Hill, is this what you want to say?

Chi Tong looked at the young man solemnly, and sure enough... this young man was not a different person.

But this is too unusual, right?

When he thought that he had actually carried the so-called Holy Son in this posture, Chitong's face turned pink for a while.

Chitong, this is indeed what I want to say.

But what's more important is the content of the first chapter.

Hill reminded. .

Chapter 215

This is the content of the prologue, what should have happened.

But.........the content of the first chapter is what really makes people question life!

What's in the first chapter?

Ma Yin hurriedly turned over the pages. She also became very interested in the contents of the Bible.

[Chapter 1 - The Story of the Coming]

[There was a cool breeze. In such weather, the Holy Son lay on his side among the mountains and rivers. 】

[After a while, the birds came to him and wanted to wake him up with their songs. The mountains and rivers moved, emitting the rhythm of awakening. 】

[The beasts roared softly to express their respect. The trees and grass came to life because of his presence, but they could not wake up the person they awakened. 】

[The birds and beasts came to the Holy Son, waking him up from his sleep, hoping to lead him to the Holy Land. 】

[This is, three people came, they were all women, but I don’t know if they came from afar or if they found the Holy Son nearby, they took the Holy Son away. 】

[Surrounded by mountains and rivers, and amidst the running of birds and beasts, the figure of the Holy Son gradually moves away. 】

[Whether he wakes up or not, the Son will accomplish what he wants to accomplish. 】


Ma Yin read the book suspiciously, and she finally understood why Hill asked them to read this book.


Ma Yin was speechless for a moment.

“Has everything we experienced been recorded here?”

Chitong said it directly.

She finally understood that this thing... recorded what they had experienced!

No, to be precise, it should record what the Holy Son has experienced, and they are just passers-by in the book.

She now fully believes that this young man is the so-called Holy Son. Otherwise, how could such a miracle happen?

It would be okay if this world was a world with scientific values, but it’s not~

In such a world, it is really much easier to gain faith than in a world that has already been baptized by faith.

Not to mention the dungeon world, where it is almost impossible to establish an effective belief system.

So what if you are a god? The gods have come down to earth to live with mortals. If you, a god, don't want to put down your arrogance, go back to the divine world by yourself.

But in this world... Just look at the reactions of Ma Yin and Chi Tong.

What should we do now?

Ma Yin asked Chi Tong hesitantly.

She was a little undecided now.

If he is really the Son of God, he should be a great figure in the Holy Religion, and he should also be connected to the gods.

Well, there is actually a method to awaken the Holy Son behind~

Hill reminded carefully.

Of course she was so hesitant after reading it first, and then showed it to Chi Tong and Ma Yin.


Chitong and Ma Yin quickly turned the page.

So far it has been exactly the same as what they have experienced, so what will happen next?

They were very curious.

[They took the Holy Son out of the mountains and into the crowd. 】

[They collect licorice liquid, morning dew, virgin blood, the most beautiful feathers of big birds, the sharpest teeth of wild beasts, the purest blood of the earth...]

[Offering feathers, teeth and the blood of the earth, they mixed licorice liquid, dew and virgin blood, and the Holy Son took it in his mouth. After feeling the existence of all things, he opened his eyes and looked at the world. 】


Here is the latest content of the first chapter of the New Testament.

No matter how much you turn after that, you won’t find any new content.


Chitong breathed a long sigh of relief.

What should you do at this time?

Hill, do you mean that the Bible is not only a book that reveals the past and reaches the present, but it is also a book that guides the future?

Chitong finally understood why Hill showed it to them.

No one can be calm about such a thing~~

Yes, that's it. Since this book says that this method is used to revive the Holy Son, shouldn't we try it?

Hill offered his opinion.

There is a need to try, but not now.

Ma Yin closed the Bible in her hand and said while returning it to Hill.


Hill asked very strangely.

Is it that Chitong and the others don’t believe what’s in the Bible? But obviously such magical things have already happened...

What I mean is that we should go outside to gather information first and see if other people's Bibles are the same as Mayin's.

Ma Yin explained.

Hill, do you know how serious the consequences would be if everyone had a book in their hands that could predict the future?

Ma Yin reminded Hill seriously.

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