Because...if she doesn't think about this kind of thing anymore, she feels like her whole body will become strange.


[After watching the video of Half Buddha, I broke my guard]

[Where is the way forward...].

Chapter 213

At the same time, the boy also got what he wanted.

【Ding! 】

【Open the purple treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - Divine Essence (Remnant)! 】

[Divine Essence (Incomplete): The incomplete Divine Essence is the core of power of the gods in the game life world. It is not only incomplete due to some reasons, but it still has immeasurable value. 】

[The God of War Artho is a species of god who feeds on hatred, fighting spirit, malice and blood.

He was also the most powerful god during the war and was known as the God of War. Created one of the top gods-killing soldiers, the Flügel. In fact, until the end of the war, no strong man appeared on par with him.

Therefore, he had no premonition of imminent defeat.

The ultimate move is to gather all the Flügel's Sky Strikes into one bundle of Divine Strikes. At the end of the war, all the troops and armors are put into battle.

But in the end, Aitsuhi succeeded in stripping away its essence and disappeared.

The article does not indicate that it is death, but that all species of gods can exist as long as they have divine marrow, and they cannot exist without it. All the power from the divine strike bounced back to himself, leading to defeat.


This a bit interesting~

The young man's joking and playful mood became a little more excited because of this sudden reward.

You can imagine the quality of the reward that makes him excited.

Let's merge~

The young man is looking forward to what effect this kind of thing will produce after being fused.

【Ding! ~~]

【Fusion begins! 】

Following the sound of the system, an inexplicable light flashed around the boy.

With the fusion of divine marrow, Chitong and others also discovered this strange phenomenon.

The young man's body released little bits of golden light, looking full of vitality and sanctity.

Just looking at it makes people want to get close and want to touch it but they don't dare to touch it.

Although the divine essence has brought about considerable changes in him now, it is obvious that the help will be even greater in the future!

At the same time, Ma Yin noticed something was wrong!




Everything around has changed!

The number around them grew rapidly, and countless birds flew over from nowhere and hovered above their heads.

There were waves of dangerous roars coming from the jungle, not the kind of roar that was the prelude to a growling attack, but the kind of gentle roar like a pet.

The river made a cheerful flow, and the birds in the sky seemed to be singing...

Not normal, absolutely not normal!

At this time, everyone noticed that this young man was extraordinary.

There is no doubt that these changes cannot be caused by them. No matter how you look at it, it is because the boy's body emits a golden light, so it is correct to say that there are such changes!

Well, Chitong, are we going to Jerusalem like this? Isn't it a little too ostentatious?

Even Ma Yin couldn't stand it any longer. She had never seen such a battle before! ~~

That's right, this person is really weird.

Chitong is also very troubled. What is going on? There's no way this is a way to kill someone, right?

No, with our status it is absolutely impossible to enter Jerusalem like this, so let's stay somewhere else first!

Chitong finally made such a decision.

If there is really no other way, the boy will be left to others to settle first, and then they can sneak into Jerusalem to carry out their mission.

That's the only way to do it.

Ma Yin sighed, what is this all about~~ She felt that she really didn't understand it.

Could this be some kind of Teigu's power? But she really doesn't understand what this power does?

in this situation...........

Hill has no idea of ​​participating in the decision between Chitong and Ma Yin, because she is usually clumsy, and she also believes in the decisions of her partners, so most things are left to her partners to handle at this time.

What she was more concerned about was that she seemed to have seen such a situation somewhere!

It seems to be what's in the Bible?

Hill took out his Bible and read the contents carefully while the horse was jolting.

However, when she opened her Bible, she discovered something different from others.

Of course, she still doesn’t know that her Bible is subtly different from other people’s Bibles. She just thinks that this is a normal update of the Bible.

New Testament...Chapter 1...

Hill began to read it word for word.

Others' content only reaches the prologue of the New Testament, but hers has been updated to the first chapter.


· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

In a random temporary stronghold, Chitong gently put the boy down.

Fortunately, it seems that as time goes by, the effect of creating things around us is getting weaker and weaker. Now it has basically no effect. It just makes the surrounding plants more prosperous.

Seeing this situation, Chitong also let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, it seems that he can carry this person with him forever?

Chitong was not aware of the subtle changes in her mood for the time being. This was her first thought.

It wasn't until after a while that she finally reacted.

Why...why do I have such thoughts? Could it be that he has the kind of Teigu that can control other people's minds?

Um, Chitong, Ma Yin, I seem to have discovered something incredible.

While Chitong was thinking about some messy things, Hill's anxious voice came from behind her, which distracted her attention.

.......... 0

What's wrong? Hill, what happened? However, Chitong was not angry either, and she certainly would not be angry towards her companions.

Hill, could it be that you messed up something again?

Ma Yin also said sadly.

As Hill's partner, she knew very well what talent Hill had in messing up things.

After listening to Ma Yin's words, even Hill was a little dissatisfied.

Although she usually causes a lot of trouble for everyone, but this time she really has something important to do, okay?

Ma Yin, and Chi Tong, I want you to read this book.

Hill took out his Bible and said in a very serious tone.

Of course, her seriousness is just what she thinks she is serious. In fact, in the eyes of Chitong and Ma Yin, she is still the soft and cute Hill.

This is...a Bible? A Bible that only believers of the Holy Religion have. Why do you want to show us this, Hill?

Ma Yin asked very strangely.

It’s impossible for Hill to want to grow his congregation, right?

A drop of cold sweat dropped from Ma Yin's head.

She believed that if she used Hill's expressive ability to develop the congregation, things would definitely be messed up.

However, fortunately, Hill told them first so that they could have some room to persuade Hill.

She was wondering how to get Hill to give up this idea.

However, what Hill did next proved herself.

She——Actually, she is not the same Hill who always caused trouble to her friends! ~Knife.

Chapter 214

You will know after reading this book. I...I don't know how to explain it. Hill made the simplest and most direct, but also the most useful choice.

Okay, okay~~ Hill, where are you looking specifically? Just take a look, right?

Chitong sighed, but she still wanted to believe Hill.

Trusting her partners is one of her best qualities.

Yeah! Chitong, this is it!

Hill kept flipping through the book. Perhaps because of her clumsiness, she never reached a new chapter in the Bible.

Really! I'll do it!

Ma Yin couldn't stand it anymore. After all, it was just those newly engraved words, right? They had seen it before when they were on their way, so it should be on the latest page.

Soon, Ma Yin turned to the latest page and saw those golden words - New Testament.

New Testament?... Hill, if these 460 books contain the New Testament, does that mean there is also the Old Testament?

Ma Yin asked very strangely.

Why should one book carry the content of two books?

Yes! There are indeed two books. The Old Testament tells the story of the Lord, but the New Testament... I guess it should tell the story of the Son, right?

Hill hesitated for a moment and said.


Ma Yin tilted her head.

Sorry, a non-believer like her really doesn’t know what the so-called Lord and Son are.

She had occasionally heard of the Lord, who seemed to be the highest god believed in by the Holy Religion, but this Holy Son...she had really never heard of it.

But Ma Yin thinks it's normal that she hasn't heard of it. After all, Hill said that this character seems to be a character who only appeared in the New Testament?

In other words, it was engraved with words not long ago, so it was completely normal that she didn't know.'d better take a look, I don't know how to explain it.

Hill wanted to tell the conclusion directly, but she didn't dare to be so decisive when it came to the Holy Son, so she asked Chitong and Hill.

Okay, okay~~

Ma Yin reluctantly opened the prologue of the New Testament and began to read it with Chitong.

【In order to save the world, the Lord sent him. 】

[He is the spokesperson of the Lord in the world. All of you and everything are where he is and are the existence that he wants to redeem. 】

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